Alright Veeky Forums give me your best leg day routine for an hour long workout
Alright Veeky Forums give me your best leg day routine for an hour long workout
I could try, but I'd be giving you a very primitive workout because it'd be a split.
That's fine with me
>hour long
Calf raises
Bam done. If you take less than 45 minutes squatting, you aren't squatting long enough. Could try leg curls if you just blast out a few sets of squats real quick.
not previous guy.
warm up to ~ 8-10rm on squats
do 6-12 sets of 2-4 at this weight, short (under 2 minutes) rest
switch to another squat type that hits the legs differently
do 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps, short rest again, submaximal (aka not to failure)
choose 2-3 accessory movements - lunges, hamstring isolation, extension, etc.
get a good pump on these, 12+ rep range
This is not something where it's already laid out for you. It's based off of a lot of things both modern & classic lifters do; get a lot of volume, hit stuff from a few angles to shore up weaker areas, and get some isolation to round out your goals. Go a bit lighter and keep the rest shorter if you want more hypertrophy, heavier and slightly longer rests for high density volume. Adjust within the rep/set range for either goal.
Get this done 2-3x/week, eat enough, adjust exercises as needed.
Bring water.
Thank you for the actually insightful answer. I'll work around this and see what I can get.
front squat
full clean/clean variation
leg curl or stiff legged deads
jump rope for remaining time
you'll need a lot of leg days though. i personally squat every workout so i don't give a shit but i assume you are bodybuilding so you may not have the same goal in mind.
Is this for more advanced people? I haven't even been working out for a year and this seems a little intimidating
My Leg Day
>Squats Warm Up 1x10
>Squats 3x5
>Squats 80% working load 1xAMRAP
>Hack Squats 2x10, 1x5
>Barbell Lunges 3x10 each leg
>Leg Curls 5x10
>Leg Press 5x10
>Calf Raises 50reps
6 sets of leg press, 3 sets of Romanian dead-lifts, 3 sets of calve raises, anything more is overkill
2 hours leg dat
30 min Squats (start low than go up)
30 min hack Squats (start low than go up)
30 min stiff leg deadlift with dumbells (choose a heavy weight and do as much 12 reps as you can)
30 min seated calf raises (with a dumbell you can reach 30 reps for till you cant no more. One leg at a time)
motherfucker you superset four fucking machines/sections in my gym youll get laughed out the gym.
>Working out last night
> leg day and my allergies
> so i wasnt in the greatest of moods.
>second to last exercise was leg press
>leg press was empty
>guy comes from squat rack
>says hes supersetting both
>i condescendingly ask if hes supersetting a squat with a leg press
>he says yes
>i said "pick one"
>he picked squat rack
inb4 "on things that didnt happen."
Front Squat
Cart pull
Calve raises
Also rest as little as possible
I've just plateaued on my current routine and was looking for some new ideas, and I usually do legs 2-3 times a week.
Will try this too on days I have more time.
speaking of rest time what do you guys do?
for my main lift its usually 60-90seconds
supplemental lifts 30-45seconds
How many sets are you doing ? 20 ?
I rest no longer than 40 min or atleast i try
40 sec*
god damn nigga i was about to ask if you lived in the gym.
intermediate to advanced, yes.
keep in mind that the range I gave could work out to a 6x4, which is close in volume to a 5x5.
The key, even for beginners, is to do a certain amount of volume. Once that stops working, you have to increase frequency/intensity/volume in some measure ie. one or two of those variable must go up to stimulate more growth with the others holding steady or decreasing as needed.
The other intimidating thing is the short rest. Trust me that after my earliest days here I heard 7-10 minute rests are acceptable. However, if you are starting with the goal of lots of highly recoverable volume (not just high volume) then you plan around that and choose accordingly.
So, to give you a bit of a progression, you might go from a 5x5 to something TM-like with lower overall volume but a day with higher intensity. Then once you stall, you might drop back a bit and add in a second lighter volume day, and progress that until the total volume starts pushing the intensity again.
My overall programming owes a bit to Doug Hepburn, so I might start at 6x2 and add a rep or tow every leg day until I hit my advancement point (say, 10x3). If I'm going for more intensity I'll have more rest days, if not I could alternate upper/lower as rapidly (as much as hitting legs daily!) as recovery allows.
I don't remember who to credit, but there is no such thing as overtraining, just under-recovering.
power/compound - 2-5 minutes depending on goal
pump/compound - 40-120s depending on goal
pump/isolation - 0-120s
The zero is for unilateral movements where there is no real rest but instead a I go/you go format between sides. If done for something where you can keep some tension on the non-working side it'll make you think Jesus is asking to work in
since this is a leg thread im gonna ask, when i do 5x5 squats i take like fucking 35 minutes with all my rests, is that okay?
How long have you been lifting?
>squats 3x5 1x3 1x1 (increasing weight)
>smith machine calf raises (use stepping box so you can get full mobility) GO HEAVY PUSSY
>hamstring curls
thats all you need for a balanced leg workout anything else if for fags too pussy to go heavy on squats
How to do leg day.
>85% x 5reps x 7sets
>Go cry after
squat for an hour
.3-4 min rest for squats, 1-2 for rest. Warm up squats with lower weights incrementally Then:
Squat 5x5
RDL 3x10-12
Leg press 3x10-12
Sitting leg curl 3x10-12
End with about 10 mins jogging on treadmill to burn out legs fully and get some good blood flow going.
Box squat
Reverse hypers
inverse curl
static abs
10x15 1plate or 185
with 3min rests in between