2 month no porn/no fap

>2 month no porn/no fap
>2 month consistent cardio
>2 month balanced diet
>still have ED and no libido
>gf understanding, but clearly getting bored

Take MDMA or Viagra you fucking failure

MDMA can make it harder to get hard tho

Have you been taking ZMA? If not why not?

If that doesn't work tag me in and I'll be your spotter in bed, she's moaning and screaming and I'll be there saying "It's all you brah, I'm not even touching her"

Go read some red pill

How did this happen user? You mean you were fine till 19 then suddenly it just won't get hard? No porn or female can get you going?
Geez man

read about wellbutrin

Damn dog.
Some girl I saw at work the other day reached to the top shelf for a water bottle and her shirt rode up and I saw literally a 1/8th inch of her belly skin and instantly got so hard I had to awkwardly shuffle to the back so no one would see the bulge. And I whacked it before I went into work.

Like no result? Have yall tried changing things up? Assuming you have you seriously should go to a doctor...

Try weed?

Get a new gf

Sorry bro this happened to me too but it was just my girl wasn't doing it for me anymore

you're young, she's not 'the one', time to move on

Go see a doctor to check your testosterone level. Take t.

MDMA gave me the attention span of a goldfish lol, did not work
I will try it, will also be trying L-arginine soon
basically yeah, I don't know what happened. I have had this problem a couple times in the past though
I envy this ability
If above mentioned supps don't work doc is probably my only option
tried many times, does not help unfortunately
really hoping this isn't the problem :(

you probably have ED from doing nofap you fucking idiot, USE IT OR LOSE IT

might unironically be asexual or gay

Oh great one of these again

>Propose a problem
>Deflect every solution offered
>Idiots trying to be helpful try harder

How big did your last thread get?

There is a simple test:

Search the hottest porn imaginable, your favorite fetish etc.

If you get hard to that porn, but not to your girlfriend/real life situations, you have porn-induced erectile dysfunction.

DonĀ“t listen idiots like these If you get hard to porn, but not in real life, you have porn induced erectile dysfunction that can take months to overcome. Just fucking stop watching it.

Try to relax you cunt you have too much stress.
Also go outside and take some sunlight.

Same kind of thing happened to me. Tried having sex with girlfriend, couldn't get hard enough to put it in. Stopped porn, started zma. Broke up with girlfriend.
I even try to jerk off less.
Today was the first time I had a sexual dream. Didn't get nightfall but I'm pretty happy. Even started getting random erection.
Yet i feel my libido is low, how can i improve it? I've heard people having sex 3-4 times a day, and I can hardly get a second erection after being off once

>dont listen to the most helpful advice in the thread

How cultish of you, stop trying to ruin this young mans life because you need to validate your dogma.

If OP gets erections watching porn, but cannot get erections with his girlfriend - you really think he should keep watching porn?

>I'm just a retarded faggot who has problems when people try to be nice and help each other.
>Please only comment on threads I want you to comment on and don't do anything else.
Kys you fucking retarded faggot bitch

Calm the fuck down. You can fap and serum do noporn.
Don't do no fap but still try to control your fap urges. I too would recommend to stop watching porn because it could be a porn related issue, even if it isn't I'd still recommend to cut down on watching porn.

Convince her to give you head. If you can't get it up maybe you're just gay.

I didn't tell him to watch porn.


I got really hard during foreplay them my dick got tired by the time we had to fuck

goes instantly limp the moment I start getting head or about to penetrate.
and doesn't even get that hard, not half as hard as it used to get
I thought it was my nerves and tried a benzo... but it was impossible to get in the zone

more foreplay


It's weird because I want to fuck women. But at the same time I actually might be asexual

Stay along for the ride if you don't believe it. Every solution proposed in good faith will be shot down by OP. This is a troll thread.

Worth a shot, are you using condoms? I used to go limp because the condoms we were trying were too tight, didnt feel like they were, but it was causing it. Got some bigger ones, went away. Tryinto thelp

That might be, but others are coming and asking questions, and they're getting help as well. It's better to keep sexual questions in one tread than making 5 threads

Go get your blood and test checked


Does regular test check work? Because I've heard they need to constantly monitor it over a period




Yes i get hard without porn. I get morning wood, and random boners throughout the day. I get very horny especially after a workout.
I suffered from
These issues about a year ago, have reduced watching porn a lot. But because of that issue, I'm too scared to approach women because i feel i won't be able to get hard.

Also i get hard but can't stay hard for more than a couple of seconds, that's my biggest issue. I want to be able to fuck women even though I'm not attracted to them

Here's some free tips for yah:
Turning a girl on and teasing her causes her to release pheromones and, in most cases, will make her try to turn you on more.
Pheromones enhance your libido but won't do much if you just don't want to have sex.
The issue here is that the reverse is also true, being turned on will make it easier to turn her on.
If these things don't help, maybe get kinky, buy a vibrator. They're tons of fun whether you're mating or bating. Maybe tie her up, anything really as long as it turns you on.
Don't worry about her not being into the kinky shit. Unless she has something specifically against the object of the kinkiness, she will probably be into it as long as you're confident and comfortable.

My personal favorite is sticking the bullet vibrator in her ass and fucking her vibrating pussy. Fun for everyone, you dig?

either you are dating a fat chick or you secretly want dudes.

sry bro

Go to the doctor user. Maybe your gay

tried kegels?

Take gelatinized maca and tongkat ali.

That shit twice a day and your libido will pick up substancially. Good zinc levels help too.

>Sstarted getting random boners at work after taking that combo
>Haven't had that happen since high school
>See a girl with a nice ass or tits and my eyes are subconsciously glued to them
>Can actually go more than once

Holy shit OP see a doctor asap, if you have ED at 19 there's something terribly wrong with you

I feel i'm in a similar situation as OP but not as dire. I was also 19,

Tried to have sex with GF, got hard for a bit but it wasn't rock hard and I lost it while trying to put on the condom ( it didn't help I didn't actually know how to put it on and was doing it backwards ) , happened like 2 nights in a row before I finally managed and she rode me. Condom made it feel really weird though.

I'm giving up on porn and trying nofap so it doesn't happen again and thankfully she was really understanding.

>morning wood
from prostate stimulation as your bladder fills at night
>random boners throughout the day
around guys??
>horny after workout
Around muscly guys????

might be gay man. nothin wrong with that.

Nice reading comprehension

How bad is it? Do you get a chub at all? Sort of hard? Do you get hard and then lose it?

How are you 19 and not wanting to fuck everything that moves
9/10 your girl is not good enough

taking l-arginine could help with your ED. For the libido you should check your test-levels and maybe go see a psychologist or other specialist. Could be some underlying mental stuff.
Good look user

Holy shit dude, that's some fucking projection

No u :^ ]

>falling for the no fap meme jesus christ you retarded cuck