>1 cup of oats = 600 calories
1 cup of oats = 600 calories
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in what world
Do you goys add protein powder before or after cooking?
should be like 450-500 my dude
literally 607 fampai
That's a big cup. 600kcal is 180g of oats.
>steel cut
>not specifying
You've lost all credibility OP.
is it even possible to get fat by eating plain oats? i have eaten large portion sizes before and my weight doesnt seem to accumulate much from it. plus you never hear about people getting fat off oats unless maybe you dump sugar and milk in it.
google sez 1 cup (156g) is 607 kcal
How many calories is a shot of oats then?
What about a pint?
Will a gallon of oats last me a month?
Fuck off
That's either a young Nick Drake or a young Fred West..
Measures fluid oz, not volume
If one cup is 600, then 1200
>will a gallon last a month
Not if youre eating a cup a day
1/2 a cup of raw oats is 150kcals in my reality, buddy. The fuck are you putting in yours?
Literally buy some oatmeal and look at the nutrition, you fucking faggot.
How do you fuck up google search?
1 cup of oats is a lot more than you expect
giggled desu
You fucking stupid? Fluid oz. is a measure of volume
Fl oz is for liquid volume. Cups of oats are dry volume
hi id like to order 8fl oz of oats plz and make them well done on the fly i gotta catch a workout in 20mins fuuark brah!!
>what the difference between oats and oatmeal
are u always such a big dumbfuck?