Veeky Forums thoughts on water fasting/detox for weight loss?

Veeky Forums thoughts on water fasting/detox for weight loss?

Fasting is good as long as you don't become an anorexic. It can help get your insulin levels all fixed up

if you're fat you'll likely not have the willpower to fast anyway and will end up bingeing

I did it just fine.

how long did you fast for?

I was doing 2-3 days twice a week and the rest was a normal 16/8 fast

how much weight have you lost, I'm intrested.

But does it kill gains? I'm fat, lots of weight to lose, but I also have big stronk muskels I don't want to lose

I heard about obese people water fasting for a month and losing a FUCK ton of weight.

I did 20kg since New Years
I don't have any gains lmao fasting is for obese people

Ever tried doing it for a straight month or something like that?

Start with the longest fast you can manage. This will help reset your hormonal balances and help you crave the right food. It will be a lot like quitting smoking because if you're fat you're craving the wrong food.

After that, you're detoxed, resume an intermittent fast. Eat lots of fats and protein because they fill you up and you won't be as hungry.

Where did that fung guy go, I miss his threads.

I heard when you get into keto for a week, you can pull off water fasting for a shit ton longer, and lose weight while you're at it.

too many calories if you drink to much

good if you want to control your eating
Overshilled shit that makes you lose water weight that you gain back as quick as you lose it

Thinking about doing some fasting for a few days to quickly lose some weight.
I should probably take a multivitamin during the time since I won't be taking in any nutrients right?
Any cheap/generic suggestions?

i heard taking salt pills or just straight up salt to help retain water but I only think that is for long fasts.

I just finished a 6 day fast and feel amazing. I drank a whole bottle of wine when I finished and got no hangover at all for some reason. Since then I have been only eating in a 8 hour period very clean, and hardly feel any hunger at all. I would definitely recommend going on a >5 day fast at some point unless you are very lean

Don't take multivitamin, you need sodium and potassium, you can buy salts rich in potassium online. You only need it for long fasts though, dont need anything for a few days

of course not. he would be running on his body fat.

>Eat lots of fats and protein because they fill you up and you won't be as hungry
>eat the most calorically dense foods because they fill you up
are you retarded

meant for but the first guy is stupid too

why don't you actually try it before making posts like this?

i mean you will lose weight pretty fucking fast.

You will end up bingeing, most likely.

That being said I'm off to eat a ton for Easter then fast for 2 days.

try fasting for a month you mean? sorry, bro, I'm not a lardass to be able to do anything like that

no, that's not what i mean. i'm referring to the text you quoted.



>heart disease shill

>fat causes heart disease

i'm done here lmao

So if I was t to bulk I shouldn't eat vegetables?

yea, you will be at 50

you should, but you shouldn't try to bulk on vegetables

What other caloric dense food is there? I'm always full too early and it makes gaining weight hard.

It's true though.

Avocados are great for weight loss for exactly that reason, same as mushrooms.

Carbohydrates aren't anathema to weight loss, they should just be eaten earlier in the day and in smaller amounts. You need to maintain certain levels of glycogen, but you only need to refill the tank when it's getting close to empty.

If you're eating carbohydrates at night most of it will turn into fat, and you'll need more carbohydrates in the morning.

Your brain can only function off one energy source: glycogen. You can't burn fat by thinking. However, if you refill the glycogen tank every morning, and then just eat mostly protein, fiber and fat for the rest of the day, you're going to use the carbohydrates as they should be used instead of storing them as fats.

some truth hidden amongst the bullshit - see if you can find it!

Is that an attempt at a counter-argument or are you just trying to save face... anonymously.

I mean, the only problem I can see is I should have used 'glucose' in some parts instead of 'glycogen'.

Glycogen is a glucose storage system, so for our purposes they're interchangeable.

kek, do you know how inefficient it is to turn carbohydrates to fat and that it's only done when you've eaten too much carbs?
if your body functions on glucose, then why not eat what your body works best on? at least you mentioned fiber in your bullshit, because that's actually what will fill you up the most

don't be a pussy.. when I'm trying to gain weight, I eat until I'm almost puking
also, google is your friend

>do you know how inefficient it is to turn carbohydrates to fat and that it's only done when you've eaten too much carbs?

It's the most efficient form of energy we eat. You even tacitly admit that in the next sentence.

Excess carbohydrates cause insulin to be released, IE, the hormone that turns glucose into fat.

>if your body functions on glucose, then why not eat what your body works best on?

This is exactly what athletes do.

If you're trying to lose weight, though, you want an INEFFICIENT energy source.

Most of your body CAN function on fat, that's why it's there. How basic do I need to go here? I've already mentioned that the CNS derives it's energy almost entirely from glucose, but apparently that's translated into your head as 'OH SO YOUR BODY NEEDS GLUCOSE?'

insulin transports glucose to cells, it doesn't turn it into fat, retard
if you're trying to lose weight, you should want something that will make you feel full, not something
that's an "INEFFICIENT energy source"
yes, most of the body can function on fat, but it is, as you said, an inefficient energy source. you feel subpar energy-wise than you would on carbs, that's why it's more EFFICIENT to eat carbs for fullness and ENERGY

>insulin doesn't turn glucose into fat


right, but I meant in this context. you have to be in a caloric surplus, eat an excessive amount of carbs and eat less than 10% of calories in fat. that process just won't activate on a cut, which is the context

It turns glucose to glycogen in muscle too. Why do you think bodybuilders use it?

i water fasted for 40 days and lost 50 pounds

detox is just another spook friendo

Currently doing 4 day EF followed by 2 of IF. So about 96 hours of not eating at a time.

Doing this shit makes you realize just how difficulty it is to get rid of fat. I'm not exactly overweight, but I do have stubborn fat which takes a damn eternity to get rid of, even when on paper it should be melting away with this diet.

Anyway, I heavily recommend this method over severe caloric restriction. I tried both, and fasting is WAY easier on your body. Right now I'm trying to extend the EF period to be as long as possible, and experimenting with different refeeding schedules. So far it seems breaking your fast is pure meat is a bad idea for your digestive tract.

Protip: multivitamins do literally nothing.

The only electrolytes you need are sodium and chloride (so salt). Don't even worry about potassium, since your body needs significantly less of it than it does those two.

I also have some stubborn fat left. Otherwise I'm really lean.

How do you manage to fast for 4 days? I can stand the hunger pangs, but the mental urge to eat kills me, it feels impossible. The most I've gone is 50-ish hours.

you have to realize it's all in your head. After a while your body adjusts and you don't lose any energy or strength, and you function the same as normal. The only drive from food comes purely from your cognition, which you have to avoid by changing your mindset. Modern people are simply obsessed with food and make it too big a part of their lives. Once you force yourself to not even consider food an option and focus/obsess your mind over other subjects, it becomes way easier.

New a fatty who did a three week water fast, while starting up gym. Didnt lose much strength, lost a good amount of fat though, close to 25kg of weight. Only time he had an issue was in third week with serious dehydration issues as he couldn't retain water, but some simple table salt helped.

So I should lick salt while fasting? I read that b vitamins are important too to lose fat. Is this true?

you need salt on long fasts to maintain your body's electrolyte balance. any other supplements are a meme.