Are there examples of far right or traditionalist anti nationalism?

are there examples of far right or traditionalist anti nationalism?

>What is monarchism

tell me more about monarchism

>what is the 19th century
Monarchists were for decentralisation and regional autonomy (they supported the old legal order, which included a high level of autonomy for cities (free royal cities), cultural rights for different regions (liberals were trying, and succeeded, to repeal this, particularly in France and Spain), significant levels of legal autonomy between regions (particularly pronounced in Spain along with the previous point as Fueros, which was one of the pillars of carlism, liberals generally wanted a single legal order in the whole country)). Liberals were for centralisation and nationalism.

Any ideal of imperium.

I think Evola had some hyperautistic beliefs that could be called that


Anyone who wants to bring back feudalism or dynastic monarchies/empires is by definition anti-nationalist.


>What is imperialism?


how would you bring back feudalism nowadays?


Universalist Theocracies like ISIS are rightwing anti-nationalists

social democracy

Whatever Varg is is a good example.

>anything that isn't my specific autistic brand of leftism is far right

Other than monarchism, this is all leftist.

> traditionalist anti nationalism
Most European nations in the first half of 19th century. Austria wanted to remain absolutist and suppress the divisive nationalists, French nationalists were suppressed for their revolutionary temper, Italian nationalists were a threat to Austrian domination in Italy etc. The Prussian king opposed German nationalism to such extend that he refused to be crowned the king of united Germany in 1848 as he would not have a crown from gutter.

How? The kingdom is a nation.

Varg's tribalism

Khomeini was anti-nationalist.