Broke Dick

About 4 months ago I was having some wild sex. The girl bounced and landed on my dick hard. We both heard a loud crunch followed by a pop.
No bruising or swelling the next day, but ever since then I can only get half chub, lost my stamina and rarely have morning wood.

Am I fucked? I went from having sex 1-2 week to being paranoid about sex.

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Have you tried to fix it with ducttape?

Go see a doctor you fucking retard

trying duct taping it

My absolute best advice is to post about it more on Veeky Forums

Fuck, sorry to hear man. That happened to me, but I got off easy (hehe) with just pain if I piss too hard. That lessened greatly over time. Hopefully the same will happen with you.

Common injury. Chance that your dick will never get hard again over that braking point is pretty big if you dont go to see a doctor immediately after it happenig and even then its unlikely. That Happed to dieter bohlen and afaik his dick is now perma-useless

>four months ago

Fucking this. It's beyond me how many people in States are postponing seeing doctor.

How can you BRAKE A DICK It's not even a BONE NIGGA lmao. Just get another ereaction man haha

Omfg go to the doctors

Healthcare is not free

How can you brake a dick when its not a car?

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, dick broke.

>dick is flaccid
>aka not engorged with blood
>dick becomes hard
>actually filled with blood to the point pressure creates hardness
>snap dick
>tissue that holds the blood rips and tears (tm) to the point of irreversible snappening
>dick loses ability to retain blood
>aka become hard
>best case scenario dick just becomes a bent pipe

lmao nice reference

You DUMB MOTHER FUCKER. When this happens you are supposed to seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY or it's permanent.

God damn it guys if something bad happens go to the emergency room.

I broke my dick and went to urgent care...where I found out I wasn't insured. Lucky for me the problem mostly went away

>she slid all the way off your dick

Dicklets.. when will they learn? Maybe if you gave her more than a 6" vertical your dick would still work

>Am I fucked?
You should be, considering that's the only way you can have sex now.
Captcha related

haha thats what you get for being a normie

We don't have free healthcare.

>Broke his dick
>Wasn't in agonizing pain
>Didn't rush to the hospital

All of this is bullshit.

I can feel my dick hurts from reading this