I've never worked out before in my life, I lost 30lbs doing a cut, and a friend of mine convinced me to go to Planet Fitness with him the other day.
Holy shit you guys memed me, there is literally nothing wrong with PF. Its a no judgement zone so I felt great working on the machines and lifting some lighter weights.
Other than the lunk alarm, which didn't even go off, there's no reason not to go here.
>no judgement zone >working on the machines >lifting some lighter weights >lunk alarm
You're right OP. It's a great place to workout. You should continue going there and never enter my gym.
Easton Sanders
Chase Gutierrez
The planet I go to is pretty /comfy/. You have a good amount of people actually know what they're doing. Some are Veeky Forums. Lot's of cardio bunnies too. $10 a month is awesome ain't it.
Matthew Moore
>Its a no judgement zone so I felt great working on the machines and lifting some lighter weights. >lighter weights
Landon Young
Don't forget the FREE PIZZA! If you're going to workout, your body needs calories to rejuvenate itself. Plus you get to meet other fit people.
All that for $10 a month. Anyone who pays more is a fool.
Levi Roberts
What gym you go to? I wanna go with a lunk alarm so whenever you breathe loud on your reps I can blare it
Justin Harris
What part of "I've never worked out before" did you miss? Of course I won't know proper terminology or be able to lift heavy weights.
Zachary Roberts
I go to PF because my sister has a membership there, so I get to work out for free. Some things are alright, while others are shit. For example, they only have Smith machines with 20 lb bars, so any kind of lift in those is a pain in the ass, and it's shitty watching some fuck with terrible form bench 110 lbs and then stand up like he's Batman or some shit. On the other hand, there is a free weight area that almost always has open space, even on busy days. Besides that, a lot of cardiobunnies are there, and in no time at all I was one of the stronger guys at the gym, and much better looking than most of the other men too. So I won't knock it in my case since it's free and I get checked out by an attractive girl almost every night. But besides that machines there are memes and I fucking hate Smith machines.
Brandon Howard
I want to work out, how do I make a gym plan or whatever you call em
Anthony Moore
the "PF IS A SHIT GYM" is a ironic meme bro
i've worked at PF, it's just a gym for old people and women no actual heavy lifting goes on because there are no barbells and dumb bells only go up to 60lbs also it's cheap as fuck
Jack Reyes
People acting like this is a bad thing are the worst. /fat/ needs to make way for /skelly/.
Levi Johnson
>Been going to PF for a year now after leaving Anytime Fitness because I was a poorfag >Space is huge >Tons of dumbbells that go up to 80lbs >Smith Machines aren't that bad if you know what you're doing >Lunk alarm only went off once when a new girl was running the night shift >Everyone in the gym got pissed about it and the manager came out to apologize, explaining the girl was new >Lunk alarm hasn't gone off since >Cardio section is dominated by 90% 9/10 cardio bunnies >Free weight, cable, and smith machine section is dominated by 90% fit mofos, some who are ex-competitors who are all bros >Made more gains at PF than I did at Anytime Fitness
Glad I didn't fall for the PF is shit Veeky Forums meme. It's actually a really good gym.
Connor Hill
How is LA fitness?
Levi Russell
> /blog
Fuck off you kike faggot
Sebastian Reed
Just because you can't hear anyone calling you a faggot doesn't mean you are not one.
Thomas Lopez
>db only up to 80s >no barbells >lunk alarm
sounds like a nightmare holy shit
Ryan Brown
PF's can be very different depending on the owner of the gym, you probably got lucky.
Dominic Diaz
I talked to a dude who used to be a professional body builder, and he said that he preferred the smith machine for benching, squatting, and diddlies. Of course, it's pretty obvious he used to (and still does) use the juice.
>not having a mcfit in your country 10€ a month, bunch of equipment, big free area for oly lifting and evrything, 24/7, no PTs bothering you, no real rules, always a great competitive atmosphere. its like meathead pf, its perfect
Matthew Barnes
>TFW your planet fitness still allows deadlifting and has heavy free weights Manager hid them when they came to take them.
Nathaniel Brooks
Holy fuck the reddit-tier ad shilling is intense.
Gavin Lopez
Do planet fitnesses have a place to do dips/pullups? Would they kick you out for using a weight belt?
Asher Rodriguez
Yes/no Probably not
Gavin Howard
Jaxon Hall
Liam Gonzalez
Lincoln Gomez
Dom, while funny as usual, doesn't really answer my question. All he says is that the smith machine is too big and you're a pussy if you use one.
My PF has 1 space for pull ups, and 2 places for dips. I've also seen people use weighted belts and no one cared.
Brandon Murphy
Not sure if b8 or planet fitness trying to defend itself
Michael Price
Kevin Thompson
They have no bench press or squat rack, only a smith machine. They give their members free pizza each week. You cannot justify PF ever being anything more than a joke.
Nicholas Moore
Smith machine promotes injury and postural problems compared to free weight, that's really the only difference.
Jose Fisher
>judgement free zone >unless you're an exceptional person sure convinced me.
Joseph Edwards
How does it promote injuries? Seems like it prevents injuries from bad form since ir pretty much forces you to use proper form.
You could always not eat the pizza. They don't force you to eat a slice before you can work out. And weirdly, my PF doesn't even provide the pizza despite being 3 doors down from a pizza hut. I asked about it once and the desk guy laughed at me and said that shit was too fattening to be in a gym, then told me to just buy a protein bar if Im hungry.
Noah Ross
Meant to quote in my second point.
Wyatt Powell
>starting at local LA Fitness >fresh transfer from PF >lift heavier than 80% of the people there >dudebros in string tanktops all over the place
Planet Fitness is a refuge, m8. If my local PF had a freeweight barbell bench and squat rack that's where I would be.
Henry Reyes
It's ok. The music is dreadful so you always have to have your headphones on.
Lately they blocked off most of the mat section for. " trainer only zone" in an effort to increase their personal training revenuvand its pisses me off because at night the space is desolated.
I been thinking on joining a different gym with more open space but I don't thrill I'm there yet training wise