>24 yo khv
>no girl ever showed interest in me, not even the ugly or the fatty ones
How live /fit ?
Lifting doesnt help as it used to
>24 yo khv
>no girl ever showed interest in me, not even the ugly or the fatty ones
How live /fit ?
Lifting doesnt help as it used to
what makes you think you deserve a gf?
do you even put work into getting a gf?
>kingdom hearts version
Maybe if you stopped playing autistic video games and talked to women youd get a gf
I'll consider being your gf if you post a pic. Maybe the reason you're single is because you don't keep up with facial aesthetics.
i just... can't. I guess i will stay like this.
Dont play with my feelings please
>no girl ever showed interest in me
That must suck. You never even like held the door for a girl at a gas station and she called you sweetie, or had some cashier milf flirt with you or nothing? Or like some girl that just met you tells your friend that she thinks you're hot? Or you never drove a girl home from a party? Like nothing? Ever?
>"I deserve a girl just for being alive!"
Are you pic related? Anyway just KYS my man.
Chances are you're just too autistic to actually notice anyone looking at you in public, you're so dense they'd have to suck your dick before you got a clue.
People can smell the virginity on you. Stop acting so insecure
>pic related
The things you are talking about doesnt count as interest.
No girls ever asked my name or anything else its like i am invisible man with fit body like wtf is this ? When i am somewhere with friends i only talk to my friends. And with girls i always initiate the convesation and they after a while leave.
At this point i gave up looking for a gf until i see some interest but nothing happens....Feels bad man