How does this sound for a cut?

how does this sound for a cut?

>all lifts at 80% of usual working sets
>workout A

>workout B

>calorie restriction, 1000+ less calories per day
>cardio twice a week

what should i change? i don't care about legs or back and i want to prioritize getting abs

pic related

Just stopping by here on my way to the /IF/ thread. Intermittent fasting will do wonders for you if you take the right supplements and do the right things.

Source: Currently on day 7 and I already feel like I'm transforming into a different person. Seeing the changes everyday is phenomenal.

Just my two cents though. You get abs by cutting fat. The fat is literally melting off of me.

OP here, i am doing IF

am i working out too little though?

why dont lift 100%, you want to lose more muscles than necessary?

post body, dyel

i have less energy to lift since i'm on a cut

i do try to lift 100%, but i don't make it and end up lifting less

yes i lift, but i've just started my cut

Not enough cardio in my opinion, but of course cardio just means your heart is racing and you're sweating.

Depending on how you're lifting, you could just do cardio twice a week. Get some BCAA's and some whey, do cardio for fifteen minutes before the lifts, and twenty to thirty minutes or so on non-lift days. That's what I'm doing.

keep the same amount of weight on the bar as you were when bulking. also don't listen to anyone that says you'll lose a bunch of muscle because chances are, you aren't at your genetic limit so just get your protein and you probably won't lose any, also your workout is retarded and prepare for horrible posture and even injury

He didnt literally ask you if you lift bruh

fa.m, do you know what "dyel" means?

yes but its mostly used as a subjective on Veeky Forums

Dyel is a name for retards like you, not a question faggot.

Fucking newfags.

well the problem is, when you dont lift as much as in your 'bulking-phase", your body gonna think you dont need that level of muscles any more, so jeah, with 80% lift and a high calorie deficit he is gonna definitely lose some muscles

I wouldn't start with an 80% cut your your lifts.

Scale it back as you go and see how much you lose.

This is totally bro-science, but I'd say that whatever % of bf you lose is the same % of your strength.

Work on your cut and you might want to stay as close to your normal lifts as possible so that your body maintains the same intensity. If the muscle you've gained no longer seems necessary you will shed it. So unless 80% is intense enough for you it might end up losing you some muscle.

At least in my opninon.

Op is a stupid faggot and seems max dyel

can you get visible abs with only diet and exercise? or do you need specific substances?

>only diet and exercise
nigga that's the only way TO get abs

don't use less than normal weight. that's an easy way to lose muscle.
and by working less your body will use less energy thus slowing your fat loss. It's an energy system.

skipping back and legs will ensure you never have abs. the guy in your pic didn't just do crunches to get that torso

People here will be rude and assblast off your lack of knowledge but please lurk more and do your research on what a correct cut looks like in terms of nutrition and routine.

>Intermittent fasting
What is this?

how do you not become a raging animal when your blood sugar drops. I legit become psychotic and wan't to kill whoever 'boss included' from delaying me food.

Then when I finally eat I get like a wave of relief.

not on roids, this is all natural. but I work out really hard 5 days a week and have alot of muscle for a natty

> doesn't do legs or back
have fun with your hunched forward posture and chicken legs fag

>what is this

occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady.


gerund or present participle: fasting
abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance.

This kind of posts are the reason this board went to shit 2 years ago and never recovered.