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stronglifts vs ss

what's the verdict

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There's almost no difference.


Just be yourself

Strong lifts with squats taken off one day and dips and pull ups added


both will give you no gains to anything other than your legs

SL but with 3x5

SS was invented by a fat redneck powerlifter

SL was invented by a NEET in his mom's garage

pick your poison

Is there any workouts invented by normal, honest, well adjusted, hardworking people?

reg parks 5x5

both are good beginner programs, u do the main lifts and get to know the form which is better than starting out with something like PPL

stronglifts is easier in the way that you cant properly power clean in every gym, therefore stronglifts is less of a hassle

ss is better than stronglifts so if you can, do ss as a beginner and from there move on to a program that fits ur goal! :)

ofc u still do the main lifts on ppl, but not as much, which, especially in the beginning, is an important factor imo

Depends on what you want.
- Strength: SS
- Better Aesthetics: Phrak's Greyskull LP
- Hyrbid: SL

My personal favourite is Phrak's Greyskull LP but SS is the best program. Just don't listen to the nutrition advice Rippetoe gives out. He knows alot about lifting and will make you strong but he'll also make you fat. Just do SS with a 500-1000cal surplus max. Add some accessorises to SS but not too much to not interfere with recovery. I recommend Chin ups and Dips.

My begginer program was a regular full body workout that you did with low weights to get used to training and it worked pretty good. Did it 2 weeks and then hopped on a bro split

greg nuckols beginner program

then add shit in for upper body lifting aint rocket science


... this is a little more intermediate. I ran this after Greyskull.

>Better Aesthetics: Phrak's Greyskull LP
>squatting as the final lift
wtf how do you even do this? squats take the most energy so if you over exert yourself with the other lifts good fucking luck squatting anything heavy

by trappy-chan (trip)

> (OP) #


- SL has you start with babyweights. It will take you forever to actually start getting stronger. SS, on the other hand, tests you on the first workout and let's you kickstart progression

- SL has you add 2.5kg on every workout. This will make progression incredibly slow on the beginning, and incredibly hard after a month or two. SS, on the other hand, has you add as much as 8kg to your deadlift on the first few workouts, and it eventually lowers progression on certain lifts like the ohp and the bench to 1kg per workout. This means you will not get stuck on the 50kg-ohp-deload-loop everyone who does SL gets stuck on

- SL was "written" (copy pasted in a dumb manner and without any thought behind it) by a marketing team with 0 coaching experience, and is targeted towards couch potatoes. SS was written by an ex-professional athlete and a coach with over 3 decades of experience

- SL only has you work your floor pull 1.5 times per week. SS has you work floor pulls 3 times per week, 1.5 deadlifts (3x at the start) and 1.5 power cleans. This means you will get stronger on your deadlift doing SS, since you will be training it a lot more

- SL has you do barbell rows, SS has chinups. Chinups are a better back-builder as the range of motion for the lats is way longer. Not only that, but chinups will give you good biceps development, while rows won't. Only reason you should do rows instead of chinups as a beginner, is in case you can't do bodyweight chinups and the gym doesn't have an assistance machine

- It's way easier to finish 3x5 sets with perfect reps than 5x5 sets with perfect reps. Not only that, but doing 5x5 will exhaust you before the next lift

- SL tells you to deload too much. SS, on the other hand, only tells you to deload if it's 100% necessary

- SS trains both strength and power, and it trains your traps a lot more with the power cleans

Tell me more about this deload thing in SS.

>There's almost no difference.
nice try liftlet.

SS claims you shouldn't need to deload with proper nutrition and rest. Its designed for your body to adapt to the linear progression on only 4 lifts, because of this you shouldn't need to deload as long as your body is adapting in the right direction with you keeping to the program

comfy, but isn't the progression a little steep?

Ok so what happens when I stall / fail?
Keep going until I hit 1X1?

Or retry the same weight until I hit 3X5 properly?

Kinda depends. I'm no expert, just a NEET with a barbell but I was able to progress on squats about 20lbs a week when I first started. Being a little more adjusted and without the magic of newbie Gainz, I'd say 15lbs is doable with proper recovery and diet.

This thread is relevant to me, as im barely in a SL routine.