Mfw: > Slept with a tinder fat chick last night only to realise my mistake in the morning seeing her slobbering on my breakfast messing up my kitchen table. > The Fat chick even had the gall to say I preferred her criticising the women fitness magazine I had lying around.
I woke up and realised its our fault. Is Veeky Forums lifting for fat women now. They thinks so.
What have we done?
Cameron Jackson
I do my best to avoid even touching fat girls.
Don't put your mistakes on us you degenerate.
James Taylor
Banging fatties isn't a group project. Respect yourself.
Jacob Gonzalez
You're a delusional fuck. Only degenerates lift for whales, flawed semi-humanoid mutates who do not deserve to live unless they lose weight.
Carson Powell
In addition sleep with as few (preferably one) women to maximise mental and physical health
Robert Miller
They think so because they are delusional.
Carter Perry
>be 19yo KV autist
>meet girl at uni >we get on very well >awkward/virgin >stunningly smart >bottom 5 percent of looks (mainly due to being fat) >would gf straight away if it wasn't for this
Should I go for it?
Jaxson Brooks
up to you, but if you don't you're a fag
Matthew Cooper
And if you do you're disgusting.
Nathaniel Kelly
I would love to, but I don't find her remotely sexually attractive. If only she could lose some weight
John Flores
Why are you out there giving us a bad name and then complaining about it?
Do better, user.
Ian Stewart
Then gain the confidence to interact with women who are attractive to you, think of it like lifting, hold 3 conversations a day until failure
Also you're still a fag
Gavin Thomas
I'm actually ok confidence wise, just autistic.
Also if I wanted to lose my virginity I'd hire a prostitute, legal where I live and I've got enough money.
I want a gf though not casual sex
Landon Evans
A lot of people are quite narcissistic, if you ask someone to talk about them selves, they will do so for a while pay attention and ask a follow up based on the details given That is my shitty advice Finally, you're still a fag
Logan Brooks
I absolutely hate when I see the "f*ck" shit on signs or facebook or whatever.
Either write the word, or don't. Don't half write it and then censor yourself ffs
Anthony Powell
F*ck you
Nolan Peterson
If she was chubby/thick its acceptable.
If she was literal fat then you're a degenerate.
Anthony Young
this all the way, i have had 45+ minute long conversations with people saying maybe 2 minutes worth of dialog. ironically people don't think you are boring or a loser for not saying much, they love you and your company because of it.
Jack Ramirez
Please go post this shit in /pol/ and /r9k/ as well.
Long as men will fuck anything then females won't see a need to actually change themselves.
Zachary Sanchez
>The Fat chick even had the gall to say I preferred her criticising the women fitness magazine I had lying around.
you had sex with the fat chick, not the fitness models.
she's 100% correct in her assertion and you're in denial.
Julian Walker
>We No. I have self respect.
Josiah Green
Why not just retort with "I brought myself down to your level for an easy fuck?" I bet you just gave a faggy little laugh and cleaned up after her.
David Hall
It really pisses me off when people abuse the word "fascist." It downplays the real oppression people faced in fascist countries.
In fascist countries people are killed for absolutely no reason. She wants not only no negativity, but ENCOURAGEMENT for living an unhealthy lifestyle.
Ian Turner
Lost mine at 17 to a fat nerd. On one hand I'm glad I crosses that bridge. On the other she was fucking gross and I wish I hasn't.
I say lose it however you can then keep your standards from then on.
Gavin Harris
>In fascist countries people are killed for absolutely no reason
Ryan Clark
I fucking love you. OP quit projecting your shitty life choices on us.
Wyatt Sanders
>implying the holocaust happened >implying jews dindu nuffin >implying human suffering is a bad thing if it is for a higher cause your bluepilled af
Wyatt White
Your point is good user, but you shouldnt have used that pic with that filename for your post just sayin
Brandon Ortiz
Id rather go without sex than fuck a fatty
James Ramirez
If I eat McDonalds, it doesn't mean I preffer french fries over steak.
Juan Watson
Upd8 ur b8 m8
Jaxson Butler
>no reason They had a reason. Being a jew is arguably a bad reason to kill someone, but that doesn't make the murders reason-less.
Aaron Carter
We don't lift for fat girls. Girls are fat for our lifts.
Adrian Ross
delete that picture of jewish crimes right now
Jace Roberts
you have made a mistake. How I see it you have 2 choices to redeem yourself in the eyes of our lord and savior Zyzz and the followers of Veeky Forums. Promise to never touch/speak or even fap to the fatties and never to succumb to the filth that the fatties are. apologize for your sins against Veeky Forums and do 3x10 70% max weight squats everytime when you are confronted with thoughts of porking the fatties. OR Kys yourself
Jacob Jones
This indeed
Ayden King
You can really just throw "fascist" in front of anything and call it a protest.
Logan Hall
are you going to gf her just to lose your virginity? then no
are you going to gf because deep down in your heart you know you are attracted to her and are worried about what others would say? because then yes and fuck what others think. life is too short to base your romantic choices on what your 'buddies' think.
Nathan Ortiz
Only if she loses weight
Jayden Sanders
In fascist countries people are killed for being subversive communists who want to destroy that country.
Charles Martin
lmfao op made me laugh
fat bitches do turn me on but i'm embarrassed as fuck to be seen in public with them.
Ian Ortiz
F*ck you too, nigger
Lincoln Thomas
Date her and make her lose weight
Austin Morales
She's sexy as fuck. I lift for myself, but my gf is fat as fuck and I fucking love it. I have fattened her up from 60kg to 140kg in 3 years. We both have a fat fetish.
Mason Murphy
Henry Martin
How do you even get it up for a fat girl
Jack Peterson
>In fascist countries people are killed for absolutely no reason. Are people seriously taught this in Murrkan schools? Like "fascists were lolrandum psychopaths who killed literally random people"? This is "Hitler wanted to kill everyone who wasn't a blue-eyed blonde" tier.
Adam Thompson
This. Liking fatties is degenerate and fucking gross. Thin girls are absolutely superior.
Benjamin Lopez
Thin girls are disgusting. You probably like boys.
Isaiah Williams
Isaac Morgan
> Slept with a tinder fat chick last night only to realise my mistake in the morning seeing her slobbering on my breakfast messing up my kitchen table. You're the reason why these literal monstrosities think that they're good enough for us. Cut your dick off you literal beta male.
Noah Kelly
>I lift for myself, but my gf is fat as fuck and I fucking love it. >I have fattened her up from 60kg to 140kg in 3 years
Jonathan Moore
so why did Hitler want to exterminate Jews?
Kayden Hughes
You mad bro? I went and got her 6 crispy creme donuts, filled her belly up, and fucked the shit out of her while she was begging me to make her fatter.