What did your first deadlift feel like?
Your first deadlift
felt like light weight, baby
Pretty unimpressive, I was new to lifting so i just did 135 while trying to get the form right. Didn't feel special. I capped out around 200 when i quit being able to hold onto the bar. My deadlift was lagging like 45lbs behind my squat.
Should i have started using straps or something? I was barely 2pl8, people deadlift much more with no straps
Should have trained grip as well as switched to mixed or hook
I was scared of blowing out my back as a skelly so I did 50kg, recorded myself doing it to check form, felt like a king afterward though.
like nothing. did it with empty bar
Did 3 pl8 for 5. Felt like a beast but I didn't engage my hams as much as I should have thinking back so it was a nice learning experience.
I just did 40kg for reps because I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, so I just wanted to get my form right. Felt pretty good though
Pulled 100kg with perfect form the next workout and felt like a beast.
Now I'm struggling to get past 3pl8 and I feel like a weak little baby faggot
Started with bar, then 95, 115, lmao1pl8. Grip failed shortly after. Form was kinda iffy.
>tfw you can't believe your grip was so shit back then
Really easy.
First ever pull was @ 1pl8 and finished the set at 10 reps, I think.
Keep in mind that I was probably 225 lbs at the time.