I would like an outsider look on what I'm doing to lose weight and some help figuring out why I've stopped losing...

I would like an outsider look on what I'm doing to lose weight and some help figuring out why I've stopped losing weight. I've come down from being 270 lb barrel of shit and reached my first milestone of being only a 220 lb sack of shit (my high school weight). My next goal is to reach 190 lbs, but it's been 4 weeks and I've been stuck between 220-223 lbs. This is what I do, let me know where the flaws are.

>Eat under 2166 calories a day. (male, 6’0”, 220-223lbs)
>I only drink water. No soda, diet soda, tea, coffee, SIPS, or anything.
>I keep track of everything I eat with Lose It calorie tracker app every day. Set to losing 1.5 lbs per week.
>I update my weight on calorie tracker constantly.
>I never eat over the calories I lost from cardio. I just pretend they don’t exist.
>Eating 1 gram of protein per bodyweight a day.
>Never eat anything that I don’t know the calorie content of. (Only exception is the bananas I use for my shake, but I measure them and compare them with USDA nutritional information on bananas)
>Never eat anything that I didn’t portion myself in precise measurements. (I don’t eat out at restaurants or fast food)
>I weigh myself every morning when I wake up.
>I do Couch to 5K cardio program 3 times a week.
>Walking on college campus 4-5/week nets me roughly 5000 steps per visit.
>Doing physical therapist modified Starting Strength routine 3 times a week. (Currently working on squat form with physical therapist, returning to normal squats in 2-4 weeks)

Pic unrelated.

Good job bro, you're killing it!

Either cut calories slightly or up cardio slightly. Everything else is bang on. You may have to add an extra cardio day or cut 300 cal


Fuark, I'm already eating my own arm at this point. Might switch it up to 2 lbs per week for a little while then, just to stop being stuck at this weight.

Odds are you can't tell because it's hidden under a little bit of fat, but you're making gains! Muscle weighs more than fat. As you put on more muscle and burn fat, you probably won't notice a dramatic change in weight for a while. That's normal. Stick with it, and over time you'll definitely notice a difference.

4 weeks is too long of a stall for it to be caused by water weight etc.

Either you're eating too much or your app's activity level calculation is fucked, eat at least 200kcal less.

You can always adjust it back up if you lose weight too quickly.

Follow up, weight loss gets exponentially harder as you decrease your weight. A small reduction in calories goes a long way at larger weights.

Duly noted, thank you. Makes sense I suppose, if I'm cutting on a strength program using my obesity to fuel it, this was bound to happen at some point.

Fast for 24-48 hours. Then eat at maintenance TDEE the day after.
Should reset your metabolism.

Sounds meme tier as fuck but it worked really well for me to break through my plateau. Only fasted for 24 hours. Blasted through my plateau later in the week.

I'll keep it in mind if all other options fail...

> Eat under 2166 calories a day. (male, 6’0”, 220-223lbs)
Here's your first problem. I'm 6'7" and have a base rate of 2200 weighing 270lbs. Stop calculating energy expenditure with a TDEE. If you want to get that far into it, get a fitness watch. Far more accurate, and you'll learn a lot.

>I only drink water. No soda, diet soda, tea, coffee, SIPS, or anything.
Shame. Caffeine is a great weight loss supplement, but if it causes you stress, don't worry about it.

>I never eat over the calories I lost from cardio. I just pretend they don’t exist.
Good practice.

You want to be eating roughly 20% below your kcal expenditure.(If you give me a minute I'll get you the somewhat recent studies outlining how in most people a 20% deficit is ideal if you don't want to take my word for it. I agree with it from personal experience.)
Limit carbs/grains, but don't stress out over eating a sandwhich. Weight loss is no where near as strict with macros as weight gain in my experience. It just kinda changes how you feel during the weightloss.

What else are you willing to do?
Primarily, I can tell your kcal count is too high.
Secondary, overestimation of actual energy expenditures (I'm assuming this is how you even got 2166 as a number.). IF that's just the same number from when you were heavier, guess now is a good time to learn that it takes kcal to maintain mass. As mass reduces, so does the tdee.

