>bench press
>don't lift a single newspaper
>bench press
>don't lift a single newspaper
>i'm going to have a bath
>face pulls
>doesn't work my face at all
>befor breagfesd
>Pendlay row
>he wont listen
>Barbell Row
>I'm still here.
>barbell row
>its actually quite high but the chinese man has depth perception issues
>muscle confusion
>actually working the muscle instead of confusing it
>suicide grip
>only broke 2 ribs
>calf extension
>I haven't grown an inch
>calf raises
>not raising up calves
>still depressed
>skull crushes
>only bruising
>power cleans
>power's out
>barbell flies
>not gaining any altitude
>press ups
>always down
>clean and jerk
>I'm not masturbating in the shower
>Romanian deadlifts
>didn't lift a dead Romanian
>decline bench press
>still does it
>baby fuck, baby fuck
>it's awwwriiight
>gym's plate dispenser is all out of bar butter and I forgot to bring mine from home
>now deadlifts are hard as fuck to set up
>incline bench press
>does it anyway
Wtf that actually sounds like a useful product, you should sell that
>balls touch
>"n-no homo"
>dumbbell press
>the bell has masters degree in quantum mechanics
>no alcohol allowed in the gym
>Dumbell Curl
>Pretty Smart