I keep hearing this and I don't know if people are fucking with me...

I keep hearing this and I don't know if people are fucking with me. Is it true I should lift with a butt plug in my ass to maximize gains? please treat this seriously

Are you retarded?

>lift with a butt plug in my ass

well it sounds shitty when you put it like that, but the fact of the matter is that you have a ton more glute and ab activation with a squat plug in than not.

What's so hard to understand about buttplugs? They've proven to increase squat weight by 5-10% based on body weight. Not sure on DLs, though. It seems to help me break PRs.

Studies show plugging the hole improves your rebound in the whole to increase the stretch reflex and thus allow an experienced lifter to lift apx 5% more weight.

need your squat plug bro


you're joking with me right?

Look man if you're too "embarrassed" like a little fucking pussy, fine. Deal with sub-optimal squats and have slower progress. Nobody knows you're using it, nobody. Just fucking suck it up and do it.

Well where do I even buy a butt plug? And when do I insert it? At the gym or before?

What do you think change rooms are for?

Okay what size butt plug do you use?

>butt plugs
>not just saving money and using a dildo
Fucking richfags

12mm. Gotta find your right fit.

Not necessary but very useful.
> forget my squat plug at home
>have to use the gym's squat plug
>some retard used it without cleaning it
>already skipped leg day last week
>have to use dirty squat plug
I hope i dont get sick dear god

Well I don't think I can test drive them bro. How do I know my right fit?

Measure with your fingers bro. Or ask someone with smaller hands for help

You don't want to go too small or they'll just fall out. Best to error on the large side. It might be a bit unconformable but you'll grow into it. If not just buy a lower size when you can. At that point you'll get a good feeling for it.

>New squat plug
>Fits super snug
>Try for my PR 3pl8 lmao
>While in the hole my prostate is tickled
>Use my hip drive to come up
>Rerack the bar
>Jizz stain in pants
Feels fucking amazing.

I once squated with a dildo and it kept wiggling out. I prefer a squat plug because they tend to start in and it feels nicer

lol I think a dildo would be too big when doing squats

Those are for women bro

I keep my plug in at least an hour after working out as it raises test levels 55%

It was. It is a 5.25" and when I go down, my butt feels like it's tearing and squeezes it out

literally if you take five seconds to google it you could find the answer yourself
>op is a faggot
>everyone in this thread is a faggot

I don't know science graphs, nigga. Explain that shit to me.

plugs = good

>he never took statistics in college

stop looking for more reasons to shove something up ur ass. just admit to urself that ur a faggot and do it

>increase abdominal pressure with lifting belt
>nobody bats an eye
>increase abdominal pressure with squat plug
>y-you guys are fucking with me r-right? Haha

Sounds like youre the one with issues

It's your prolapse, mate.

Joking aside, OP, there's some studies out there that prove lifting with a plug reduces your risk of anal prolapse when doing heavy lifts. Personally, I only use one when I'm challenging myself and not for maintenance.

I know some crossfitters who've also had good results with it. It's not my thing, but the dangerous stuff they do might be safer with a plug.


>this bread

>tfw forgot my squat plug at home and had to ask around the locker room to see if anyone had a spare
One of the locals let me use his because he said he was done for the day and to just give it back to him to him next time I see him
but the plug he gave me was too small and i think it fell out mid workout through my basket ball shorts pant leg. I left the gym without realizing
And the next day I couldn't find it anywhere. I've been avoiding the guy who let me barrow it the best I can but I think he's starting to realize what happened.
What should I do guys? If the guy tells the gym manager that I stole his plug they might terminate my gym membership.

Can any Veeky Forums guys post pics of themselves with their squat plugs in? I'm kind of nervous and it would be reassuring.

Have you not been using one? How long have you been lifting?

>sceince graphs

I fucking lost it there

>not eating all your protein a few hours before and using the constipation and farts
I like to live frugally and nattilly but also dangerously.

has to take statistics in college to understand that shit graph user pulled out his ass with godspeed to feed this stupid thread with pseudo science so OP thinks he has to plug his butt everytime he squats


Have you every had your anus prolapse while lifting? It sucks, now I don't squat without my plug. I've never felt more stable in my life in the hole

look i know its sounds bad if you never tried it but think about it logically.

just as the belt allows you to brace you core
and the valsalva manoeuvre braces your whole chest/core.
inserting a squat plug will more easily allow your glutes to brace on something, instead of just bracing on nothing.

therefore activating about 5% (i believe 10% is exaggerating) more then without a squat plug.

thus a squat plug, just as a belt will allow you to squat more weight.

what the fugg I'm confused now

>get curious after seeing all this shit on the internet for years and years, try to put a cucumber up my ass
>takes like 5 minutes to actually get it in
>little bit of cum starts leaking out when i start riding it
>stop because I don't want to become addicted to anal sex and turn into a faggot


crossfitfag spotted
>lifts with a plug in ass
no surprises here

Wait you're joking right??????!?

You DONT plug your ass on leg days??
How do you stop from shutting yourself on squats and not stabilizing you're colon for heavier lifts ?

Dude 10/10 for the bait you gains goblin, you

>turn into