Who Veeky Forumspol/ here?
Who Veeky Forumspol/ here?
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Do you have the youtube link for that documentary?
ye bruh hold on
I knew there had to be a decent crossover between these boards. Pretty curious as to what the numbers are
I would never post on /pol/ because it's filled with dumb underage faggots but I have pretty /pol/-tier opinions on a lot of things. People who lift tend to be rightwing leaning.
there was a post on /pol/ about getting Veeky Forums for the upcoming racewar and reading the comments a part of me died
You have to leave.
That's what I always assumed. I'd like to believe certain sightings at the gym are some of the most effective red pills
Lifting becomes a microcosm of life, you work hard and smart, thus, get rewarded
Personal responsibility is a 'right-wing' thing
Swole left here
No. I'm staying now
>basing your political beliefs on anecdotal evidence
good job user, better than believing what the Jewish media wants us to believe!
How far left/ What issues make you identify with it? I'm pretty interested because I have some lefty friends but none of them lift
Bollocks, you cunt-faced swine.
Swole left sounds awful. What about swolecialist?
/Fitlitpol/ should be a new board. And you should need qualifications before you're allowed to post there
>Because I post a meme I'm automatically a full on stormfag
Okay man.
I liked old /pol/ when it was libertarian not naziboos
Cofirmed welfare-leech
Is this you?
>Only pre-1945 German fitness literature
I'm okay with this
I totally get that. It's a bit much at times
>Adolf Liftler
Ha, welfare doesn't exist where I am.
Pol was always libert nazi. I hate the new plebbitors infested shill pol
gave up on /pol/ for a while because of all the stormfagcels but started going back again for /lrg/
Good choice man
Remember guys, don't use Veeky Forums /pol/ for political discussions, it's full of cucks, shills, bad mods, and worst kind of post quality.It's full of edgy "nazi" degenerates.
Use 8ch /pol/ instead.
But this Veeky Forums is the best from all chans, keep that in mind.It's always changing from bad to worse, but over the years I always find things that keep me here.
desu for fitness stuff no Veeky Forums can compare to some of the forums out there
is it difficult to make gains when you have aids?
Getting swole for the race war
I like /pol/ for news and shitposting
discussion is overrated
Is this real life? Does this guy really have an anti pepe sticker on his real life bedroom mirror? They sure got to him.
that movie isn't really /pol/ though.
i mean, eddy- the black translator- is a likeable and intelligent guy.
its more a movie about a clash of cultures, about men away from home, politics.
its melancholic and funny at the same time.
i do recommend it.
I'm Veeky Forumspol/ though ofc, have to be in cuckmany
My views are entirely liberal.
Actually liberal, mind you; not Hillary shill hamilton koolaid drinking neoliberal scum.
daily reminder:
holy trinity
Veeky Forums /pol/ /k/
body mind gear
>being that autistic
Veeky Forumspol/k/. I'm ready
How does it feel to know that your saviour is a closet neocon?
Fit is def right wing so there's some crossover. Like, I'm a conservative but definitely not to the level of the vitriol fueled hateposting of /pol/.
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums Veeky Forums Veeky Forums /out/ and /diy/ are for the mind.
Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums for the body.
/k/ and Veeky Forums for gear.
reporting for duty, mein Führer
Reminder to avoid Nu/pol/ and Le Donald subreddit type posts like the plague. They're full of shills trying to misinform impressionable young fashies and goad them into becoming moronic skinheads instead of the Veeky Forums Ubermensch we're meant to be
>his for mind
>its another /leftypol/ tries memeing episode
/pol/tards are just as bad as SJWs. KYS
Germany, Europe, and the entire world would have been a much better place if Hitler won. Without a doubt. If you've been taught to hate him, look around at this fucked up degenerate world and ask yourself why it is so important to them that you reject Hitler. Plenty of "bad guys" in history, but most people have never even heard of chairman mao. Why are the Nazi the ultimate evil? You are taught that from elementary school and up, and beat over the head with it in movies, television shows, and video games. You do know the japenese were much worse to American pows and killed more Americans in World War Two than the Germans did, right? But the japs are not hated, only the nazi. Why? Maybe they don't want you to look into why the Jews were targeted by the Germans. Maybe they don't want you to know it is illegal to question any aspect of the holocaust in Europe - but any other genocide is fine to investigate. Maybe they want you to be a good little goy.
tide yes I pol
> t. faggot who unironically believes that everything in the humanities is trash and history is written by the ((((victors))))
Enjoy your """""mind""""" getting ""stimulated"" on /pol/ then, cuck.
I hold rather /pol/-tier right wing conservative views but without the nigger/jew hate and white supremacy parts.
Then again I'm an arab muslim living in leafland so that would be a bit hypocrite of me.
I'm a big dude and I always vote democrat. I don't like most liberals, but that doesn't mean right wing ideologies are automatically correct.
>le enlightened centrist
8pol is rammed to the gills with the most autistic LARPers on the planet. Their brit/pol/ was genuinely making plans to flee into the woods and become guerilla rebels if we didn't vote out of the EU and they ban you if you say anything that isn't 100% serious
This guy knows