Be Irish

>be Irish
>potato harvest goes bad
>starve because you're a lazy drunk Mick who can't fish despite LIVING ON A FUCKING ISLAND
what's Ireland's fucking problem?

Other urls found in this thread:–97#Food_exports_in_Madras_Presidency

The famine happened because the British threw up their hands and said "free market'll fix it :^)" instead of actually sending aid.

Oh look, it's this bait thread again.

Apparently they didn’t regard fish as food

>sending aid
I will never understand this, just conquer the country when it's weak and rebuild it as your colony

a famine destroys your soldiers too.

Why conquer something you own?

>"muh oppreshion!1!!!"
>beg for aid as soon as something bad happens
typical Irishman beggar

honestly, if the british hated the irish as much as paddies think, we'd have totally wiped them out in the 1840s. but no, we didn't.

>What if overfishing

I meant why the British didn't conquer the Irish

The Brits kept exporting Irish grain so it wasn't real capitalism

>Can't build boats because no trees
>Can't preserve the fish because no salt
>What little catch there is you can't buy because no jobs except potato farming

They'd already conquered it. That's kinda the entire issue.

It already was a British colony at the time you dingus

>How dare you demand I help you just because I took your every means to help yourself
>Look how good I am, not even *actively* genociding you

I don't get what the top right in that cartoon is meant to convey. Is it simply that the Irish are voting and that's bad?

That irishmen are subhumans compared to the noble character of the anglo-saxon race.

There was plenty of food in Ireland but Irish farmers let it rot in graneries rather than give it to the poor cottier class. They starved themselves.

>Irish society exists and works just fucking fine
>A structure and code of laws which is accepted and enforced all over the island by almost everyone on it by the means of Brehons
>Generally everything's pretty bog (heh) standard
>English faggots beg the pope to invade because you aren't catholic enough
>They show up and turn your society on its head before planting a bunch of their people all over the place
>Whatever I guess, not the first time some nigger has shown up and been assimilated
>They get bored/lose control and their influence on the island has been reduced to a tiny stretch along the coast
>This happens twice
>Suddenly England isn't catholic anymore because of some giga-autist and his 8 gorillion wives
>tfw he could have separated from them in Brehon Irish Society
>England start dicking about again because Ireland is too catholic
>Change all the laws and inheritance systems so that everything goes to protestant people
>Suddenly a tiny minority of protestants are in control of almost everything with almost the entire population simply treated as though they don't exist
>"There is no such entity as the catholic irish"
>Irish Industry, even under Protestants, is heavily and harshly limited by London any time it gets too prosperous
>Generally England both seem to want to consciously fuck over the majority of the population while making sure those in control don't do TOO well while also expecting undying loyalty in the form of hard work and dedication, which is then undone by the aforementioned limitations and tariffs
>Irish eventually rebel and through the English off their rock
>Not even that hostile, just wanted to run things themselves because England was so fucking bad at it
>England forced to pay for a shitty industrial and cultural backwater in the north
>Call it "northern ireland" despite the northmost point of ireland not being in it
>Everyone sees Ireland as the good goys

The Irish produced plenty of food during the famine. More than enough to eat. The trouble is that it was then taken by the British and sent elsewhere. Some British individuals tried to help out, but then got fucked because the Monarch only sent a small amount and then complained about it and nobody wanted anyone to say "lol the king could only afford to send less than dickass duke fuckface"

The Eternal Roach tried to send food and aid but the British told them to fuck off, which sort of undid the few do-gooders. Famine wasn't anyone's fault, the starvation was england's doing though desu

>lmao just send aid that'll fix it

Yeah because that worked so well in Africa right?

>even the Jews can revive a dead language used solely for ritualistic purposes
>the Irish can't prevent the terminal decline of the Irish language

What went wrong, paddybros

why would they care you were just a pain in the arse as a people , if the Irish didn't have its Catholic breeding program in place in Ireland there wouldnt be mass starvation

>vikings invade to try make us worship their faggot god
>remove them
>english invade because they want us to be more in line with their version of christianity
>english then try once again to force everyone to change what they believe
>tell them to fuck off
England never once competently or efficiently governed Ireland or its people, your entire experience of that rock is a big fat fucking humiliation.

You do realize the potato famine affected the rest of europe but it didnt kill off half europes population?
Thats the consequence of having up to 10 children to feed. Even today anyone would struggle to do that.

>efficiently governed Ireland
The worst effect of the famine was to spread your unruly mob around the world. Look at what happened to New York when the irish arrived, they burnt half of it down in riots.

>free market
>production quotas
>harsh import tariffs
>a literal ban on most aid
>land redistribution from small farms to large, inefficient estates
>all to privilege a colonial minority
A free market is virtually famine-proof. What the bongs did was holodomor tier shit, though mostly due to incompetence rather than evil.

when did Celtic languages go so wrong?

