I wasted my prime years

I wasted my prime years

Is there any hope left for me?

I put 3.3k hours into Dota 2

>1.8k hours


come back when you have 10k.

Congrats on finishing the tutorial

I got the same problem bro. Time to quit?

i know guys that have over 10k hours on games that keep up a decent social life and are Veeky Forums

You guys have a high MMR to show for all those hours spent, right?


>1868 hours

I have 2k hours in, good social life and work out almost daily. Literally no reason why you can't have all three

>3 k hours
>4k mmr


>1800 hours
>wasted my prime years

lmfao scrub. you think 1800 is a lot?

Just gotta realize that these ASSFAGGOTS games are too repetitive to gain anything from it.

get yourself some better quality entertainment.

>over 4000 hours logged in Runescape
>quit before EOC and started Oldschool November 2015
>barely any 99s, nothing to show for all my time spent
>shitty social life as a result

But repetition is the only way to improve, user. Other games are low-skill and too easily algorithmed compared to Dota, and TV and movies are boring and contrived.

The only better use of time would be creating stuff(drawing, writing, coding) and reading, but of course still time for Dota!

Pretty much my life story

t. neverplayedstarcraft

>tfw had 3k hours on mw2 back in its prime
>tfw now am 25 year old shit posting on communist hentai forum

Come back when you out of the trench.

Have played so much wow, lol, cs1.6 and go, dota and sc.

Put so much time in it (cs1.6 ~5 or 6khrs, csgo ~2.5k hrs, only one i know from the head and the 2nd lowest) and still managed to have an ok social life. Its not vidya that stopped you from meeting friends or girls, it was you.

You bitches need a crash course in time management. No one called me a nolifer or nerd, you simply have to show up at the correct time everyone sees you, talk around a bit and if you wanna game just peace out and say the party is weak/boring.

Just wait until you start working 10hrs+ and you will see how much you crave just a little "me time". This only gets worse if you have a gf. Take this from an experienced nigger (not a nigger)

git gut senpai

Also haven't played since 19 Feb, 7.0x is shit and made me go the fuck away.

and what do you get when you improve in videogames?

I think I should stop trying to convince you or anyone. You do you, bro.

I've been in your shoes and I learned my lessons when all I got from this were frustration and a spike in heart rate and the occasional fun that was rare.

It was the same thing over and over.

Let's say you walked and listened to audiobooks during that time.

You could have finished around 30,000 pages worth of books. You could have listened to Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 14 times. War and Peace 32 times.

You could have walked around 6,280 miles, basically crossing the US and almost back.

You could have finished almost every Teaching Company course, hours of biology, economics, philosophy, history and religion.

Instead you did this. Now ask yourself if vidya is cancer


Do it

This is for LoL.
you faggots have nothing on my ability to waste time.


Keep in mind, normies may shit on the idea of playing games, but how many do you know who've seen every episode of [insert sitcom here], and potentially even multiple times?
How many times has that girl you know seen or read Harry Potter?
How much time has that guy you know spent watching every game of the season, even if the team isn't good?

Games are fine as long as you don't missionize them. I don't want to hear about the new show someone's watching just like they don't want to hear about how I just won my first game of Civ on deity.

I have over 10k hours, here's my body when I used to play Dota all day.

I'll start playing again in a few months, didn't like the direction things were taking.

I cringe when I think how much time I wasted playing WoW, especially considering most of it was spent running around Orgrimmar/Dalaran

>Never had a gf
Is it time to soduko?

>easily algorithmed

decisionmaking and teamwork

I can't even put 20 hours into dota without getting bored

teach me your ways OP

I've spent a year of my life on steam games, literally over 9000 hours combined.

That doesn't include gameboy, xbox, xbox 360, ps4, and mobile games. Probably 2 years in total jesus christ.

It's time to
>start lifting and eating to gain mass, then cut
>research new/current men's fashion, hair, hygiene
>use newfound confidence from body+style to be more comfortable in social situations, slowly make social gains
>fuck sloots, eventually get a decent gf
Process should take you 2~ years to complete, so be patient. Apply the discipline you learn from lifting to other aspects of life, stay humble, and you'll be a 8/10 fit normie w/ decent style in a couple years.

2200 hours in TF2 and I still can't rocket or sticky jump for shit

7.00 was a mistake and anyone who hasn't deleted dota since deserves a rope around their neck.