Lame Gym Attire

I see at least 2 of these a day, those gay shirts that say "TRAINING TO BEAT VEGETA" or those shirts that say "IMPERIAL GUARD" or some star wars shit.

When i see a shirt with Vegeta or some shit on it, its a red flag, you just know that person's a manchild/childish faggot.


> complains about dbz shirts in the gym but posts an awful dbz-starwars picture

I personally never understood why people buy special "lifting shirts" with stupid lifting/gains related puns on them.
Just wear an old regular t-shirt, is it really worth paying an extra $20 bucks each for shirts you only wear an hour or two every week?

>an hour or 2 a week
I'm a manlet and I can call you little.

u sound so god damn autistic . its a silly shirt. thats all it is, a silly fucking saying on a shirt.

we get thread now

Quads of truth

I saw a really cool saiyan top shirt that looked very well made, was going to ask him where he got it but decided I didn't want to look like a faggot.

Either way, nothing wrong with liking DBZ bro. Call me a manchild if you want, you know damn well everyone here trains to go super saiyan some day.

Czech Republic

Nice quads but lookit


Only the biggest possible faggots will care that much about the fashion of other guys at the gym and whine about it on the internet.

I think so too but I mean who the fuck gives a shit at the end of the day?

there are people out there who like my little pony so who cares?

I wouldn't wear a stupid graphic t-shirt or some bad anime shit but fuck me if I wouldn't wear that blue suit gohan, vegeta and goku were wearing in the hyperbolic time chamber

Whose the bigger faggot, the guy whining about it on a 2d molester water hole. Or the guy who gives 0 fucks and focuses on his gains?

I think you should take the time to ask yourself why you care about this so much. Have you considered that you might be paying too much attention to what other people are into?

Lmao at pic

whats vegeta?

>not realizing that it was ..... wait a minute

am i getting trick'd?

Unless you wear the same shirt every time you lift, yes. An hour or two a week.

I gurantee I'm stronger than you and I wear some autistic shirts

because manlets need to wear shirts that let people know they lift

If a guy at my gym wears a white t shirt with a 'poker face' rage comic on it, does that mean he browses Veeky Forums ?


>stop liking what I don't like!

Your autism is frightening, mind your own fucking business you literal child.