/plg/ - powerlifting general

welcome to plg - powerlifting general
>us open hype edition

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Im definitely buying the stream

in pounds, i can bench 230 3x8, 250 3x6, 270 3x3. does that ratio seem bad?

Pls be stone

xD i know i didnt have to specify because there's no way that it would be in kg's and pounds is the only thing that makes sense in the context but xD i did anyeways

breh, its pathetic how into politics I've gotten recently. The last 2 years have been rediculous. I've become the moderate/centrist Libertarian of pic related

Kek, try being a poli sci major at a liberal school when you hold conservative views. My entire day is clawing at lefty cunts, it's made me love politics so much more. So excited to work in a congressional office where my views are actually held by others as well.

Gonna ask here since Veeky Forums and qtddtot have never once given me a useful response...

I've never been able to deadlift without low back pain and it only manifests pain an hour or so after. Never hurts when lifting so it's really hard to tell what's wrong. But it hurts like a bitch for up to a week after.

I feel like the solutions to this problem are easy to understand and check for: don't round low back, brace core and keep a neutral low back. These are pretty much the only solutions I've ever seen and you'd have to be completely brain dead to not know what a straight back looks like and how to breath to brace properly.

I've been attempting to deadlift off and on for the past year and have made absolutely zero headway into solving this issue. I don't have a form video to post but when I did the responses I got were utterly useless, combined with the fact I have been relentlessly studying deadlift form I can't imagine solving anything this way even if I did.

I pretty much have the internet and practice as the only tools available to me to learn to deadlift. Seeing a trainer or a doctor isn't an option. Note that my lower back is fine if I just don't deadlift ever.

I really want to deadlift tho. Any unheard of trick you might want to share that could help someone as hopeless as me? If I could convey to you the lengths I've gone to to learn deadlifting I feel you wouldn't give me a canned response. I've read every guide and watched every form video. I have all the time in the world to study and practice with the limitation of the confines of my own home. Even deadlifting 1plate causes some mild pain later on which makes it impossible to troubleshoot form so I'm really at a loss here.

you might be aggravating something

>Seeing a trainer or a doctor isn't an option.
come on dude dont be one of those

I honestly cant help without a video. Im willing to bet you either cant differentiate between pain and doms or you cant brace. Bracing is more complicated than you think

what are you guys training today

I don't dispute bracing could be my issue but then this raises numerous questions such as:

>why don't I experience any pain DURING the deadlift?
>I've tried every breathing technique under the sun, breath into your balls, breath deep, only breeth in a comfortable amount, flex abs as hard ad humanely possible, maintain breath through the entire lift, setup at top, setup at bottom, with and without a belt, deloaded down to 1plate

it's not and as far as a doctor goes there advice was to stop doing it. if your solution is see a trainer your advice is useless to me.

how long does that take you

Look uo chris duffin bracing on youtube. Watch that video, practice bracing and report back

Would there be any benefit to benching light like 50% for 3x5 on my lower body days.

Trying to think of ways to add volume but without affecting my recovery.

I watched his video months ago already. Didn't help.

I'll report back when I'm done. expecting like 2-2.5 hours.

>9 sets of deadlifts
>21 sets of bench


Cant you blast the bench out back to back, 90% of it are just warmups.

> l o l f e d s


Love that sheiko brah - im on sheiko 3 day above 80kg bw. Did 190kgx7 highbar squats without any equipment yesterday, on week 5 day 1.
Felt fucking great. (y)

me from above.
How long does it take you to finish that training day? and what sheiko is it? 31??

190kg for 7 jezuz, what is your max like.

Max is 270kg lowbar squat, from 2 months ago when i was 20 years old.


Are you on roids?

How are you so strong?

pull your back tight you stupid retard
i can garantuee you that you just trying to keep your back flat and not pulling your lats tight at all
your nothing special or anyhing or medical phenomenon

nope no roids - just dedicated for the last 6 years, with good progression. No coaching though, even though i very much would like one. Ive basically just done cookie cutter programs like candito's 6 week program, sheiko, stuff like that.

Do you compete your probably the one of strongest guys on here.

What BW?

Yeah ive done strongman, and im going for my first national competition the 29th this month - my squat is 15kg above the national record, so yeah its going great actually. Food and training can take you a long way.

