What's the best routine to train for flying on United?


This isn't /pol/ or any other retarded containment board. Fuck off.

It is though.

Get in the minivan sweetie, mommy's all ready to go and pick up your frie... I mean, your comrades for your big day at the Antifa rally?

What does the fact that united assulted one of their passangers have to do with politics? Also

>implaying pol has not spread thier influence everywhere.

I've noticed a few threads about air travel. Has something happened? I don't watch the news.

United assulted a passanger becouse they overbooked their flight. They where looking for a volunteer to get off the plane. When no one excepted their offer they pulled this asian guy off.

Something about Trump allowing cruiser ships to deploy to the Korean peninsula. I doubt shit will go down

>United assulted a passanger becouse they overbooked their flight.
No, the Air Mashalls "physically corrected" the situation. Don't try to bend facts, user, don't post fake news

United wanted some dude to unass his seat so that they could put one of their own workers there.

Little Asian doctor dude wasn't having that shit and told them to eat a dick. THREE FULLY ARMED NIGGAS JUMPED him and yanked him out of the seat and dragged him while he tried to fight him off. NOBODY had old boy back.
He ended up with some brain injury because of it.