Should I put 1k into iota and hold on the hopes that it becomes the next blockchain?

Should I put 1k into iota and hold on the hopes that it becomes the next blockchain?

>Becomes the next block chain.

Yeah, sure OP. Also make sure you do your part to keeping Europe diverse!

IOTA is a scam

Your mother's loose butthole is a scam.


It's a shitcoin worse than ripple

Iota sucks in general and will never be used because the transaction times are like 29 hours. It's price is artificially held up by government money but even that couldn't stop the plummet once ppl could unload that shit on binance to Chinese assholes

>It's price is artificially held up by government money
lol what

His name is chicken and he sold her guitar to buy IOTA.

yes its a good price - we're expected to hit 1$ before the end year

what's this we shit, faggot. are you david's syrian adhd riddled ex mossad German refugee heroin dealer named Rebecca? it's ok if you deny it, I know you are.

>we're expected to hit 1$ before the end year
I bet you also hold link

alluh akbar!

keep sucking those dicks boys

we moon soon

really touches my heart to see IOTA has been adopted by hamas and the muslim brotherhood. how many virgins have you purchased with IOTA's anonymous protocol that no zionist agency can track?

not sure what dick sucking has to do with IOTA. must be an inside reference. one does what one must i suppose.

you have a better chance of putting that 1k on 7 black in a casino, than iota beng the next blockchain.

invest it in Nxt, the previous scam of the same scammer, equal chance of making you rich.

7 is red you fucking hayseed

Regardless of where you are on the internet; any time IOTA gets discussed objectively, the IOTA bagholders will arrive and shitpost it into oblivion.

Case in point.

Once the IOTA cultists discover a negative comment, they notify their brethren so they can "refute" the post (using only ad hominems) until nothing else gets discussed. Occasionally, the developers appear and threaten to sue everyone.

At the end of the day, the IOTA cultists will say it was a victory over white supremacy. Then it will get swept under the rug on all IOTA channels. They will ban anyone who mentions what actually took place.

Shortly afterwards, the devs will write a lengthy blog post detailing their heroic struggle against hate and intolerance. The IOTA cultists will celebrate another victory for their shitcoin, while everyone else is left scratching their heads.

The IOTA internet gestapo NEVER sleeps. Their crusade won't end until EVERYONE takes their shitcoin seriously.

If you encounter an iotie, just smile and give them encouragement. Tell them it will all be ok. It's not worth causing an incident.

>bought into a vaporware "long hodl" shitcoin that has been bleeding since August
>devs abandoned their last exit scam nxt
>b-but muh partnerships muh tangle
Autistic IOTA bagholders never learn. Enjoy your shitcoin flatline around 1 sat after bitfinex stops pumping it.

this fucking retard knows less about colors than she does about IOTA. shameful display. surely you should take advice from this genius.

your collection of responses to paste bores me, peasant.

bitfinex will stop pumping tether before IOTA. put your street shitting brain to that for a moment or 7.

It must be frustrating to be an autistic IOTA bagholder such as yourself seeing coins mooning left and right while your bags are only getting heavier. Why don't you invest in something that actually has potential to grow instead of the shitcoin reeking of scam and neglect?

IOTA is the final solution to the blockchain problem and will usher in the next thousand years of internet 3.0. Freedom from miners and transaction fees. Hail victory! Hail IOTA!

lmao iota is literally betamax of the crypto currencies

>Only 1k


yeah you suck mad D

Regardless of where you are on the internet; any time IOTA gets discussed objectively, the various shitcoin shillers will arrive and shitpost it into oblivion.

Once the FUD cultists discover a sincere comment, they notify their brethren so they can "refute" the post (using only ad hominems)

Shut your whore mouth IOTA is literally going to replace BTC

IOTA is such a shitcoin it plummets during the general alt coin bull run. I'm looking forward to your suicide when it breaks through $.30 resistance in the coming months.

That is the point you fucktard, put 1k in iota is same as throwing it on 7 black or lightening the paper money up.

what are you talking about? it went 5x in under a month during the alt rally

Byteball is best DAG.

Byteball is next generation cryptocurrency.

you could go with raiblocks more potential (gain) in my eyes

More like 1/4x from 24 sat to 6 sat lmao. Are you even sane?

It be the same as throwing money into a blackhole

I have 63. All in boyos

It will either be really yuge or a dud. Then again you can say that for all of crypto.

Shiteball is the dogecoin of DAG
IOTA is the Bitcoin kid

Buying XRP is better idea than investing into IOTA.
At least Ripple has pro team.

Deluded idiota.