Well, that really depends - but i like staying between 100kg and 120kg. The most I've ever bulked up to is 127kg, at a height of 175cm.

120kg at 5ft8 Jesus Christ,you are a freak of nature.

Right, I have never read nor applied this form cue before. Silly me, what was I thinking? I just had to lock down my lats is all. All this time and researching and practicing it was the most basic form cue I just was too retarded to do because ya know tightening lats is the solution that I'm too retarded to do. Thanks man!

Thanks, not even kidding, fuck normal, really.
Im closing in at a 300kg squat naturally, and also 140kg strict ohp is not even that far away, im at 120kg now. But thanks man.

mirin desu.

Holy fuck and here I am at 70kg/170cm. Are you sure you still qualify as human at this point?

shoo shoo snowflake
no one can help you because for all we know you are really fucking up your deadlifts
and no we cant take your word on it that you are doing everything perfect

If I'm so inept so as to be incapable of seeing what a tight back looks like, what on god's blue earth makes you think you can make my eye's work any better? At that rate even if I actually did have an issue and you told me exactly what it was, by your logic, I'd be incapable of applying it. The only snowflake here is you thinking these common form cues are beyond anybody's ability to graps; they're not and they don't work for me.

>they're not and they don't work for me.
so you are a self admitted snowflake
why do you seem so offended by calling

> I'd be incapable of applying it.
obviously given the current dilemma

>If I'm so inept so as to be incapable of seeing what a tight back looks like
if you dont want to help others help you then what do you want?

Why would I want advice from a person who can't read a basic sentence properly? Why would I take advice from someone who first insists I'm too retarded to follow basic advice in order to enforce said advice? Why would I want advice from a person who's too dense to parse the gross contradiction in their logic? You gonna tell me how big your lifts are now to reinforce your blatant lack of a brain?

ok snowflake

Ok Sean

point out
>the gross contradiction in their logic

>Why would I want advice
why would you even think we are desperate to give you advice?

Rough rule based on the Brzycki and Baechle formulae is that each extra rep is about -3% additive. So your 6RM is about 6% higher than your 8RM, etc. How that works with sets across is anybody's guess but why not assume it's good? You can use that estimate for a rough guess of %1RM for any RM from 3-10 reps and not be TOO far off for MOST people, but individuals vary.

Based on that, the 3x8x230 is maybe 5lbs light compared to the 3x6x250, and the 3x3x270 is maybe 2.5lbs light compared to that rough rule. So ... right on target I'd say.

I asked in my first post if there were any unheard of tricks that ya know maybe you had that helped you in a situation like me. Not basic form cues that I literally stated in my own post. Yet here you are, repeating them for no reason. This place is worse than the fit main page. Fuck it I'm outta here.

Almost all 5/3/1 suck because it's a ripoff of BFS and he took all the good shit out of it when he ripped it off. He lightened it so much that it became "accessory lifts: the program" and then he had to add crap like joker sets and first set last and shit to fix what he fucked up.

This is closer to the spirit of BFS and easy to manage.

Pick SIX movements. TWO MAIN LIFTS a workout day. Squat and Bench, Deadlift and Press, Front Squat and Close Grip Bench are good.

Track each week separately. No bullshit percentages. Just good honest progression.

Week 1, 3x3. Do as sets across, Rippetoe style. Max reps last set.
Week 2, 5x5. Sets across. Do 3x5 if you're short on time. Max reps last set.
Week 3, 5-3-1. Ramp them 80% 90% 100% of target. So 5x400, 3x450, 1+x500.
Week 4, 10-8-6. No stupid deload. No skipping this week so Wendler doesn't get sued by BFS. Ramp them 80-90-100.

Pick another six or nine accessory lifts. Do 1/3rd of them each day. 2x10. All should be compounds. DB presses and benches, rows, chins, dips, illegal bench, etc.

>I asked in my first post if there were any unheard of tricks
you mean the one secret trick powerlifters ont want you to know about?

yeah you would be best fucking off smart man

Nah more like a last ditch effort since nothing else worked but here I find this place is less mature and more autistic than a bunch of sip and brap posting memeing retards.

Have you maybe tried like you know deadlift through pain? If not please give it a try you're not gonna snap shit with your baby weights anyway.

>Not gonna snap shit up with baby weight
Yes you can
t. Disc bulge from 145 lb deadlift

> Fuck it I'm outta here.
>still here

You gonna tell me how big your brain is now to reinforce your blatant lack of ability to do a basic human movement?
eh smart man?

