>one shot at life
>born with wide hips
>one shot at life
>born with wide hips
wide hips may be shit for aesthetics (unless you're yearning for trapmode), but they're good for strength sports
now go and achieve that SS dream
you were meant to become a trap. also who is klokov
I mean 5'11
Photo is shooped, but he does have wide hips unfortunately.
is that the nigger from the worst star wars movie?
>one chance at life
>left clavicle is only 4 inches right clavicle is only 5 inches
wide hips isnt shit for aesthetics, unless you got narrow shoulders.
Big shoulder with big hips is a good look. anything with wide shoudlers is a good look. Unless youre very short
damn, you're the shortest manlet on this board :^)
Wide hips here. feelsbadman.jpg
Hit shoulders, lats, and chest.
I have eczema and asthma
k i n d o f s u c k s t b h f a m
that being said I look better than the vast majority of people im like an 8/10 9/10 with a good tan
what te fuck is a clavicle
Nah, one guy was 4'11". Literally one inch away from being a legal midget, so he doesn't even have that novelty.
Jesus christ this is a blue board user
Wait, something actually sp00ky just happened.
I didn't write ">clavicle"....what's going on? Can mode ninja-edit?
This better be bait newfag
>tfw pectus evactum
>tfw grills constantly ask me shit like if my chest fills up with water in the shower or if I could eat milk and cereal out of it
>tfw when no amount of bench press will fill the gaping hole in my chest
Should I just bulk until I'm a heap of definitionless jello ?
Guessing is half the fun senpai.
Did you copy it to search for the image? If you copy something it shows up when you go to reply with a >
>tfw born with wide hips, but 6'2" and really wide shoulders so I got lucky.
Type one diabetes. At least I can control insulin I guess.
My mother is 4'11
>born gay
is there even any point to lifting?
>wide hips :(
>even wider shoulders :)
It's ok
>born gay
Just kidding. But yeah only faggots want a skinny homo.
Pre-hormone Boyega was inferior.
Is this bad?
Is it? (bump)
that's normal
Build core and obliques. You have no chest or arms. Once you actually bulk up you'll look fine. You have disproportionate hips right now but don't worry.
This is the only non-troll response you'll get btw.
I have 7 1/4 inch wrists (18.5 cm), and 9 1/2 inch (24 cm) ankles Can I ever be big? If I hard bulk will I end up looking weird?
My dude. I worked as a lifeguard back in high school and I would get questions all the time about it. Made me feel like shit at first, but I think by this point I've learned to live with it. My only consolation is that even though my chest looks like shit, my shoulders are pretty broad and my waist is pretty small. That being said, I'm still right at the very edge of acceptable heights, probably just over it at 6'6".
>tfw pectus carinatum
i know what you're feeling my man,we can hug and fill out each other
>Somewhat broad shoulders
>Red hair
>Spinal issues
>Shit eyesight
>Size 16 1/2 shoes
I'm not complaining.
6'7 is not a positive my man.
>size 16 1/2 shoes
I'm and 6'6". I wear size 12s. Where the fuck did you get those gunboats from?
I have not a fucking clue genetically, both parents have smol feet.
>Tfw have to order shoes online
my older brother is 6' 3", and he wears size 14's. I'm 6' 1" and I wear 12's. I'd say your feet are small for your height.
lad you're a bit small, I'm size 13 and 6'3", 12 is probably normal for my height, for yours it would probably be 14 on average
I'm honestly not that surprised, my cousins have some huge-ass feet and they're shorter than me. At the very least I don't have to order shoes online because they don't have my size. Can't always say the same for pants though.
>tfw most stores don't carry jeans with a 31 waist and 34 length
lad. you're 100% right. my bro can only find shoes at specialty stores or online. and even then they only have runners, and work shoes from the 90's.
>6 ft 4
>broad shoulders
>8/10+ face
>Aryan hair/eyes/skin
still don't get laid because muh autism
currently lifting to get to the point where sluts throw themselves at me shamelessly, because thats the only social queue I will understand
Your not autistic, there's nothing wrong with you
It's all in your head.
Go to church user. Change yourself to be the person you don't want to be and the perfect woman will find you. Van Gogh said, “If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” Your beliefs greatly affect your behaviors. When you identify what beliefs are holding you back and act in spite of them, your results will begin to change
>wide hips
If I go THICC I'll just look like an oompa loompa
But if I go lean I look like a female
There's no winning
>good hips, decently broad shoulders
>face is a 6
I want off this ride
same thing t b h senpai
6 means above average?
your not using a 5-10 scale are you?
>above average in every way
>still complaining
I thought my 7 inch cock was small.
Idk I would consider 6 like "average"
Not good looking but not bad looking.
Like a 7 is where girls would mostly agree a guy is attractive. I'm just tryna say I'm nothing special.
wtf claviclet lmao
Just measured. Both of mine are 7"
Then you're pretty dumb because average is like 5.5in
>wide shoulders(they're small IMO but ppl always commented that my shoulders were abnormally big before i ever touched weights)
>small waist n hips
>big thighs before ever lifting weights
>nigger lips
I've got it too but I feel like it makes my pecs look a lot bigger than they are, and kind of draws away from my poor medial insertions.
