
Apparently it's a thing

these complete idiots have no domain knowledge of bodybuilding aesthetics

also the entire principle that they are never satisfied with their accomplishments is intrinsic to humanity

literally everyone that isnt a passionless weed is like this about the thing they do

rome wasnt built on moderation

Of course its a thing.

Going to Veeky Forums or other fitness forums makes it worse because everyone lies which pushes the average up to inflated numbers and people compare themselves constantly to roided massive freaks.

If you lift and avoid fitness sites you'll feed huge next to average noodle arm people.

>Apparently it's a thing
There are people on Veeky Forums that believe height is a a key factor in the social ladder, but they don't believe body dismorphia exists.

Can conform. People started calling me "build" or that i'm having "wide shoulder". Still consider myself dyel since i compare myself to this board.

Once you're content with yourself, you stop trying to improve. Of course the hunger grows, unless you're an obsessive bitchmade it's a good thing

Holy shit I may have it. I constantly think about lifting and eating to bulk up, constantly check myself in the mirror, and I always think I'm small. How do I fight it?

That first guy seems really decent. Big, driven, dedicated. Just wanna marry him, become gym bros forever and leave humanity behind. no homo

I'm sure this exists but it's also a call to criticize people who spend a lot of time on their physique as mentally ill because they might be a little strict or hard on themselves.

You'll never fight it. Even after you hop on the juice the feeling will never go away. You started this journey and the only way it'll all end is when you reach the end - death.

lol that dyel reporter

Happened to me once.
I didn't take before and after pictures and I always looked skinny to myself. Only after I stopped lifting I fully managed to comprehend how actually big I was for a while.

>rome wasnt built on moderation
Neither did it crumble in moderation

i think the key difference is the mentality, orthorexia it seems is characterised by obsessive behaviour.

It crumbled by socialism which comes from Christianity.They felt no need to have a bigger empire, own more slaves, win more battles.They become satisfied, and wanted to go to the nicest imaginary place.

It's safe to say, it crumbled in moderation.

it crumbled in decadence

>take steroids
>dont want to get bigger nor do I think I need to

I just like how easy they make it to stay lean and full, as well as the massive confidence and mood gains I get from them.

Christians have the tendency to fuck every measurable progress anyway. Science? Satan's work.Reading? Burn the witch. Oh, you know stuff about plants? Witch. Not listening to your local priest? Heathen. Burn. For 2000 years they destroyed so fucking much. It's the worst thing that ever happened to Europe. Even worse than the plague I'd say.

so edgy

>socialism which comes from Christianity

in the history of dumbness that Veeky Forums feeds this sets a new standard, knowing neither econ nor theology yet certain of deep understanding

somebody got issues

no shit its a thing but its just called body dismorphia

Yeah? Maybe if you would actually read history, you'd be able to have more to say than 'so edgy'.

I'm sure you know exactly how much "better" history could have been right if everyone was as englightened as you. edgelord.

Jebus was hardly a capitalist

350mg test a week and you can maintain a bretty good physique without having to make bodybuilding become your life, and blood tests and heart are good on 350

Literal autism.

for /pol/tard neckbeards everything they don't like is socialism

that's why I focus on strength, it's more achievable and functional in my opinion to get a 5 plate deadlift and 4 plate squats than looking "aesthetic" which is an abstract concept and ideal

pic related, the natty limit. not that big, but pretty ripped and strong


I started half a year ago, still very dyel but I'm relatively lean with some muscle mass. I get people who haven't seen me in a while saying "wow user, you're getting big aren't you!" when in reality I'm still pretty fucking small compared to some of the people here

People here forget how low normie standards are. If you have a relatively low body fat % and some decent mass on your arms/chest people will think you're fucking jacked.

>Everyone has the exact same natty limit

>64kg -> 84kg
>the skelly in the mirror looks exactly the same

I'm not an expert when it comes to /pol/ but don't they support christianity?

If you actually knew history you'd be praising the Church instead of shitting all over it.

I'm in the same boat. Only been lifting since last December. I can only bench 1.5pl8, but all the normies around me say I'm getting big. Meanwhile, I feel weak as fuck.

You realise that Christians actually preserved alot of knowledge right ? You're autistic

>Feeling muscular build is never good enough
>Constant mirror checking
>Execessive exersising (five times a week or more)
>Extreme attention to diet
>Anxiety when a workout is missed

All me

It's not a mental illness. Sure I spend all day tracking my macros and I'm borderline anxiety ridden over the fact that I can't gain weight and how every day is a potentially wasted day of lifting because I didn't eat enough to get stronger or bigger. But I'm just dedicated. I want to achive my goals.

me as well, i also don't see anything wrong with any of those, if anything people who don't experience any of these are not normal, being lazy slobs


you cannot have a successful raid if your buffs run out.

It's only bigorexia if you arent actually small

>tfw i overdosed on whey

Cognitive behavioral therapy, SSRI's like clomipramine and fluoxetine

Christian scholars preserved everything from before the dark ages
>not listening to your local priest
Straw man

You could not be tipping your fedora harder

It's a much debated subject, we've yet to come to a consensus