Manlets of Veeky Forums
How do we unlock this mode?
Manlets of Veeky Forums
How do we unlock this mode?
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Fat giraffe that wants you to buy her food mode?
>a lot to handle
what did she mean by this?
if she cut down on the fat she would make a killing off fulfilling some dude's amazon fetish
>I'm unemployed
She is tall and fat, her heart is going to give out at around 40-50, that body is a lot to handle for a tiny heart
I love these threads.
>tfw no 6'7" big bertha viking wife to make strong sons with
>photoshop your pics
>catfish unsuspecting manlets
>mode unlocked
you again
was funny the first time
would a 8x6 even be enough?
Anyone have the rest of these?
she will never do a yoshi style butt stomp on you
>would procreate with
Would breed with for them genetics
>I'm unemployed and I like to travel
I would have no problem being emasculated by her.
She looks like a mini-boss
>tfw no giant gf
>I'm unemployed
>I want to travel the world
>I'm a leech
all of the above
Why do all women want to travel? What's wrong with doing nothing but vidya and lifting?
Simple life is the best life
Someone please give an accurate weight guesstimate. I'm thinking she's a solid 365.
women only exist to make their friends jealous. this is why they want to travel and always buy new shit.
they are like children who only care about being popular and if they are not they will do anything in their power to become.
>Why do all women want to travel?
traveling is cool for the culture and shit. but anyway you get bragging rights and also women can be new ppl and pull off whatever lies they want to in a different era.
wanna have a orgy and fuck every guy you want while keeping your "good girl" image. buy a plane ticket and go crazy!
I would smash, while playing this song in the background.
>she could do anything she wanted to you and she is so much bigger and stronger than you, there isnt anything you could do about it
sadly as someone pointed out in ydays thread, its fake
her ass is still wtf mode though
So she's not actually 6'7"
whew thank god I was starting to feel insecure by just being 6'5"
what's the diet to maintain that? I mean she's a girl and all but still, have to be well over 4000?
No matter how confident you get, you will never be anything more than a 6'5" manlet.
My amazon fetish is not having to order $50 worth of stuff just to get free shipping.
Give her money? She's obviously a paid elephant whore.
You can keep her manlets.
Dude got himself a daughter of the Scotsman. It's not fair
>big Bertha
>mein seids
those feet
>I'm unemployed
>I like to travel
Perfect height and body type for a woman, goddamn.
i feel bad for this girl
she's becoming a normie meme, just for creating a tinder profile.
this was posted on reddit yesterday:
Underrated post.
what's the sauce
I thought part of the amazon fetish was that they were bbw, or at least somewhat fat?
Who wants a wnba lookin giraffe woman?
Fug, she fat but always wanted to bury my dick on a chick taller than me (6' barely outside of manlet status mode here)
>tfw no amazoness will ever let you rest on her lap while sucking her tits while she's stroking your dick and telling you nice things.
>mfw she's borderline obese but I'm still debating on whether I would hit it
What have you done to me Veeky Forums?
>feeling bad for a fatty
not gonna make it
it's that "why you lyin" dude .
>she's not actually 6'7
>tinder virgin
>get added from qt
>can't think of anything
>make the opener "hey, why are kittens the only animals that are unaffected by gravity"?
>she actually responds and says "no clue, but I'm excited for the answer, gravity can be a bitch".,
I didn't think I would even get a responde. What should I do, brehs?
Get Prime and make my stock go higher faggot
something something pussy
I need something that's just a little bit better, I fear.
Post gold
Because pussies only make things go up
Idk man why the fuck did you say a joke you had no punchline to?
So a lesbian with a BDSM fetish?
I couldn't think of anything else, breh. It's just that I couldn't stop laughing at this picture.
wtf, im 6'6 and not anyway that tall
it's a meme. she rounds up to 5'10"
The avocado shit is better than that or the archeologist line.
Send her that pic and say 'idk, but according to this it's true, and memes never lie' or some shit idk
There are people RIGHT NOW on Veeky Forums who don't get a one year free trial of Prime with all features, free 2-day shipping, etc. Please don't tell me you fell for the Jew and aren't just making a new Prime account annually for free Prime?
Meme aside, just get the year free trial and do it again in a year. I've had Prime for years and haven't paid a cent. And they literally just let you keep doing it. Would recommend.
Breh, I've got the greatest minds of Veeky Forums here. Come up with something.
I've given you 2 somethings. It's shit cause the joke is shit.
>>buzzwords becoz I braingood
Haffthor needs to put a baby in her
bruh, its just like poker. a zero can still be turned in a royal flush if the presentation is alright
No breh, no
This level of thickness needs at least a 10x8
They actually don't.
It's just something people with no particular ambitions or hobbies put on their social media profiles to make themselves seem less boring.
>>She's just jealous of your good looks and our fairytale romance
? Might be worth a try. Might just confuse her.
It's hooker code. It means they'll meet you at -insert location-
That body type would be about 180lbs on a 5'6 girl
66 inches vs 79 inches
17.5 percent height scale up
That's a 140 percent mass scale up due to the square cube law
A bitch like this probably has insane hgh tho, so add like 20lbs for denser bones and bigger organs
Seems kinda low yeah but really women don't weigh much
>A zero....
I say let the dice do the talking !
I just told her that I didn't think this through at all. Let's see if I even get a response. She's not that good looking anyway.
Travelling is code for going on vacation.
It makes you sound exciting and interesting, but for most people it's a completely passive experience that gives them nothing beyond a tan
It's a fake hobby like "I love animals" (unless they mean dogsex)
Most things girls list are like this. Utterly meaningless things that imply coolness and involve nothing. Also tattoos.
She enjoy's catching the bus. What's wrong with that?
that happen to me in the gym and i didn't know what to do
i need more pics of that bitch
How are you getting year-long trials? I only ever see the offers for a month of free Prime.
She's actually pretty athletic.
not very appealing desu
I want more pics of this girl