Does 715g chicken, 500g broccoli, 750g basmati rice, 750g kidney beans per day seem like a good idea or is this diet complete trash?
Does 715g chicken, 500g broccoli, 750g basmati rice...
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swap kidney for black beans
Depends on your end goal but if it's all cooked right, that seems pretty clean.
haha wow who is this pic did they evan eat or lift bro? xD
Does it fit your macros/tdee? Does it fit your goals? Does it fit you? would give you a better answer than we can as we don't have all the variables and ultimately you alone are responsible for your wellbeing.
I implore you to research this yourself, Veeky Forums has it's limits.
>Does 715g chicken, 500g broccoli, 750g basmati rice, 750g kidney beans per day seem like a good idea or is this diet complete trash?
Good fucking luck eating 750gr of rice (if that is uncooked atleast)
>I hate my life and/or have no taste buds
Why don't you eat an oat, kale and organic water shake too while you're at it fag
What is organic water? How is it different from inorganic water? Can anyone tell the difference?
its activated
Thanks man
My starting and end goal is a lean bulk
Alright so say I've got an average tdee, what's a generic amount of calories, protein, fat, carbs I should be eating on a lean bulk and with which foods can I achieve that for as cheap as possible, the shit I've listed seems like the cheapest route
I'm doing weighted bodyweight stuff or icf 5x5
No it's gonna be cooked obviously
Eat some fucking fats so you'll feel full and your body will be able to operate. Like replace half of the beans with avocado.
Avocado is God tier food
What would u eat then u judgemental non helping faggot
Aren't avocados expensive though?
And how many grams of avocado how many grams of beans?
I'd like to know as well. What's wrong with kidney beans?
Male or female? Height? Weight? Money? Time? bf%? Years training? Stats?
And what the fuck is an average tdee? average for what? a skinny girl in darfur? or a hambeast in america?
if you want to go ahead without research then, go ahead. All I'm saying is that Veeky Forums cannot give you a legitimate concrete answer to your question, there are too many variables. Try it and find out, but I've warned you don't take Veeky Forums as holy writ, at least not in this.
and greg nuckols has a pretty good article on the subject
hope this helps.
Way too much fucking rice.
Male, 5'10, 150lbs, not a lot of money, doing a course 3 days a week for about another 2 weeks, working 2 days a week doing labouring, gonna be an apprentice soon which is shit pay, I have plenty of time on weekdays once I'm at home which is like 4-5pm roughly, been training on and off since I was 16, but I've never really made it past this 150lb threshold, 20 years old now, my body fat is about 15% I'd say
Mildly toxic, when I was downing a can a day, my grandmother freaked out. You can only eat a little
>wives tales
I'm pretty sure they're not toxic if they're cooked right but if u know otherwise plz link the source, black beans are more expensive from what I'm looking at, black eyed peas are the same sort of price as kidney beans not sure if they work as good?
I recall reading about this somewhere, something about the folate level being a risk if you eat too much and some stuff about antinutrients, but as 722 said, none of that is a concern if you cook them properly. Besides, who eats kidney beans straight out of the can anyway? They taste pretty bad even seasoned.
I eat kidney beans because I can't find any black beans in my proximity.
>plz link the source
Considering we found out a new lung function only days ago, I wouldn't put too much faith in science and medicine.
I'd be cooking all of my shit properly, is it still a problem?
Sounds unspeakably fucking boring
So what do u eat for a similar price with equal nutrients
>this amount of proteins
Are you a professional bodybuilder on a shitload of roids?
Not at all. I've been eating 1.5 cans of kidney beans per day for more than two years now, never had a problem. Just make sure to keep your water intake high, if you're also loading up on broccoli and other cruciferous veggies on top of the beans, a low water intake will give you a big welcome to constipation, bloating, and gas, since fibers absorb water, they can harden your stool in the intestine if you don't have too much liquid to spare.
No I just know nothing about making cheap gains clearly just like you because you're commenting retarded things and not helping
Unless you're 6'9 that's probably way too much food even for bulking
I'll be fine on water intake, referring back to my original post, would that diet be fine or would you add some fats? I know the protein is high as fuck but I'm not sure how else to make up the calories, should I do the avocado and kidney beans combo suggestion?
So throw in some suggestions faggot
Not with that attitude, fuck off
Lmfao ok then u female
Avocadoes are pretty fine, just don't load up too much on them, try 1 - 2 cups per day (150 - 300 grams), but this isn't a one-size-fits-all thing (I mean, this is the general case for nutrition, it's best to tailor the food you eat to your body), it really depends on how your body processes fat, so some people can go above 2 cups comfortably.
Also, is this your normal diet or are you bulking? 'cause you're eating way too much protein.
Just looking to forever lean bulk
And did you just start or have you been doing it for a while?
