What do you guys write on your milk bottles to motivate yourselves to drink a gallon a day?

What do you guys write on your milk bottles to motivate yourselves to drink a gallon a day?

nothing because im not a faggot. i also use glass because im not retarded

>because im not a faggot
What are you doing on Veeky Forums then?

You could probably make a killing selling BPA free milk jugs as "workout/lifestyle accessories" to normies

this gallon condom is already a thing so i don't see why not

you probably dont need that much water if you're eating a well balanced diet, the 2L a day meme is supposed to be having in account the water contained in food

you shouldn't be drinking a gallon of water a day

>retards who can't read

Did you even attempt to keep a steady hand when you wrote all that

>to motivate yourselves

only jewmericantards need that

Is this what europoors do to make themselves feel better?

I thought GOMAD was a meme

it is.
I can't believe this is real.

Is it? Ive seen all these videos on youtube and fuck it, I wanna try it this fall|winter bulking season.

I just came from a /b/ trap thread and I gotta say that pic is the gayest thing ive seen all day

who tf drinks a gallon of milk a day fucking tard

> that first sip

Gotta drink big to get big cmon

People who want to get big. It's like you didn't even read the sticky.

I don't write anything and drink 1-2 gallons everyday!


You shouldn't be a faggot. You don't have to drink a gallon a day, but as long as you aren't chugging it all there's nothing bad that can happen.

>drinking a gallon of milk everyday
I'd be on the toilet all day with a bloody asshole.

>not white

>people buy neoprene condoms to hold their keys on their gallon water bottles

jesus fucking christ