Hey Veeky Forums redpill me on this guy

Hey Veeky Forums redpill me on this guy

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He's a big guy.

i heard hes the "king of Veeky Forums" or something

I've heard he's off cycle now and got deflated pretty bad

He's a big guy.

Shut the fuck up samefag

4 u

This does not attract females.


Is his neck okay?

>He roids so bad that he gets acne on his arms


arrogant prick who roidraged on every cbt

then one guy presumably recognised him
turned out he used to be a scrawny bullied kid named bill who never got over all that

the joke of chiliwack

He will make cb threads while one is still active, then act like people should bump his thread.


>roiding for this

Both are true.

He is a bouncer. He sells roids on the side.

He had a kid with his gf and proceeded to cheat on her with a pretty ugly sloot.

He will likely get Brendan Frasered.

If you go through his twitter or Facebook it's clear that he's a typical normie that roids. He's very insecure and not too bright.

I legit pity the guy because his life is going to be one bad choice after the other and he doesn't have the resolve to do better.


I kept hearing about his twitter or facebook but never saw a tweet. Pretty sad if it's true, I think he was just trying to have fun

He did 220lbs hanging neck raises when something snibbity snap

post insta

His name is Billy McGladrey and he's a steroid dealer in Chiliwack, BC. I think he also does gay 4 pay on the side to make ends meet since there aren't enough gearheads in our small redneck town to make big money just from drugs. Anyway, he's getting cucked by his baby mama Raven who he thinks loves him but who is actually getting fucked by me at least three nights a week. I'm actually the father of his little girl! Kek. I love the thought of this asshole raising my seed for me while I'm fucking his woman.


He got his neck vertebrae surgically removed to make room for larger traps. He's quoted saying he's happy with the results of the surgery and despite difficulty eating meals some times he actually finds sleeping more comfortable