>This will never be you
How do you cope with this?
>This will never be you
How do you cope with this?
Other urls found in this thread:
There's a lot of things I'll never be
I danced with a hotter girl two days ago
Didn't fuck her because I have a gf though
Lmao, why would you want to be anybody but yourself? Your insecurity is pathetic user.
Seid looking small off cycle
Because my life doesn't revolve around instagram and sluts. I have higher aspirations than he apparently does
Why the fuck is he always with 6/10s?
Im a DYEL and ive gotten with much hotter girls.
Is Jeff autistix?
he is lol watch some of his videos
Why do people envy the lives of others? Do stuff with your life and make something of yourself
I meant how do you cope with the fact that you will never be that girl?
Your right. I don't post pics is random girls I fuck on Facebook. I'm not an attention whore.
why do bodybuilders never have pictures with 8/10s+? jeff, connor, zyzz, none of them have any
because i've tried being myself. i'm an old, ugly, manlet loser, with no friends or social skills, a boring life and no money
That haircut is autistic
I would feel so bad if I worked hard for that body (or roided for that body) and still had jeff's face. Must be so bittersweet.
Also that bitch looks uncomfortable.
Heh, you sure about that kid?
Wow this is fucking embarrassing. I didn't know these guys were that fucking autistic but i guess the stereotype is true then that bodybuilders are just compensating confidencelets
left is a 6 and right is a 5.5 if you ask me
u mad
>tfw I can just pay like $150 burgers to fuck a better looking escort right now
Lifting for girls is idiotic in a world where prostitutes exist.
I don't think envying a small thing is a big deal, but wanting to be someone else is a different thing entirely. Like I envy Jeff's body, but I don't envy it to the point where I want to be Jeff. I envy it enough that I am putting in the work to get it myself.
>jealous and butthurt over some roided up dude you'll never meet getting with girls you'll never meet, either.
Why would I even care? I've got my own shit to worry about, I don't have time or energy for random garbage like this.
If you actually have any reaction at all to something like this, you need to check yourself.
>I don't have time or energy for random garbage like this.
As he types this on Veeky Forums
Nope. I only flirt with the hottest girl at any venue and have them throwing themselves at me every single day without having to do anything because i'm just at peace with myself and they feel comfortable around me.
Those girls in the pics are just some random clubsluts. The competition is so low these days that's really nothing worthy to be proud of. I also highly doubt that they will ever have a meaningful relationship based on love and not superficialities.
Pathetic imo...
so so mad
LOL Veeky Forums is just a notch above passive entertainment like watching TV. There's not enough webcomics that are new this morning to read while I'm eating breakfast, so I come here to look at what you idiots are posting, and maybe poke some of you with a stick, for fun. Problem? Go tell you therapist.
you do realize if you roid you're unlikely to be jeff seid or zyzz and in fact highly likely to get hideous sides and be dependant upon sticking a needle in your butt for the rest of your life, don't you?
just think about things logically for a second. if you could be like them then everybody would be doing it. roids are no secret don't fool yourself. the human race has been chasing looks for its entire existence. if roids weren't generally more trouble than they're worth then far more people would be doing it. you underestimate the lengths the human race has already gone to in order to look good.
just consider when you are surprised by how good a roider looks is for a reason: most roiders don't look good or you wouldn't find these people impressive, they'd instead look common.
Your argument gets thrown out the window when you realize almost everyone would look 10x better if they lost some weight but most people can't pull it off despite it being incredibly simple and free to do.
You're delusional as fuck dude. The average weight of a human isn't fat and it's an average for a reason.
just gotta play your cards brah
>the only time you should look at your neighbors plate is to make sure they have enough.
the only winning move is to not play
No. The average human weight is now fucking fat. Stop trying to lower the bar just because more people are overweight, tumblrina
Are you retarded? The average persons weight has steadily increased through the 20th century, and even more so in the 21st. Just because the average person is now 200lbs doesn't mean the average person isn't fucking fat.
I see far more average looking people than I do heffers again heffers look fat as fuck because they're uncommon or you'd think that was normal. It's all relative.
That isnt zyzz, stay mad kid.
The boom of the fitness industry is proof that humans are already obssessed. The fact there's an obesity epedemic as it pertains to roid use is neither here nor there.
Lastly, weight going up is also influenced by people getting stronger. Weight is a poor indicator of being fat. There's no proof bf% has gone up except in situations where people are literally starving to death. That's a good thing.
you're a joke
Youre retarded. North america is full of fat fucks. Look
at obesity rates dumb ass. Youve never been outside of your shitty americunt suburb have you? Youd be shocked how many NON FAT chicks there are in countries where feminism isnt the ruling political mindset du jour. Faggot
I live in america and I constantly see a far greater ratio of non fat fuck chicks to lard asses and no I'm not a thicc lover either. You're clearly obssessed with fatties hence that's all you see since you spend so much time fixated upon them. Most people stay in shape by virtue of their lives: always on the go and working a lot. No time to be THAT fat. Justifying roid use by claiming everyone is fat with not a single defendable point given is all we see here.
Okay now this is just obvious b8. Had me going for awhile. The obesity rate of North America is it's highest point ever, and everywhere else is trying their best to catch up. The fitness industry "boom" doesn't mean a damn thing. When I first started working out I gave up 2 months in. I never cancelled my membership because I was totally getting back to it anyday. Just because people throw money at fitness and health doesn't mean they are dieting correctly, or following a worthwhile fitness program. Just because we spend more money on school A, doesn't mean it will be better than school B, this has been confirmed a hundred times over.
