How do fat people eat so much?

how do fat people eat so much?

I've figured it out. The trick is 1) fast food 2) junk ass food like peanut butter cups in vast quantities. ive gained 10 lbs in 2 weeks doing this.

Also, eat at least 2g protein for every kg of body weight

I derive pleasure from eating. I can literally eat all day if I didn't restrict myself calorie-wise.

Not sure why. I can honestly say I could smash out 10k calories in a day if I wanted to. Sheer force of will that I don't (obvs)

Do you eat tasty fast food exclusively or do you eat real food like chicken and rice? I'm pretty skinny but I know that if I only ate fast food I could easily become obese mode. For example a large Big Mac meal is 5000kj and I can eat it in 5 minutes.

It's dense. A large fast food meal could be like 1.2k cals and that's nearly a woman's TDEE. That's only one meal too.

1. Everything you drink has tons of calories. Soda, creamy cappuccinos, sweet tea etc.

2. Load up on potatoes, cream, cheese and mayo. This is a megaboost to calories. A hamburger itself doesn't have THAT many calories. Add a massive load of cheese, slap on some mayo dressing, then add some potatoes covered in cheese and you're talking MEGABOOST CALORIES

Why would you do this? Are you just lazy or American?

Being around fatties, I notice they always have a bag of chips or something by their side around the house. I never took chips outside of the kitchen in my house.

Drinks are defo the huge one. Its really really easy to chug vast amounts of sugary soda and bomb your body with calories.

Funny thing is that people who got tricked into getting "fat free" drinks at starbucks dont understand why they cant lose weight when they still get the extra mocha latte with whip and then GO ADD EXTRA SUGAR PACKETS. People are fucking stupid

I'd be willing to bet a fair few of them are alcoholics on top of their food addiction

Earthing is fun, and fat people have literally nothing else going on.

Eating becomes a hobby.

This is exactly it. Shit like fast food is formulated to taste amazing and leave you wanting more. If you eat real food then it fills you up.

t. recovering fatty

idk man. i wish to never know tho

Insulin levels are fucked up so they never feel satiated.

Refined sugar and simple carbs are the foundations for the obesity epidemic


the trick is what they eat. Not why they're eating.
Pay attention to exactly what they eat and you'll realize almost every single thing they eat is loaded with;
dairy, mayonnaise, oil, high fats,, a lot of sugars all calorie dense.

a large big mac meal is 1190 calories, retard.


He tricked you there familia, he said kj not kcal, for whatever idiotic reason.

Just eat 1g of fat for every lb of fat you have.

I'm fat and I "eat right".
You shouldn't shame people who like food.

God, I FUCKING hate female ham-planets the most.

I used to go to chic fil a for a sandwhich, 8 piece nuggets and a regular shake for lunch shit was like 1500 calories.

On the other hand I could grill a chicken breast and heat up some rice for like 800 calories and I'd feel just as full.

Fast food has perfected the combination of shit tons of calories while always making you crave more. On top of that you can get a crater full of soda at 7/11 for 99 cents that's just packed with sugar.

I used to be skinny fat and have moved from that to proper fat while at uni. I'm fat because I don't cook for myself and buy way too many snacks and sugary drinks.

I do have mental health problems out the ass but that is just an excuse. Depression/anxiety is a fancy way of diagnosing sucking at life

Sometimes we just can't help ourselves. I had a eating disorder where i'd just stuff my face in.

>tfw over 540+lbs

Fat people eat so much because they're fat and that's because they eat so much.

It's like asking why fit people lift.

By eating extremely calorie dense foods, and a lot of them.

I think one of the worst ( and weirdest ) offender is eating foods that have a ton of straight up sugar in them. This seems particularly true of 'murrican foods. I swear, it seems they'd add sugar to a damn table salt.

Then, of course, drinks.

Ate junk and kept compulsively snacking on junk.

Then I discovered keto and IF. Now I ate 1x a day on a "meme diet" (bacon, eggs, coffee, milk, and coconut oil for cooking). No more anxiety upon seeing a snack and not eating it.

The problem is that mainstream diets don't allow satiation to happen. Hunger becomes gluttony very easy and the only death of that hunger is a sugar/carb coma.

Unfortunately the powers that be would rather let sugar and inactivity degrade youth so an entire medical-job complex can "fix" ailments directly related to obesity.

Dude, just get an induction cooker and and a compatible pan. Buy eggs, milk, and bacon from Costco. Cheapest and most satisfying diet pet price and weight.

I ate like a king while homeless, thanks to a $70 induction cooker.


Forgot to mention that the first 3 days of adapting to a hifat/hiprotein diet are hell. You'll feel low energy and depression. Then the morning of the 4th day happens and it's glorious.

1190cal = 5000kj

More than their TDEE

I can eat until I'm in physical pain and still want to eat more. I think years of binge eating has somehow broken my ability to feel satiated.

They have trained their whole lives to eat big.

Just like you they were little babies and ate small amounts. Unlike you, over the years they have eaten larger and larger amounts.

Like weight lifting. You start lifting light weights, and gradually over time you can lift heavy weights.

It gets to the point where your need to lift is only satiated by lifting the heaviest weights, and then you must travel by oversized vehicle to other establishments where they house the bigger heavier weights. And you lift them too.

Fatties do exactly this. It is what the American food industry is based on. And they militarily invade, overthrow governments, and impose sanctions in order to spread this sort of gluttony the world over.
>muh freedom
>democracy is great