Connor Murphy

New Connor Murphy video dropped. Discuss.

>tfw you will never experience this
>I should just roid

Pranks are so 2014, also connor please go

Not gonna lie, I think anyone would be jelly of Murphy.

But who the fuck watches these videos realistically? I don't think women are watching it to flick their bean to.

Is it just virgin DYELs that want to dream about him as their fantasy? Or gym-rats that imagine they'll do it themselves in a year?


This guy is the very definition of a cringe. I hope no one really looks up to him or mire him in any way. Come on guys...


how do i get a gf that looks like the girl at 3:50?

Earn 6 figures, look like an 8/10 or get plastic surgery, and be at least 6'0 200 lbs 15% bf or less.

Daaamn XD

His body is mirable. His autism isn't...

Honestly he has a great jawline, great body, is a decent height. He has a really positive attitude, no reason not to like him. Anyone who hates on him is obviously just jealous

>not even 2 minutes in
>connor start insisting multiple times girls stand at a 45 degree angle
kek the dude legit is autisimo huh.

still his vids put a smile on my face and motivate me

You can literally see his interactions with girls get less and less cringey every video. When he started he was 100% autist but he's slowly getting better. If progress isn't mirable I don't know what is.

This is the male equivalent of
>elbows too pointy 3/10

His hairstyle is pure cancer. Why would you ruin a perfect package with that shit?

We're all gonna make it

I can only imagine how cringe it would like to be watching them for several hours nervously waiting for group of women to take pictures

>implying girls don't like messy bedhead looking hair
he's obviously a vain guy so of course everything he does is for female attention

I'm assuming it's 11 year olds. When I was in 6th grade or so this stuff would have seemed interesting to me. Looking at how he talks to girls and stuff.
Now though, his videos are so autistic that I become physically uncomfortable watching him sperg out. He can't even form sentences some times. It's actually very weird and sad.

>not a single girl looked at me like that in my entire life

I mean, if I was aesthetic as him then I'd go out to fests like that and mingle sure.

Its the whole process of videoing it and then uploading it as a "prank". I can't see it being watched for anything other than wish-fulfillment fantasies for teenagers.

It's the exact opposite you idiot, people are saying he has a great body but has cringe worthy autism and life choices which is what ultimately matters

>I should just roid

Do that and let's see how it ends up like because you won't have his look on gear.

blaha has never and will never be on roids, he just lies because he has fucking autism. Sure OP's insertions most likely won't look like Connors, but he absolutely won't look like that retard.

he's like a more autistic version of jeff.

His skin look is what juicers don't have.

he uses it to hide his hairline recession on one side

Eh. I think he could be natty, or mostly natty. If you did a cycle and trained properly it probably wouldn't be too hard to attain if you have good genetics.

I'm not saying connor isn't natty, I think he is as well, I'm just saying if OP wanted to get to where he is fast then roids are the obvious answer

He might

Connor def isn't natty. Also not everyone gets bad skin from gear

>I should just roid
Dude those girls clearly don't lift, you don't need to have train your tongue to lick some guys abs

You simply won't have that skin look on roids.

so you think jeff seid is natty too?

connor definitely is attainable natty, he's been training for 9 years, and obviously has good genetics.

Starting to connect the dots? Wow.

>Blaha is roiding
>Connor and Jeff are natty

Blaha doesn't even lift though

9 years? How old is he?

Or did he just start when he was like fucking 15-16?

>can become a model or an excellent private trainer
>instead shows off his brand of autism through YouTube

Wasn't Connor arrested or something recently for this shit?

He was arrested for staging a fight in one of his vids with some other guy he also got punched in the face by some girl in that vid

in this vid if you watch till the end he gets punched in the back hard by some bypasser

kek people cant deal with them 'stetics

he started at 12 or something


>he is not buff

he has a video talking about it and showing all his progress throughout, he started calisthenics at 12, and has gone from there, his progress has been pretty steady. He had a more aggressive bump in size from 17-19 which I would attribute to higher testosterone from puberty/as he says in his videos he actually stuck to a plan rather than just sending it in the gym

I'd believe it then I think. He and Kino seem like pretty decent goals.

I thought Kino was roiding at his biggest: he pushed 2.5 pl8 on incline for reps while cut. But he's shrunk back to a very achievable physique it seems.

Good goal bods.

I seriously hate Zyzz and all of his copycats. The fact that young, reasonably intelligent men do this stuff in their free time is sad.

>Yeah brah let's spend our weekend evening walking around with our shirts off in front of girls and then post video of it on the internet

Entertainment for 13 year old boys.

>make decent money
>get tons of female attention
yeah sure is real dumb of him to do this

These videos got old really quick after like the first two. Its just

>find an excuse to take your shirt off in public
>pose with girls
>"WOOOO I LOVE CONNOR!!!" With shitty trance music playing in the background

Like at least do something interesting with the aesthetics, not just the same thing over and over.

Is that his bf?

more than half of the girls are ugly, he doesn't call and fuck any of them, he only does this for e-fame and youtube views

if you're not a neet virgin, you probably get laid more than him

Who watches these videos? Mirin his physique but who the fuck gives a shit?

>He was arrested for staging a fight in one of his vids

all of his vids are staged

>someone punched Connor again
He's such a sweet guy I just want to let put his face between my boobs and kiss his forehead

me in the blue shirt punching him in the back

connor murphy sponsored thread

All you guys calling him sperg lord are retarded. Autist don't have the nuts to walk up to a girl let alone multiple shirtless. I agree that his videos are childish and contribute nothing to the real world and only insecure little kids really look up to him but he probably gets laid a lot more than you think.


when will it be mine turn...

What body fat would you say that connor and the other guy is in this video. Idk if my body dysmorphia is getting out of control but they both look a little bit pudgy here.

This is like a girl with big tits running around in a bikini going: "Tee-hee, do you think I'm sexy, boys?". Approval seeking bitch behavior. This is quite pathetic, no matter how good he looks, this guy has to have some mental issues to be doing this all the time.
