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Looking for that meme of the fat person talk show where the doctor said calories in and calories out and the whales rolled their eyes.
>search "fph"
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>new fph thread
Looking for that meme of the fat person talk show where the doctor said calories in and calories out and the whales rolled their eyes.
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Worth a read if you want a laugh.
Archive faggot
oh my fuck
I used to have a fat fetish and would unironically get hard to this girl.
Luckily Veeky Forums has made me revile them.
Thanks Veeky Forums now Im just an ass man.
This is full of delusion that its just funny and full of denial. She even says she eats vegetables, and they are all home cooked. This is full of shit. I bet she orders take out Chinese food and says "the vegetables are healthy!"
I always wonder when anyone will stop having drinks from Starbucks. It's just sugar water with small amounts of Cocoa beans. They would be better off with making their own tea.
How are these people even alive?
They cannot even fucking walk to the store to buy food....
Whoever the fuck is feeding these people so much is worse than the ones eating it.
no doubt about that
They cook them with butter. I'm not kidding, they'll boil vegetables down into mush and throw in half a stick of butter. So they probably think they are eating 'healthy'. It's why I found my parent's cooking to be fucking intolerable and why I hated vegetables.
I only use butter for baking, and even then I don't do it that much.
>would unironically get hard to this girl.
I doubt Veeky Forums has truly addressed the root issue behind your mental issues.
What's wrong with butter, user?
>52 calories
i-its a bug!
>I eat like a normal person
If you eat like a normal person you would look like a normal person.
it's not fully gone but now I can hate myself enough to not watch it anymore.
I believe in you bro
This fucking bitch, honestly
"The fitbit has a bug, I've burned way mre calories than this"
> Has walked 12k total over the ENTIRE day
> Thinks she should've burned at least 3,000 calories from that
Like, that one sentence alone derails her entire argument of "Oh I've dieted, I've broken my back at the gym, I've counted carbs and calories and blah blah"
Like, bitch, that one sentence where you think a 12k walk is 3,000 calories proves you have literally no idea about exercise and calories, that you think a 12k walk burns 1,000 more calories than a normal persons maintenance shows me everything you said is bullshit.
She literally derailed her entire blog and doesn't realise it.
Never in my life had I ever gagged because of any disgusting thing that I couldn't smell/taste, until I saw this video.
is he our guy fit?
you're missing out dude, i add anywhere from 35-50 calories of that delicious kerrygold butter to my toast or vegetables occasionally.
me too man.
>Well at least not to her anymore.
The worst part is if an eneabler decides to fuck it and stop bringing food, the fatass can call cops and report negligence or other bullshit.
>that edema
This bitch gonna die.
Not if they don't have a phone.
What if it starts screeching in its bed? Neighbours might ask questions, and even after explaining the situation they could not stand the noise and call cops to do something
I get a frappucino like twice a year and treat it like I'm drinking a milkshake lol.
Tons of people get chai lattes/wc mochas 2-3 times a day. It'll easily make up half their daily calories, just for something they'd just call "coffee" to themselves.
>"Bad Genetics"
sauce for....... science
>browsing fph threads
>not knowing MUH LEGZ James from My 600lb Life
Wanna know how I know you're new?
How triggered are you?
>happy, active and healthy
>can't have penetrative sex
>not "perfect" like my thin sister
>I'm aware that being fat is gross and makes my life hell
>still happy though!
Also lol'd at the "thin privilege is having a boyfriend who can satisfy you sexually". As though that's some kind of unattainable and outrageous ideal.
>relatively small (6")
not to sound like a dicklet but come the fuck on. even if he was 6" at 320lb it would be 6"-(Fupa*2).
That dude is probably packing and she's mad her fat ass is mad that she can't enjoy it because she refuses to eat less.
goddamnit i was eating nutty peanut butter
>And if you are going to use the “my taxpayer dollars will pay for your obesity related illness” line, well, my taxpayer dollars are paying for it too. Oh, and my personal health insurance.
You dumb fucking cow, Insurance is the same thing as taxpayer money everyone has to pay into it but the problem is fat people are more likely to die from health related issues than anyone else and stay at hospitals and break medical equipment.
>Does society accept the criticism of someone who is different? That has a mental or physical disorder? No. So why bully fat people?
False equivalency, and strawman lies. Someone who has a mental disability has genetic problems and things they can not change about their mental health they can only cope with it. But Fat people can change because it is a eating issue and she can control what she eats and what goes into her body.
>Society screaming at us that we should lose weight, and that we are not normal is bullying, plain and simple.
Because it isn't normal and saying the truth that it effects your life and those around you for being a huge cow is not bullying it's a fact of life and it's built in science and logic.
This annoys me because she is such a liar that makes up what she eats and then is surprised when she is called out on her bullshit.
What does this person want from everybody? Is she expecting something?
i too am on the road to recovery
in fact i dont jerk to much weird shit at all now
Exactly spot on. It has no real health benefits and really is not that good for the body. It can even mess with sleep patterns.
> Small 6' penis
How the fuck does a 320lb women still manage to be a used up whore?
Dicklet pls. This is why your gf will always turn to the superior BBC.
>I am what you call fat
>says happy and healthy in parentheses
That is a funny hypocritical statement. It's like being happy and healthy with diabetes.
>6 inches is small
Well for average people its normal.
>Prosecution complex because she was asked a question and tries to play the typical privilege thing to be the biggest victim ever.
I swear fatties are more delusional the more weight they gain.
Well a six incher is 'relatively' small when youre the size of a fucking minivan. Even an 8 incher would probably fail to satisfy that people carrier of a woman.