That's exactly what I do but I'm at the end of my rope. Real life exacerbates the pain too much and I know it's not normal because any other lift I'm good at just makes me stronger and feel good.

well tbf everything to take this retard out of Veeky Forums maybe once he snaps his back he will be paralyzed and unable to post

How many days out from the meet lad?

12 days, testing openers tomorrow. Hopefully 360/310/440 will look pretty gud.

Lmao @ that bench to squat ratio. Good luck lad, what are you shooting for at the meet?


ayy really
i remember you saying you were thinking about doing one, didnt think it was so close

wishing you an injury free 12 days lad

what about a stream?

Today I did
CGBP 5x5
Power clean and strict press 5x5
Power clean and push press 3x3
Pull-ups 3x5
Hammer curls 3x10, 1 set of 21s
(I never get any pump doing hammer curls, why???)

What should I do tomorrow?

I did all my favourite lifts already :-[

> blatant lack of ability to do a basic human movement
yeah cause your job had you picking up a straight barbell and setting it down all day, right? lol i never lift anything heavy from that half cocked position. if i were lifting any object in excess of 200 lbs i'd be relying heavily on force, momentum and asymmetry along with strength to get the object up as that would allow me to utilize far more muscles than what's optimal for picking up a straighr barbell that has a perfect center of mass and perfectly symmetrical shape.

Thanks mang. I don't think there's gonna be one. I'll be sure to get myself filmed though.

Good shit. We would have around the same numbers if it werenr for that bench. Its legit 100lbs more than mine.

>You have to be paid to do it for a living for something to be a basic human movement
LMAO he is just so smart guys, i cant deal with this much smarts

>fuck it im out of here
So was that just an empty threat for us to beg the very smart user to stay? LMAO

>we would be the same strength if you werent stronger than me
made me kek lad

I want to do grip work at the end of every workout to help my grip strength for diddys and forearm size.

Is it better to do static holds from pins or hang from a pull-up bar with weight?

Law of specificity would say static holds

workout took me like 2 hours 15 minutes. left pec feels like it's going to explode.

I thought you were doing spotoshot for bench?

I was for like a week and then I realized how piss weak I had gotten so now I'm just doing da sheiko with severely deflated max

>when you deadlift a weight like shit a few days after you squat more than that weight for 2

what is this SHIT

wow you actually almost fixed your lifts
pretty cool

how is bench going these days lad?

Does sumo feel any better?

Gotcha, are you diddleing on sheiko or doing your ssb and never deadlift programming

shit. soon itll be summer and I'll have a liftoff again though.

You seem to have the build for it. It's strange you're so shit at squats and deads

1 month lifting piss weak newbie here, why is my squat and bench significantly weaker than my deadlift? S 35kg / B 35kg / DL 85kg

Do I just have girl legs or something

you are just weak as fuck
keep lifting, a month is nothing

People who use snowflake as an insult are themselves perpetually assblasted faggots, 100% of the time.

where is the insult
he himself is saying he is a snowflake

Power cleans and clean pulls where they're all below the knee

I'm honestly not sure what below the knee means (if that's where I pull from or wherever) but I guess I'll have to ask my coach

doing the sheiko 100% as written now.

I would guess it means start with the bar right below your meniscus, but I'm not your coach so I can't say.

>doing sheiko as written

no fun allowed

Thats why you say fuck sheiko and run project momentum

Guys so I found paradise. I had no I really I lived right next the Brewhouse barbell. This is where Blaine Sumner trains. I think I'm gonna end up being part of the Brewhouse team cause they asked me to record these for them.


>when they find out youre a drugaroo

You're deadlift a shit m8

They compete strictly USPA for the most part.

I'm dealing with a strained groin right now. I've pulled 545x4.

>i-i-i-m injured th-thats why!

classic go to excuse KEK

>when deadlifts finally feel good a week before testing


The difference in size between a super and a 120kg is ridiculous. MIke looks tiny here but i am sure he would look huge in person.

Tbh kelly is outangling mike but you're right he probably has 50+ kgs on him

How much does leg drive help on bench?

I never really understood what it meant till now, have yet to try it on my bench.

the guy on the right is 120kg?

holy shit

one of his calves is massive compared to the other