Quit tv, vidya, and porn

>quit tv, vidya, and porn
>nothing changed

>my life didn't change because i didn't change my mindset

welcome to reality

I am the same boat. I traded all those bad habits for another one. I started to browse Veeky Forums.

what did you replace the time with? Posting on Veeky Forums?

What mindset should I get into?

Reading, meditating, watching ted talks and documentaries, and Veeky Forums

Just don't let vidya and tv shows take you away from getting shit done, it's okay to play now and then. I mostly play vidya and watch tv with others now- it's more of a social experience now.

The last show I watched by myself was The Young Pope, and I haven't finished the new Zelda yet because I'd rather do stuff with other people. Guess I've discovered I'm an extrovert at heart.

>start meditating more seriously
>suddenly never feel hungry and even forget to eat a lot
>realize im the kind of guy who never felt really much hunger during the day, just ate out of conditioning and to ease my anxiety
>lost some fucking weight on this and lots of gains because forget to eat since anxiety is gone
>now i have to consciously start to eat during the day so i don't starve myself
>tfw i hate forcing myself to eat
>tfw i won't stop meditating because thats the only stuff that really helped my anxiety and hot head

Would you rather have gains or enlightenment?

Not that the two are mutually exclusive, but it sounds like meditating may be more beneficial for your life. Perhaps take up Yoga or Tai Chi as well. Congratulations on being able to ease your anxiety!

I guess enlightenment sounds better, i would feel happy being a ottermode i guess.

How long has it been since you made these changes, and what exactly are you looking to happen as a result of the changes?

I was in your shoes a few years ago. I didn't feel that I had any direction, everything I did came to an end.
Trying a numerous amount of jobs, I couldn't quite get my foot down on what I wanted. I was a chef, started getting into becoming a paramedic, went into logistics(never do that) eventually I got stressed and hit up the gym. From there I learned discipline as my trainer helped me become accountable, he eventually turned into my mentor.

I have about 15 mentors around the world. They may not all know me, that doesn't matter. I listen.

You must take a walk with nothing but your thoughts and decide what you want to do. I recommend a great book called 'Mastery' by Robert Greene. That will give you a step forward towards your goals, you must still take the initiative.

This book has taught me that to 'Master' your craft(which can range from cooking to being a manager)you'll need to spend roughly 10,000 hours into what your passion is. You WILL NOT become great over night. Tesla was not great over night. Edison was not great over night. Ford was not great over night. Musk was not great over night.

They persisted through negatives until all they saw were positives. As mentioned above by another, change your mindset, change your life.

Get out more, smell the fresh fucking air and smile to strangers. Say Hello, you don't even have to strike up a conversation.

Start writing 3 things EACH AND EVERY DAY that you're grateful. This is what I tell all my clients who are having self doubts. Keep at it, keep your head up and get back in the gym. The feeling you'll get in being able to kick yourself back into gear will be one of the best feelings in your life.

Good luck brother.

>smile to strangers

This is the hardest. I am like the nicest person on this planet, but I think I walk around with a grim face in public all the time.
When I look at people I am almost always in thoughts and probably stare at them with an empty expression.

But it's exhausting to smile and stuff when you are tired in the morning.

I am not sure if this matters at all, but that is something that came to my mind reading your post.

Why do you have clients?

It's exhaustive to get out of bed in the morning, but there's things that must be done.

If you put walls in front of you then have you have to climb them to get around.

Force a smile, bypass that deep willpower inside your brain that tells you "this is fucking uncomfortable." You'll hear the awkwardness first in your mind but after awhile it just becomes second nature and you'll start to love the smiles that radiate from others as you smile at them.

I have clients as I'm a Health Coach(My made up title in the fitness industry.) I help people in dietary, physical and mental aspects to achieve there goals.

>What mindset should I get into?
The gorilla one.

same here

the next step is to quit Veeky Forums.

since I quit fapping/porn and vidya, I'm always up for going out with friends, when before I would prefer to stay home and fap/game 6 times out of 10.

still no gf tho

I'm trying to smile and greet people that I meet (small town, so there's not too many I come across when I walk around), but I'm too autistic to know where to look. You know the "virgin walk" meme image posted here often? I have no idea when and how to make eye contact. I usually look straight ahead and let my eyes wander around (i.e. not at the ground), but I don't know where to look when someone comes towards me from the other direction.
I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to stare at them for the whole time until they pass me.
Looking at them and then away/past them and then back at them and so forth until they're close enough to greet with a hello/good day/head nod feels weird too.
Do I just look past/through them until they're at greeting distance? Should I look down and only look up at them when they're close?

Fucking christ I'm autistic

video games are the problem

I want to know to, it dosnt bother me these days but i am curious.

do you faggots really think people who fuck girls don't watch tv and porn or play video games?

You don't get it.
For betas/autists/robots, these things magnify their problems.
Of course a normie/chad isn't going to become more of a chad if he stops playing video games, but for someone who struggles with socializing in the first place, the risk to descend into a spiral of isolation and masturbation (to more and more depraved porn) increases exponentially when they consume these types of entertainment.
Obviously, stopping porn/vidya isn't going to turn the autist into a chad over night either, and it's not going to help a complete friendless shut-in to start making friends, but I'm pretty sure most people here aren't total weirdos, just a bit shy/aspie and in limbo between being a normie and being a robot.
Cutting off the things that are dragging you into isolation is most certainly a good thing.

well said