>Well a six incher is 'relatively' small when youre the size of a fucking minivan. Even an 8 incher would probably fail to satisfy that people carrier of a woman.
This is one of the reason I won't settle for a chub.
I'm 5 inch erect (on the shorter end) have had no issue with petite fit hotties but had an overweight friend diss her ex boyfriend about his dick being too small.
Turned me off fucking a fatty for life. I can stand being ridiculed about my penis size as its not something I can change but having a fat fucking cow put all dat blame on me is a no no.
Props for making what you have work and not being a "woe is me" bitch like some of my friends user
Date a small girl
Totally average dick, around 6' here, dated a 5'3 girl first time we had sex went a little to hard for her (She needed lots of time to warm up)
"It felt like you just put it in my stomach"
Literally best feeling, felt bad cus I hurt her but couldn't stop the little smirk when she said that
>the bench is bending
Another one from Veeky Forums when they were merged with /co/
Part 2, one of the most foul creations I have ever seen someone partake of.
Hey I made the same screenshot :^)
Holy shit. Do I need to start going to Veeky Forums?
I have never been more at a loss for words than I am right now. My whole world has been fucked.
If I play my cards right this'll happen to me Friday night. I'm 6'0" and she's 5'0".
just imagine her bones doing a similar thing
You are the real guy
5.5 inches here, you're not alone user
> search israel did nothing wrong when they took palestinian land
> nothing comes up
14% obesity rate in Israel reported in 2009. 35.7% in USA for the same year. Really made me think
israel actively fights mudslimes .. but .. they're the bad guys? huh? have you been paying attention to who is committing terrorists attack lately?
>I watched that thread unfold that day
This is an Israeli Soldier, they are your friend.
Those are the kind of people who get pets to torture them because they can't have normal sex and get some mental disorder.
I know a fit 5'3 girl who is a size queen. But she didn't start that way. They claim they don't get stretched out....
I don't really get this
He mixed foul tasting cough syrup with alcool ? wtf ?
The four horsemen of the apocalypse.
And they're all famine
None of us are going to be around forever. Majority of us will be forgotten after we are dead. Who in a 1000 years is going to care about the size of your junk or what anyone thought of you.
If I solely base my whole existence around the size of my erect 5 inch penis and allow it in holding me back from striving towards my goals and ambitions I'm only letting myself down.
Just be happy with what you have, make improvements in other aspects of your life. Study hard, take care of your appearance, remain fit for life and keep trying.
End of the day if girls want to reject me on the size of my junk so be it, we are all born alone and worst case scenario I leave alone. It honestly doesn't bother me.
Hope this post helps anons who're over analyzing/fixated on one of their appendages which may ore may not even matter to the opposite sex.
: ) all the best to everyone!
>LEGO is hard for fat children to play with
>EU is nothing but sweets factory to nourish British Fatness
Feeling less sorry about Britian leaving by the day
t. Continental
>israel turkey saudi arabia the US and most of western europe and fucking ISIS are anti-Assad
>"israel is fighting muslims xD"
They are funding the muslims you mong, l bet you support trump unconditionally too because you're an autistic redneck who can't think for himself
>I NEED 4000 calories to stay fat
What the fuck
It's satire, lads.
Pic related, however, is not
big words make me a big boy :)))
>active, happy and healthy
This. Gonna have to monitor from now on
I hate to be that guy, but if I can do it, anybody can
>i eat like a normal person
>is vague about what she eats
>most likely did not weigh and track her meals for at least a week at one point in her life
>have the occassional treat
>go to her instagram
>burgers, cakes, pizza, candy, donuts, ...
Occasional means "not constant" for retards. As in, "only having a bucket of ice cream once a day instead of at every meal."
Imagine a fucking hamplanet gamer gurl who get hired to game company just to fill the quotas after the feminism movement hit few years back. Imagine her boss giving her a task to write up a quick message to a protagonist from a doctor about a good diet. Imaging having not even a basic comprehension of macros or anything even remotely resembling balanced diet. Imagine the boss, the QA and beta testers not be able to say shit due to political correctness politics of the company.
Honestly, this was probably less a fat acceptance thing and more them simply not caring.
That game was an utter clusterfuck, to the point where the QA team was probably lying drunk in a room, tears glistening on their cheeks as they see the free recommendations they were asked to give simply ignored.
One character literally fires a gun backwards, for fucks sake
>One character literally fires a gun backwards, for fucks sake
Just when I think the can't be more disappointed in Mass erect andromeda you go and post that,
jesus bioware just did not give any shits did they
The gun is great, but its easy to miss. I did miss it when I watched the footage. But you cant miss this thing. Its entirely possible that nobody actually cared enough to even read it though. I just died inside when I read this message. What a fucking piece of shit do you have to be to A: not know ANYTHING about nutrition and whats worse B: not do any fucking research on your task at work.
This is the level of "even 3 weeds can have long time effects on young people" kind of retarded statements some low profile politics make. Or that one fat girl who had no idea how much time could running a mile require so she just went with 3 minutes.
There is no such thing as Palestine.
Don't fall for Islamic taqiyya
Another retarded Muslim with retarded conspiracy theories
The situation is far more complex than your tiny brain can comprehend
Being happy with mudslimes fighting each other instead of Israel and not interfering is not the same as funding them. Take your /pol/ tier shit theories back to over there.
>eating at a deficit is impossibe and just cannibalizes muscle
>"come get your lipos from your trustworthy Dr. Yudkowsky"
this fucking kike man