(Also, what's your weight + tdee + bf%?)
>~5500 calories a day
No I've never really paid too much attention to diet I've just ate calorie dense proteinous stuff for breakfast lunch and dinner, if I feel hungry after dinner I'd make a sandwich.
150lbs no idea what my tdee is it changes from day to day, bf is 15%
Myfitnesspal pal says that that is 2600 calories lmfao so I've got no idea
>bulk at 15%
Good luck with that
>gives vague Veeky Forums code word green text answers
>insert sarcastic comment
Never gonna outlift your autism
I see. Well, you can start now, take note of what you're eating and your macros.
150 lbs / 68 kg at 15% bf and you want to bulk?
As said, doing that is tricky at best, what you should now is cut a little bit more to 9% - 12%, then you can bulk. And when you do so, cut down the amount of food you're eating, that protein is very high even for bulking.
>can't tell from post that bulking at 15% is a bad idea
Never gonna outlift your low IQ
You misunderstood his statement
This shit is too much for me to take in man I just want it simplified, I don't think I'm even 15% I'm just judging by how my core looks, my arms have 0% bf, I can see my abs and Adonis so idk man it's just a rough estimate, I preciate your help tho senpai
That's almost 3 kilograms of food a day assuming you weighed cooked components.
Well, a good starting point is taking measurements. Measure your weight, tdee, bf%, calories, macros, etc., then you can work on from there. Tailor your routine to your body. If you're at 15% bf, cut down to 9%-12%, if you're at that range already, start bulking, for the love of God, cut down that amount of food. I mean, 750g of kidney beans = 70~ grams of protein alone, not taking the rest. You save on money, time spent cooking, and avoid overfeeding.
and for the*
not taking the rest into account*
What do you eat?
How do you not get it? Set macros - protein, fat, carbs, and eat whatever the fuck you want to hit those numbers
>basmati rice
>kidney beans
How can anyone eat this shit?
How are you meant to set macros though, there's no way of calculating my tdee because it's too variable, one day I could be sedentary the other I could be working all day, I do a lot of walking to and from places aswell so it's impossible to tell really
I wouldn't be eating it for the purpose of liking it
Chicken, salmon, broccoli, red cabbage, spinach, onions, tomatoes (I like a good variety in my veggies), kidney beans, and lentils.
As for quantities per day, I have 1 - 2 chicken breast (alternated with salmon fillets for lunch or dinner), 1.5 cans of kidney beans alternated with lentils, 0.5 - 1 yellow onions, 1 - 2 tomatoes, and the quantities of spinach, broccoli, and red cabbage vary.
This is all my normal diet, not bulking obviously. I also throw in some avocados sometimes.
I give up trying to understand this, I'm just gonna buy my chicken breasts, rice, kidney beans, sprouts, in bulk and mix it with mayo and hope for the best.
(oh yeah, also forgot eggs for breakfast)
Proper body building is not a simple matter, you'll find approaching it with minimal information while hoping for the best won't work out for you, trust me. If you have to do it like that just to understand how ineffective that approach, then by all means, do so. Not trying to put you down here, I'm just speaking from experience.
Who on earth eats uncooked rice?
you're a faggot
Na no way I know there's built guys who don't put this much effort into their diet
You would be surprised. That average downie-faced gymrat you see from time to time most likely has his information and routine straight. Even if they don't have any accurate numbers, they have a pretty good idea of what they should be doing.
I'm not trying to do it with a science, I just wanna make some simple gains, I don't want a PhD in nutrition I'm looking to do my weighted pull ups, dips, muscle ups, push ups, L-sits, pistol squats and running or 5x5 instead and make gains with it not consuming my life thinking about my tdee, cheap calories + macros to price foods and shit, I just want something set in stone really, any suggestions?
(Never gonna make it.)
I'm sorry, user, I don't have anything simpler to offer. At the very least, take your physical measurements, then work from there I guess. Look, if you're gonna take this seriously, you better learn to regularly keep track of the numbers, you don't have to obsess over it, most of us have a life outside of getting fit, you know.
Tells me 3000 calories tdee, I'll do 3200 just to be safe
this is almost my diet.
some tips,
Add tumaric to the rice and beans, it realy improves the flavor and is extremely good for you.
Add some greens to the rice (unless you are putting the broccoli into the rice, but I dont like that). I add 100g spinich and 50g greenpepper to the rice, improves the texture and adds some micros.
Add garlic
Add chilly pepper, i add thai and habenero chillies to olive oil and put it on the chicken, adds vitamin K and tastes great with the tumaric.
plain brockoly is shit, mix it with some grean beans, carrots and colliflower.
pic related is my normal meal
only problem with it is the low vitamin D.
Add some fat, avocados, coconut oil, etc
No, how is that enough fats for optimal hormonal functioning?!