Since it doesn't affect my lung capacity (far as I can tell) I don't mind it.
Shit sucks if it's a bad case though, mine's fairly mild but a guy I know had to have that surgery where they put a steel bar through your ribcage and he was out of commission for almost a year.
Hahaha fucking dicklets
>8" x 7" dick
>huge flaccid so constant mires
>broad shoulders, narrow hips
>strong jaw
Yeah I'd still rather be 6'0 with a 6.25 above average dick than shorter than an average man.
>blue eyes
>blond hair
>wide shoulders
>deep voice
>hole in the chest (forgot how its called)
>jew nose
>6'0 (small where I live)
>6 dicc (fuck off with your 5 average, you know its not true)
C'mon dicklet. Really now? I'd really be vertically challenged than never satisfy a girl in bed
but your 5'9 dude. Practically disabled. You peak at gettings 7s assuming your handsome with decent money.
I would take a 4 inch dick over being 5'9
gtfo Veeky Forums dad
Thats where you're wrong, kiddo. Height is about social status. But in the bedroom, dick is king.
There are literally fingers bigger than your dick. How can you even compete?
pectus evactum
excavatum mate, at least learn the name of your own deformity
nope, when you are with a group of actual men 6'0 + you look like a child. The best you can hope for is some bitch touching your dick in exchange for you to pay off her visa bill..
>6'1" in a place where most guys are under 6foot
>genetically gifted thanks to my father who was a school boy champion weightlifter, and my grandfather who was 6'2" and played professional rugby
>naturally wide shoulders (think rowers or swimmers)
>no gyno or skin blemishes
>tanned from surfing all the time
> 27 and balding pretty bad. Ive stopped worrying about it now and just shave my head but it was pretty shit when it first started happening
>bad knees from playing rugby means my squats have always lagged behind my other lifts
over all pretty happy im over 6ft and look like a rower who hits the gym alot and surfs most weekends
>guys crying about 6 inch dicks
easiest way to spot a virgin
you highlighted "clavicle" then pressed the post number
>Wait, something actually sp00ky just happened.
>I didn't write ">clavicle"....what's going on? Can mode ninja-edit?
Wait, something actually sp00ky just happened.
I didn't write ">Wait, something actually sp00ky just happened.
>I didn't write ">clavicle"....what's going on? Can mode ninja-edit?"....what's going on? Can mode ninja-edit?
> 6'
> blue eyes
> dick does the job
> really big chin w/ long face
> extremely pale and can't tan
only thing I'm kinda sad about is the chin, I'm really not a good looking guy at all.
>good insertions
>good face
>fucking scoliosis neck from sitting on the computer since age 14
If I cant' fix this by lifting I'm gonna kill ymself.
I'm pretty sure in this post alone you check a third of the physical signs of Marfans.
>narrow shoulders
>wide hips
>high natural test levels
>narrow frame makes me look thick
>slightly above average face
>no serious health problems
I'll fucking take it haha could be so much worse.
>this much cope
I'll never understand how insecure dicklets feel
10 scoops time?
I have it too slightly. No one notices cause of good posture. The more shit posture you have the more noticeable it is. And it also makes the outer pec look more defined. Stand up straight. Don't be a stiff skeleton. No one will notice unless you have it real bad.
Estrogen? Don't you know that's high test mode in the after pic? That's the logic of high test isn't it?
>be female
>be born with narrow hips and a terrible fat distribution that sends all my fat to my inner thighs
>literally all of it, every other part of my body is completely ripped
>no tits
i envy those who store fat in their upper body, lean legs are the best.
We'll when you are naturally inclined to stand like that yeah.
Yeah she'll find you but will only look at you with wide eyes and a smile waiting for you to make the move. Like 90% of all girls who mire me. They're pussies.
You look like Jason Genova.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Same man, I hate that I need to use so many hydrating cremes for different body areas otherwise my skin is flaky af & super sensitive
I'm also allergic to cold :(
>not a manlet
>decent jaw/dick
>wide shoulders narrow hips
>cant tan and produice a shitton of moles
Everyone here really fails to realize the importance of having a good clean, smooth skin texture.
I'm extremely pale, with moles in stupid places. I got so fucking sick of some moles I cut them off with nail clippers lel.
My parents are South European I'm supposed to have nice tan skin, unfortunately I fucking don't. I recommend St Tropez fake tan, if you use a small bit it makes you look a bit darker but really natural.
It's also important to wear sunscreen. No matter how little you are prone to burning.
Also a lot of people don't have healthy skin. Most females cover up the natural flaws and textures of their skin. Yet this logic is used to accentuate their already natural facial features?
Are you ashamed of your own skin? Serious question.
Become the bara bear mode dream my man. You'll never have to manscape again and slay boipussi.
Source: Depraved bisexual
Hgh belly
You'll never satisfy a girl in bed. Because you'll never get one.
Typical irrational bimbo. You can fuck off.
Your shoulders are fine, and if anything you have narrow athletic hips.
You're gonna make it breh.
>projecting this hard
I don't need height when they can see my big swinging dick from across the room