From experience, there's a lot that fucks with your TDEE, and they're usually negative feedback loops. (To be fair, positive feedback loops in nature are vastly shit like cancer and disease.)
Meaning they make your tdee LESS than expected.

Stress, poor sleep, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, etc etc I'm hoping this isn't news to you, or you've at least read these words at some point in some article throughout your studies.

They do play a part. Even working out to your limit on a regular basis will fuck your hormones and make you stall/plateau. Hence the deload or various other methods people have found to work for them.

Sleep. . . I can really get into sleep, but I rather not unless you've got an issue to discuss about sleep already. I could compete with a veteran's home for droning on and on when it comes to sleep.

Weightlifting is a good thing for keeping your TDEE high. Muscles tend to have a 3 dayish cycle after use before returning to a less energy consuming state after heavy use. So if you've got ignored parts of the body, you've got ignored furnaces not burning kcal for you.

If you just want something to enhance your weightloss speed so you can get to experimenting with how to maintain what you have rather than being in a deficit all the time, by all means look into Intermittent Fasting, Yohimbine HCL, and caffeine. If you have a very strong heart and cardiovascular health(which IF with at least 20/4 will definitely help you with) you can stack ontop of the yohimbine an EC or ECA stack for probably the best weightloss you can get legally (aka safe).

Kind of hitting on something else which could very well be in your way.
Hormone imbalances. Believe it or not, your body doesn't like being in a deficit. Something has to give to adapt to the energy deficit. Ideally you want all the give to be fat, but that's not the case until someone figures something out and makes something to change it.

I've had long stalls before. The worst was when I bounced between 200 and 202 for 4 weeks before finally dropping 8lbs over the course of 5 days. That was while running a 1000kcal daily deficit. Once I dropped those 8lbs, they stayed off and my weight loss trend came right back in line with what I expected.

Definitely double check your calorie counting, but anyone saying "4 weeks is too long to be a water weight stall" hasn't been super fat before. I think people like us with more fat cells are capable of holding onto more subcutaneous water or something.

Oh yeah forgot to mention anything about "resetting your metabolism" with more/less calories or different macros is total bullshit. Changes in carb or sodium intake might shock your body into releasing some water from fat cells, but that would have left eventually anyway. If you're truly in a caloric deficit (which at 2166 calories and your size, you are), you just need to keep plugging along.

>Odds are you can't tell because it's hidden under a little bit of fat, but you're making gains! Muscle weighs more than fat.

OP isn't replacing fat with muscle while averaging 2166 calories a day as a 6' man.

>Caffeine is a great weight loss supplement
Forgive my lack of knowledge on caffeine, but how does that work? Anyways, no, the 2166 is for my current weight calculated by the Lose It app. My original was like 2400-2500 area.
I'd like to avoid going any lower in terms of calories as going to 1900s calorie-wise was causing me to get dizzy, but if it's something I just need to power through then I'm willing to do it again.

I'm getting plenty of sleep. I'm worried about introducing drugs (even legal ones) into my weight loss as I'm worried about the potential financial costs.

eat less move more

Even at 2200 kcal you should be cutting around 1800. Drink more water, and often. If you're dizzy, very good chance you're missing some water. Clean up your macros if you're still very dizzy. Lower carb, higher fat/protein, eating at regular intervals. (Doesn't matter how long the interval is, just start getting a feel for consuming x amount to prepare for the time until you eat again. If you're sleepy, don't sleep until it's bed time.

Seriously try fasting. Fasting solves a lot of problems. Intermittent Fasting on a strict 20 hours fasted, 4 hours eating will teach you more about food than you could ever get just reading.

Is there a reliable guide for Intermittent Fasting, or would a simple google search on Intermittent Fasting suffice?

Google search. It's not complicated. Google a faq, maybe some tips, read some anecdotes if you really want an inside look without personally doing it.

Thanks for posting this OP the responses really helped me too

Ok, I'll look into Intermittent Fasting then. Thanks.

>Thanks for posting this OP the responses really helped me too
No prob

I would try a two day fast. just shock the system. then weigh in a week. if that didn't work, a fairly substantial cheat meal. sometimes your body needs a kick.