>spots the bait
>still keeps going for it
Dude lmao
Obesity rate increase is inaccurate. People are also getting stronger = heavier through effective training methods becoming common knowledge. Consider strongmen, are they obese? And regardless your claim of the presence of fat asses being proof that people aren't aware has already been thoroughly debunked. Along with a rise in obesity has come the rise of the fitness industry. There are several crossfit boxes within walking distance of everyone's homes.
By being myself :)
Yeah the rise in obesity is definitely because masses of American men are becoming powerlifters. The fact that heart disease kills over a million Americans every year is proof that people are exercising so much that stress on their heart build up after a lifetime of powerlifting and strongmen competitions. Totally.
Lol they are almost the same height. And he's getting amogged by the girl on the left lmao.
by being me
it ain't too hard. trying to be someone else will never work.
each person is unique and irreplaceable
>everyone is fat and dying of heart problems
>stick a needle in your butt to fuck up your heart more!
brilliant logic. on second thought, maybe you should use steroids. we need more contributions to heart failure deaths.
When I was a teen I idolized Zyzz, but for some reason as I got older into my mid 20's I stopped. There are so many tryhards out there with no personality banking strictly on their body to give them happiness, and not even real happiness, full on vanity. Attracting vapid, soulless, thoughtless, used, drugged up females who don't care what dick is pleasing them, just that the dick looks pretty.
I don't get this lifestyle. You sacrifice your youth and health by injecting hormones that are bad for your health, horomones like (Tren) that even when taken in small dosages over short periods of time damage your liver and have the possibility of causing significant heart damage. Hormones like test that shrink your balls and cause permanent damage, possibility destroying your reproductive system entirely, shutting you down permanently, causing horrible side effects.
On top of that drugs like Acid, Cocaine, Mushrooms, Meth - drugs that destroy your brain and further destroy your body - coupled with a ridiculous amount of alcohol.
and for what? To gain the attention of vapid morons and people who won't give a fuck about you a year from now? To die before you hit 50? To go into your 30's with broken balls, an unhealthy liver, destroyed kidneys and depression realizing you attracted nothing real for yourself? People that don't love or care about you for you, just for what you falsley presented yourself as?
If you're going to lift, lift for yourself, lift for health and longetivity, lift to become stronger, life so you can walk when you're 80. Don't lift for some shallow cunts who will never truly care about you.
The fact it took me to get to 23 to figure this out makes me fucking sad.
I have not once advocated steroid use, no idea where you keep getting that.
now the final step is to leave Veeky Forums forever
>thread filled with posts of two chronic aas abusers
>just eat salad and go jogging lmfao xD
Jeff never got his body strictly through hard work. He got it through genetics (muscle insertions, frame, good metabolism) illegal drugs (Tren, Test, Dbol, Deca) working out on a split and watching his diet.
Here are things Jeff can't do
>315lb Bench Press
>500lbs Deadlift
>200lb OHP
>400lbs Squat
His focus in the gym is machines and isolations coupled with some DB presses for compound.
Nice magic card though
99% of women classified as obese by BMI are also obese according to BF%
95% of men classified as obese by BMI are also obese according to BF%
The average woman over 20 in the US is 5'4", 162 lbs. That's fucking fat. My GF is 5'3" 120 lbs and she's got plenty of fat to lose before I'd consider her fit.
These numbers are brought to you by the CDC.
> The only way to get in shape or lose weight is to stick needles in your ass
> Salads aren't healthy because you totally need to cover them in unhealthy dressings, and jogging does literally nothing xDD
You're a fucking idiot. I'd never use roids myself, but I'm still in shape and getting in better shape. I also very rarely eat a salad. I eat things like turkey, nuts, eggs, lots of milk, whole grain bread, lean cuts of beef and chicken, and just about every vegetable. I exercise 5 days a week, 3 days of lifting 2 of running. It's not that fucking complicated, and roids are not a part of the equation.
you're not being yourself
The zeitgeist is generally fucked up. Makes you wonder if it is a symptom of the death of God and the influence of nihilism, or something that has stayed rather consistent throughout the ages.
Dont worry about finding it out at age 23, most people never figure shit out. Also, you've still got a fuck ton of learning to do, so stay humble, you cunt.
"stop using blatant roiders as the poster boys of fitness" should suffice
Couldn't agree more, especially when they all claim Natty. You wanna roid and leave humanity behind have at it, but don't plaster roiders on the cover of muscle and fitness claiming that all you have to do is their workout and you'll totally look just like them!
jeff pls go
I fucked some chick who had a bf two days ago
Forgot to pull out
>I only flirt with the hottest girl at any venue and have them throwing themselves at me every single day
t. basement dweller
>anecdotal evidence means that it's true
>roids are the ultimate red pill
neck yourself
>I will never be a manlet
and I'm grateful for it every day
>lying in bed next to girl
>all sweaty from sex
>"I think I forgot som.. OH SHIT"
are there any aesthetic females that behave like this? am kind of hanging my hopes on the fact that there are plenty of men out there just being men without feeling the need to broadcast their lives like some kind of whore.
Honestly I'd be more worried if I came inside a girl I was dating
This way she'll risk being found out to be a cheater so if anything happens she'll blame her own bf
The average weight for a human is fat. This is because the distribution of weights is skewed to the right, therefore making the mean much larger than the median.
t. Math major
this is an embarrassment. have you virgins ever stepped out of the house? these overcompensating bodybuilder clowns never banged some real hotties. They are exclusively banging real Chads
do they need to compensate with steroids and beta-carotene? robust enough bone structure, natural muscle mass and face
I don't really have problem with that.
I'm making some good progress in my gym, having stable job that I quite enjoy, There is qt3.14 gf as well. It's a pretty good life. But if someone has problems with others lifes being gr8 its time to pic related imo