Should I buy these?
Should I buy these?
Holy shit lmao
Are you gonna tell us your height?
Or are you asking for fashion advice?
I'm 4'10
You have got to be kidding. You are either underage or an asian chick.
should i buy these?
I'd recommend pic related.
I'd recommend pic related.
i have a friend who is the same height as me (5'8) and he bought shit like that. now he never does anything that requires taking shoes off. he also became an asshole. it has really fucked with his mind. not worth it
Just get the six inch stilettos you've always wanted and mince about like the queen you are
>raised insoles
>still a manlet
Sure. If women can have a push up bra and make up, you can can wear lifts. Buy a fake high value car key and string it on your chain. Wrap a couple hundreds round a stack full of singles. Play on playa
Do you want a gf some day?
These can only work for dudes who are like 6'-6'2". Even then it's painfully obvious.
buy elevator shoes
thats a 8/10 fit bird in the uk,yeah
yet he is still insecure about his height in his head. elevators don't solve shit but create even more mental problems
yeah, but if your goal is to get some pussy at the club, these shoes can help
These are great user, I those exact ones, they take me from 6'1" to a solid 6'3" and the funny thing is non of my friends have even noticed I've miraculously got taller.
If you goal is to get some pussy at the club, use rohypnol.
>angry manlets still not learning
For squatting, right?
>now he never does anything that requires taking shoes off
That includes sex, doesn't it?
I wouldn't know.
could you use these for squats instead of spending a fortune on some weightlifting shoes?
he's wearing insoles too right? My winter boots have heels and they make me about 2 cm taller (less than an inch), 2.4" would require more than just the shoes, so additional insoles as in the OP
Romaleos are pretty cheap you poor fag
They're like €200...
also i can't buy them anywhere in my country, have to order online
Honestly I have these on my wishlist. I'm 6 ft, but one could always use the extra height.
If you're near 6, you should get em. Girls won't be able to tell the difference when you slip off ;)
or you can just put 1.25/2.5 kg plates under your heels
i don't need to buy that shit. alcohol does wonders to mind
You serious?
Im 5'11.9 and might get these so I can be 6'2 but lie and tell people I am 6'4
No, the surface you push your feet against on should not have thick cushioning.
Just saw this.
Should I tell her, Veeky Forums?!