I'll start:
Good, better perfect
Describe this ass with three words
"oh, sorry user! I didn't see you there hehe :)"
that cheeky :) got me fuck you user
Is this the new shitposting trend of the month? Flabposting?
"It's a dude"
What the fuck is flabposting? A new meme?
The name I came up with for this brand of shitposting, there's sip-posting and scoop-posting, now there's flabposting (because the ass is flabby). Seen a couple more threads like this. Hopefully the meme dies soon.
I hope you didn't just call OP girl's butt flabby. You just mean a shitty meme, right?
It is flabby though
Bad trolling/bait/whatever.
Or are you just insane?
OP I can usually see an ass and then identify the celebrity that has it. Would this happen to be Sara jean under woods magnificent ass?
No, but at least you're not a flab troll so I welcome your post.
white girls never have a decent ass
Who is the person that has that magnificent ass? I must fap
T. Implant-having fat nigger lover
Flat flat flat
I think it has a nice curve to it, but these days all butts which aren't a big bubble are considered flat.
What does it feel like
More like flab.
Not Veeky Forums related
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