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close but no cigar
here is my serious reply
that guy is my fucken goal tho
too tight, skin looks red and unhealthy. Jacked af tho, just not as natural as OP
I've always wondered who the fuck this guy is.
idk who this is but he looks damn good
why his belly button look weird
God dammit Eli. This picture and your TD/INT ratio make it so hard to stay a giants fan.
nice child bearing hips gosling lol
klokov is the living embodyment of that hercules statue man
This is a close 2nd imo.
Anyone have that webm of the dude in the shower rubbing his chest cause that is #1.
Dom Mazzetti is better by a mile. King of All Natty kills scrub drug pugs by the score
is posting zyzz cheating
Yes, when I think of "sexy" the first thing to mind is "dat inguinal hernia"
Zyzz doesn't come close.
Ok, so have we progressed to the point where the brap meme applies to any and all pictures of grills now? Its not even an ass pic.
I hope you're trolling cause doms body is shit. it used to be better back in the day when he first started his videos, then his bf went up and stayed up.
anyway even when it was better it is still shit.
would unironically put any/all of pic-relateds' dongs in my mouth.
he is legit a beautiful man. genetically gifted and swole as can be w/o PEDs. You're a fool if you don't recognize that. dude is 200lbs and can do dragon flags and the salmon ladder
t. nigger lover
The only real winner obviously. Chichi that lucky bitch
> dat ramen noodle hair
roidgut is roidgutisting
nobody in this tier qualifies
likewise herniaboy
Jeff Seid?
fuck you dont talk shit about my mandingo nigger boyfriend
Will I ever be able to look that good after being a 280lb fatass?
You're an idiot.
Is it ok that this is my goal body
Are you okay with sucking dicks?
No, do you?
Bitch please.
I hate how everyone ignores this guy's extreme bow leggedness
how to build this physique
>ideal male body
>doesn't even wrassle
can we agree that anybody who thinks gosling is big is a dyel cunt?
calum von moger
Lol are you serious?
>you may not like this but this is what weemin want
> roid gut
> lotus
What did He meme by this?
This guy is close
>roid shit
No ones gonna post arnie or zyzz?
lmaoing at your life son
where did you get this rare lotus
It's definitely obvious but doesn't take anything away from his attractiveness
natty physiques are always the best
I bet he looks funny in jeans when viewed from a distance
Who actually is op's pic?
Yeah, I saw some normalfag motherfucker on /soc/ use it for a normal picture of a girl's front, makes no damn sense.
Normies are the worst
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Zyzz had the perfect body because he was big enough but also perfectly lean.
It's the best of both worlds, he could sway a girl who likes big bulky guys and girls who like lean but muscular guys.
You're delusional if you think otherwise.
umbilical hernia.
Look at those tiny little arms attached to that big torso
you can achive this without roids but it's gonna be fucking hard m8
Not fair. Looks like he's photoshopped desu
His traps are too tall for his frame and make him look narrower than he was
what guys think girls want
what girls actually want
but we all know Veeky Forums is the gayest board on Veeky Forums so whatever.
unironically mirin, dude is close to perfection