>"Whats your preworkout meal user?"
What do you say?
>"Whats your preworkout meal user?"
What do you say?
that dog knows what's up
proatmeal right babe?
>eat first
activated protons and chocolate bacon strips
>y-you too
Your asshole
Nothing, I'm on leangains, but Ill munch dat ass before I head out as long as it doesnt interfere with my fast
That doggo's face though...
Anyways, typically I'll eat a granola bar or something with simple sugars to keep me going.
Side note, how do I get a Veeky Forums GF like that?
This makes me rage.
What the fuck
Why even attempt it
How much weight is that?
What is this
A banana and an espresso. C'mere
coach of the year, made that bish lift 20% more than she could handle
I gasped like an 1800s southern woman seeing a black man in a suit
What the fuck...
Glass of water and creatine
Is there more of her?
>Get outta my house nigger.
Wowee so edgy
holy shit she is going to be in a wheelchair by 30
that dog is like
>not having a house nigger
What are you poor?
>Not having someone whose sole purpose is to pleasure your doggo.
What are you, some kinda plebian?
Let's be real. If your incel ass was even in the same ROOM has her, you'd start panicking and stuttering like the little bitch you aer. The only thing your incel ass stands a chance with in that photo is the dog. Lmfao. It's hilarious how delusional you /pol/fags are, you literally think you're above that girl despite being a chinless, insect-framed coward.
Lmfao. The only women that like us Nerdics are 4 ft 6 thai whores with no ass and pudge bellies. It's at the point where most white men have to travel to southeast asia JUST to lose their virginities. I mean hell, have you even stepped FOOT outside in the past DECADE? White women HATE white men, lmfao. Literally ALL the hot, prime young white girls are with blacks, arabs, or at least Mediterranean looking guys. Just fucking look at breeding rates. White/German women aren't even interested in BREEDING with white men lmfao.
Fucking lol @ /pol/fag autists idolizing Patrick Bateman/Clint Eastwood or some other "strong Aryan man" who looks INFINITELY better than you EVER will, but you convince yourself you're on par with him because you're both white, lmfao. Face it. You're about as invisible to women as air.
2 pizzas and 5 cheeseburgers. Not even lying.
>bumping a thread from page 9 for this
I bet you sat around for the two hours too.
Old copypasta bruh
Your dog
Water and creatine
It's a shame she has literally no tits at all, otherwise she'd be 10/10 for me.
With ya for the first paragraph but after that...
this tbqh familamidingdong
>Neo con liberal Hebrew voter
Mfw no face
600-800+mg caffeine
25mg ephedra
70mg DMAA
5g beta alanine
5g L Theanine
Lmao butt hurt /pol/tard bumping a thread from page 9
That looks alot like my gf, except my gf is white and native mixed, and has a smaller ass
He's got an audemars piguet you uncultured swine
some random Selena Gomez looking spic doesn't stand a chance
What in the hell is going on here? Disgusting.
I think I'd probably say something along the lines of "Meal? I take it shaken, not stirred." then just show her the preworkout mix in my shaker bottle..
No girl has really commented on me drinking Fifty One Fifty between sets but I know you have to talk to them first
Sweet potato. 1 cup greek non fat yogurt. 1 cup water. Blend.
Wash down w coffee.
>Simple. Rustic. Yeah?
*flexes 'cep at you*
You mean this meal?
*she starts squirting orgasm juices out of her lady holes*
heh...sorry m'lady but i'm afraid I don't associate with ignoble harlots such as yourself. Ta!
*turns 360 radians and walks the dinosaur*
>300 cal of oatmeal
>150g greek yogurt
>1 banana
>glass of whole milk
Workout 3-4 hours later
im honestly impressed she even lifted that
What the fuck
Never let women cook your food, user.
Stay hungry.
How are you still alive?
Brown guy trying to harm the stupid white woman
Two mcdonalds double cheese burgers fried and a doctor pepper. I have to eat a lot before I lift so I can be a big guy