Imagine if I had 10x or 100x the amount =(

Im jealous that your making money in the month that literally JUSTed my portfolio to the max

I started this month at 15 btc and now im at 7

i think the same but then think:
when you dipped from 500 to 350-300, imagine if you were talking 500,000 to 350,000
with more money the highs are higher and the lows are lower

I'm jealous at that 7 btc of yours :D.. I just started trading but don't have that much to invest, it's kinda fun to see how much I can make of it but also sucks since I could've had way more :/


Tfw I'm a student

It's okay. Profit is profit. I turned $250 into $400. I'll continue to price in $50-$100 every couple weeks

doesnt matter psycologically
you honestly arent saying that you'd feel the same going from 500-300 than 500,000 to 300,000?

Oh that's very true, I think during that time my VTC were dropping a bit. Since alot of people were hyped about the '' ASIC '' resistance thingy I just hold onto them, sold them at 70k sats though so that kinda sucks

whaaaaahhhhh waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

whats in your portfolio tho

Haha, I'm a student also so I can't miss too much spare money.. I try to chip in 50 euros atleast per month so hopefully some day i'll reach the 100k :D

I have 1k bat and the rest is in BTC atm.. had vtc for a long time but didn't feel comfortable with the massive spike so I sold at 70k sats

First negative month ever, cheers altcoins

>28th oct moon

60% Bitcoin, 20% ethereum, 20% shitcoins of your choice always. The BTC gains aren't going to be thrilling but you're less likely to burn your wings flying too close to the sun.

smart money. you're on the right track bud.

yea well you don't


get KEKED!

if you are emotionally attached this game is not for you. 10% is 10% no matter if you lost 100k or 1k

>16 btc to 7

>adds money to account
>chart goes up

you didnt make any money fucking retard lmao

Keep going, and don't listen to other people they will polute your mind.

No :D I was the one shilling FTC yday when it was 1,1k and somehow people listened and it went up like 2x LUL

I have a feeling you're in too deep on altcoins.. desu from the short time I've spent here I think diversifying is too risky and it's better keeping a big amount on BTC


yeah I'm totally going to lie about me investing like 350 dollars when people here have tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands.. Not gonna lie tho, VTC did magic for me, although ARK kinda screwed it up..

100x here
feels good

some day I'll be there :D

Yeah I'm all in alt coins and always have been.

I started with 0.2 btc in may so I can't be too upset as the whole reason i even own more than a 1 btc is thanks to alt coins and I've sat through similar dips such as the bitcoin cash fork and the china fud weeks but I've never been JUST'd quite this hard.

Honestly don't know when the fuck its going to recover but I refuse to sell at these prices and at this steep of a lose so I'm probably going down with this ship if this continues all the way to the 16th.

I sitll remember being only a few k in crypto in 2013 or so. Held through the 200 bottom until now

Well starting from 0.2 and that you made it to this point is really impressive, If I were in your position I'd probably hold for a little bit longer also.. :D

Damn that sounds like a solid hold, props to you sir.

> Lose 100$
> Lose 10.000$
> It's all the same brah
Teach me how to be like you master.