6' 2" is the official manlet cutoff

6" 4' here, I was just at Lowe's and holy shit I swear every white male in there was as tall or taller than me. Kinda weirded me out. Most were 18 to 25 years old. I'm used to towering over most people but places like Lowe's have a higher concentration of alphas so you get more height. Honestly if I were 6' I would probably kill myself, it's just not tall enough anymore, most women in heels are taller than that
>that feel when you'll be considered short in 15 - 20 years

6' 4" damnit

>tfw 18 years old and 5'9

assuming my growth plates were still open, do you guys think ghrp-2 and cjc-1295 would do much for height?

tfw 5'10

At least im not a virgin and am in a happy long term relationship

6'4" here

I see someone as tall or taller than me like once a day if that

I go to a college of 30,000

6'6" and just started college this year. I'm taller than about 70% of my peers but it's rare to see anyone under 6'2" anymore.

Most of the girls are 5'10"--6'3". I can't imagine what life is like for short guys. No woman will ever date or have sex with someone shorter than them.


>S-sage eheheh stupid lanky

Manlet is a mindstate. IRL manlet status is under 5'9". You guys need to go outside more
>INB4 manlet

It's worse in Europe.