Can i achieve this mode in 2 years lifting natty? I'm currently 6'2 150lbs
Can i achieve this mode in 2 years lifting natty? I'm currently 6'2 150lbs
>Can I achieve the physique of one of the most famous bodybuilders ever?
probably not senpai. It depends on your genetics. You could probably get close though.
2 if good genetics
3-4 average genetics
5 yrs poverty genetics
He has a terrible chest anyway
My bone structure is similar to pic related, i don't have a natural vtaper
There's something I don't like about his physique, but I can't tell what. Maybe he looks like a manlet with that short torso or it's just the locks.
Pic related is what you can expect in 1,5 years of natty lifting.
nigga just lift
even if you don't get to this, you sure as fuck will lock better than you do now
he has no chest.
He drank a lot of cocaine leaf tea.
He didn't develop chest on purpose as it was thought to be girly.
you were doing something seriously wrong
2 years if you have the test levels of a lil girl or train absolutely retarded
Two years? Some actors do it in seven months.
yes, i look kinda like that when cut, except since i'm not a manlet ( quite the lanklet really ) i have different arm insertions but the rest is on point.
pro tip : traing back and abs, do little for your chest other than a few sets of bench, do ohp and lateral raises, lean bulk for about 1 year and 10 months, cut during the last 2 months ( assuming you gain very little fat ) and you're there. alternatively if we're to be realistic you can do a recomp every month and you're set
this isnt a before after, right? cuz i see no changes, this is from sedentary body right
I am 6'2" 200lbs and my body type is similar to this. If I continue working I could achieve this in under 2 years.
As other anons have already said it has a lot to do with genetics. Look at yourself in the mirror.
>yes, i look kinda like that when cut
rip to your chest gains
probably not
Movements like the bench press didn't exist at the time. And the OG bodybuilders didn't give a shit about a big chest anyway.
i have this physique if ive been eating enough and have a good pump and im not even impressed with myself. 20 y/0 3 years lifting
How is it possible to be 6'2 and 150lbs?
I'm 5'7 and 150lbs and really small
you must look absolutely skeletal
Just start eating you fucking retard
>cocain leaf tea
that sounds good desu
I'm gonna assume it's illegal though