What did your first deadlift feel like?
Your first deadlift
felt like light weight, baby
Pretty unimpressive, I was new to lifting so i just did 135 while trying to get the form right. Didn't feel special. I capped out around 200 when i quit being able to hold onto the bar. My deadlift was lagging like 45lbs behind my squat.
Should i have started using straps or something? I was barely 2pl8, people deadlift much more with no straps
Should have trained grip as well as switched to mixed or hook
I was scared of blowing out my back as a skelly so I did 50kg, recorded myself doing it to check form, felt like a king afterward though.
like nothing. did it with empty bar
Did 3 pl8 for 5. Felt like a beast but I didn't engage my hams as much as I should have thinking back so it was a nice learning experience.
I just did 40kg for reps because I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, so I just wanted to get my form right. Felt pretty good though
Pulled 100kg with perfect form the next workout and felt like a beast.
Now I'm struggling to get past 3pl8 and I feel like a weak little baby faggot
Started with bar, then 95, 115, lmao1pl8. Grip failed shortly after. Form was kinda iffy.
>tfw you can't believe your grip was so shit back then
Really easy.
First ever pull was @ 1pl8 and finished the set at 10 reps, I think.
Keep in mind that I was probably 225 lbs at the time.
I was very autistically watching a shitton of youtube videos so I knew how the form should look. I was bracing like crazy got my whole body tight and was surprised at how light 135 felt.
Same here, it fackin FLEW up lol.
>Pulled 100kg with perfect form the next workout and felt like a beast.
>with perfect form
kek k senpai
Probably a fatty. In the timeframe of a month or so, I got my deadlift to 200lbs without any stalling, then I injured my hip flexor while squatting and didn't do any lower body movements.
Do you think that's hard?
Rackpull above the knee?
Same here, i was ready to lift the Earth up.
Also the form was 95% right.
To this day I can't teach people how to deadlift properly since everyone seems to be so inflexible that their shins and knees get in the way of the deadlift, but i never had that problem myself
why the fuck would he be wearing long socks if he didnt need to protect his shins think before you post next time
nope but i think your definition of perfect form might be flawed
you dont achive dl perfect form within a week
like i was lifting dead weight
I came and cried simultaneously
Conventional: like shit. Very awkward movement and lower back hurt the next day.
Sumo: felt good. Didn't even have to think much about form, just picked it up like nothing.
Weak ass femanon here. It felt like shit but I remembered the grandma I saw deadlifting more than I'll probably ever deadlift and it helped me get through it
>Tfw just the bar is too much
Everyone has to start somewhere I guess
I had alreadly been working out for a year prior to that and I had a pretty strong back.
It honestly wasn't difficult to keep good form, I know I could have ripped probably 120kg off the ground, but pulling a 100kg with a really strict form felt like a great achievement.
did 135x5 as a 170lb 6'3" skeleton my first time
but it felt great and very natural right away
compared to squat, which felt like shit the first time, and feels like shit 6 years later
at least my bench feels comfy finally
Look at the cart wheels, and how high off of the ground they are. Look before you post.
my head was blowed fuck out after testosterone dose i get after deadlift. Now its my favorite exercise. Feel so confident after doing that.