Why do asian girls have no ass? ;、
Why do asian girls have no ass? ;、
they forfeited putting points in ASS for points in INT
Where did the TITS stat end up
Cardio only + eating lmao1bite
loooool /thread
>tfw love asian girls as a pale white guy, even the ones everyone calls ugly
heh, i guess you can say my asian fever privileges were just checked :^)
It's evolutionary, AZN have small dick so need small as so they can get penor in farther, when man with small dick sees girl with huge as he thinks damn gunnar be hard to even pentetrate with all that as in the way, if you don't believe me remember black girls have huge asses, think about it
>this weak attempt at an Asian ass thread
If you want pics of thicc Asians just say so
muh dick
Methinks you are under-surveying the world Asian babe population.
You can't merely go by UCLA, or UT, or UM, or Rice, or USC, or Cornell, or any other freaking college....
>you realize plenty of Asian women have sex with dogs on camera, right ? (not Calc II scholars)
That's more adorable then it is sexy. Would hug and go for a malted with and take them home at a reasonable hour then give them a kiss on the cheek.
Ye ole 9x6 will be dissapointed but they're adorable harmless cuntlets who wouldn't last 45 minutes.
8.5x6.5 reporting in to tell you I'm bigger
:) have a nice day Lil guy
Yeah. I'm an inch and a quarter longer but you're a half inch thicker but only till I reach the base of my dick.
Good for you.
Hopefully you'll be able to get it up and keep your size once you can't get your supply of gear.
My ex was Chinese and had the biggest Chinese booty I've ever seen + slim waist + perfectly round B cups.
They are out there and when I move to China next month, I'm going to catch all the big booty girls like rare Pokemon
Triggered dicklet.
9 - 8.5 != 1.25
Lol, face it dude my dick is 10% bigger than yours, you obviously can't do math so just trust me
Aw..did I hurt your feewings?
Wtf pedobait
I don't see the appeal in fucking a 20 yr old who looks like a baby
That webm is mesmerising
i think you have a good theory here. you should write a grant and get funded to do more research.
I'm going to go full cock autist.
My dick is in fact 9.25 inches long and a bit over 6.25 inches starting at about 3 inches from the base. I do fucking not want to write this shit every single fucking time I even mention it.
I can't do math either, but I believe mine is slightly bigger. And you know what?
I think I will try to do as much gear as you are. Just to get that half inch in girth to show you up. But not as much as you.
I want to still function normally and have a working dick after I go off.
You guys sound so fucking insecure Jesus. Hur dur my dick is 10% longer than yours. congrats no one cares how long is your dick if you have masculinity than a 14 y/o
Hypothetically if someone wanted to vet your claims about the dog sex, what websites would they need to visit?
It's legal
Veeky Forums
Lmao 9.25 - 8.5 != 1.25
Next your going to tell me your dick is 9.75x7 bra
Face it Lil man I'm bigger in every way
All these bigdickfags are actually gay and are only comparing dick sizes in a weird courtship dance that ends with both parties having the others' cumshots in their mouths.
In reality women only SAY they want big dicks, but like most things women say, they're full of shit.
tl;dr a short manlet asian man with a 4 inch dick is fucking your non-existent girlfriend because you're too busy fucking a man on the internet.
Post your dick size user
Let me guess
they are so non visceral and autismo. No wonder all of you assburger having fucks on this board like asians.
Nope, average. And I'm white.
6 inch by 5 inch.
I've fucked black girls and felt their cervix. Length is a myth propagated by Jews wanting to make whites feel bad about their larger dicks.
God bless Korea.
>I've fucked black girls and felt their cervix.
I mean, it feels like your dick is about to break when you hit it.
Are you a virgin and/or never done it?
>Breaks out calculator
I may be dumb but my dicks still longer and yeah it's 6.25.
I am actually heterosexual. If I was gay or even a bit bi I would be getting paid doing porn or slinging dick for cash. No seriously, them queers pay out of the fucking asshole(litterally) for dudes like me.
Take a look at who's behind bodybuilding the "aesthetics" movement and the powerlifting guys.
I'm so jaded and sexually turned off overall that this is the equivalent of comparing bicep sizes to me.
And you want to know what else? Having a 9 inch dick means nothing. My entire goddamned life was at one point ruled by the idea that my dick was not big enough and at the same time much too big. That's not even mentioning how much trouble relationships that go beyond simple sex are.
When I read old chinese sex manuals and tantric sex so that I could somehow make up for LACKING in the penis area I was enlightened.
Wang comes in different sizes VAGINAS come in different sizes as well.
At that point I stopped fucking caring about it all.
Being able to say I'm packing something like that is akin to saying I have size 15 feet or that I can bake a cake from scratch. A fun meaningless factoid I drop in conversation just for shits and giggles.
>Wang comes in different sizes VAGINAS come in different sizes as well.
I used to pick on the girls that bragged back in high school about how they only like men with big dicks.
Bitch you think it's a good thing that only a 747 can fit in that aircraft hanger?
>Length is a myth propagated by Jews wanting to make whites feel bad about their larger dicks.
Any argument you may have had (which was a poor one) went out the window when you make ridiculous antisemetic comments.
"M Y T H I N V E N E E R O F C O N F I D E N T H U M A N B E I N G I S C R A C K I N G , P L E A S E D O N ' T J U D G E M E ."
You're poor. Deal with that, my liberal friend.
You're either trolling or really insecure.
Either way, you're a douchebag. kys
asians have long torsos and short limbs, this is unsuitable for glute blueprint.
Dude. I was never confident.
And I'm used to people judging me. Hell I expect it. If didn't I wouldn't post in cbt threads and keep certain things online and in public.
This was always, every single time I mentioned it, trolling for me.
Yeah I liked the ego boost and it's fun teasing people when think I'm 100% serious. But I never really gave a shit.
I mean goddamn. No one here knows who I am nor do you or they know if I'm telling the truth or not. It's not like they can find out.
The fuck do I get out it?
Because they dont squat.
9*6^2*3.14159265359 = 1017.87
8.5*6.5^2*3.14159265359 = 1128.22
1128.22 / 1017.87 = 1.108
So yeah my dick is 10% bigger
And why did you drop your name?
That's not me, he literally did all that math to come to the conclusion 1017 is 10% larger than 1128
uh huh
who dis
what song dis is
>Q: which user is dumbest
idk desu senpai
if i did you'd never would've seen it cause i'd be too busy fapping till my dick was raw
here ya go op
Hadam, Bambino