While people were starving, ireland was exporting food, well english landowners were while the people died en masa.

ah yes, good comparision

Because there's no point.
Ugly,pain in the arse to learn and useless

More like
>Vikings invade to plunder our shitty bog
>End up building great cities and creating trade routes to get any value from our shithole
>Try multiple times to push them out
>Still don't manage to capture Dublin
>Kingdom of Dublin ends up surviving until the Normans invade
>England invades because the Pope sold out our country to them
>End up slobbering the Pope's knob for all eternity even though we hate the English

The best part is that the Irish were well aware of this:
>"In an article on 'English Rule' on 7 March, Mitchel wrote that the Irish People were 'expecting famine day by day', and that they attributed it collectively not to 'the rule of heaven as to the greedy and cruel policy of England'. He continued in the same article that the people 'believe that the season as they roll are but ministers of England's rapacity; that their starving children cannot sit down to their scanty meal but they see the harpy claw of England in their dish'. He wrote that the people watched as their 'food melting in rottenness off the face of the earth', all the while watching 'heavy-laden ships, freighted with the yellow corn their own hands have sown and reaped, spreading all sail for England'.[53]"

It's De Valera's fault for not going full Cultural Revolution on everyone's asses.

>this is what Irishmen actually believe

Wie es eigentlich gewesen.

Why do people make threads with this character on Veeky Forums, a sort of gloating, impersonal, mockery, of victims of events so far removed from the present day?

Because it's just shitposting user. We have a ton of threads defending atrocities/douchebaggery whether just to shitpostor a genuine defense/apologia of it. the issue is it's hard to tell the difference because a well informed shitposter can perfectly disguise as a genuine asshat and I've done so plenty o items in the past.

No idea how the Irish didn’t just revolt en masse if they expected a continuous famine due to English apathy.
If this was today and I lost my daughter to famine due to apathetic Englishmen then no joke I’d stab every Anglo I’d see until they killed me.
Were the Irish just cowards???

English genocide when

They are buyable voters. Give them gibmedats and they'll vote for you.

Right now. They're a serious fucking joke of a nation. All Anglo bashing aside, I can trace my family back to the landed nobility of Sunderland some six centuries ago, and the Anglos have done amazing things in their time.

Sadly, they're now a full on joke. American culture gets made fun of a lot, but you put the very worst of the horrible shit in this vastness of America versus the good, and England in comparison is worse than a pathetic little shart

oh dear, is this the legendary american heritage?

Wales Stronk

yes, actually. unless you're some kind of retard that eats mud you might've realized by now that any person of European stock that no longer lives in europe will have an ancestry that goes back to Europe. Any kindergartner should be able to put that together, but a surprising number of people seem incapable of doing so. both sides of my family emigrated to the new world in the mid 1600s

And this gives you the right to judge or speak of the country I take it? As if you yourself are understanding, with all the education and respect for England of a FOB.

>reeeeee what gives those fat, stupid, ignorant, up-start, mongrel americans the right to have opinions about my country!

welsh is a 19 century meme that went too far

there was famine in all parts of britain they just weren't as stupidly incompetent as the irish
most of them were as poor if not worse as well

The British had actively suppressed the development of an effective Irish fishing industry since (I wana say) the 1700's, so by the time the potato famine was rolling out it didn't matter that Ireland had over a 100,000 fishermen to provide for the nation as they didn't have the market, accessibility, and so forth to give those fish to the starving Irish.

We're talking laws against Irish fishing boats not being allowed to fish when English fishing boats were out on the water and not being able to dry & cure fish because they can't get salt imports due, again, to English shenanigans. Like, England did EVERYTHING they could to dissuade and prevent Ireland from having a substantial fishing industry.

>killing landlords

nice source faggot

Though, that said, I would like to add, that the Irish did in fact not do themselves any favors and were as fucking stupid as you've been lead to believe on the matter, I'm just reading up on it now, but please consider:

I'm paraphrasing the words of a one 'Woodham-Smith' who talks about how the Irish actively refused to fish every day and would not only refuse to go out and fish anymore than they would need to, but would actively prevent other Irishmen from doing anymore work than they themselves did: fishermen would be fucking beaten and their nets torn and destroyed if they tried to fish on the "wrong days". Keep in mind this is something they imposed on themselves.

And, to make matters worse, they did the unimaginable during the potato famine: when the crop failed they sold all their fucking nets, tackle, hooks, even sails, so they could BUY FOOD- so they could fucking BUY FOOD, user. And it wasn't just a few fishermen here and there but entire COMMUNITIES did this for some fucking reason.

So, yes, it was a bad situation by all accounts.

murder is not a virtue


>No idea how the Irish didn’t just revolt en masse if they expected a continuous famine due to English apathy.

That is just cart blanche for them to crackdown on you so hard that a Chinese kid form across the world can here the beating. People did rebel in other parts of the world and imperial powers put it down hard then proceeded to pours acid in said wound to REALLY show them who's boss.

Ireland's fishing capabilities were gimped by previous laws preventing them from making bigger boats. Also Irish harbours are very milted and Irish fishing spots off the coast are pretty far north.

>And, to make matters worse, they did the unimaginable during the potato famine: when the crop failed they sold all their fucking nets, tackle, hooks, even sails, so they could BUY FOOD- so they could fucking BUY FOOD, user. And it wasn't just a few fishermen here and there but entire COMMUNITIES did this for some fucking reason.

Because fishing could not net enough money or food to provide user.
You really are adamant to shit on the Irish.

>...the fisheries of Iraland, were undeveloped, and in Galway and Mayo the herring fishermen were too poor to buy salt with which to preserve a catch.

>... A large part of the Irish coast, in the south-west, west and north-west is perilous: there are cliffs, rocks, treacherous currents, sudden squalls and above all the Atlantic swell surging form America across thousands of miles of ocean. By the nineteenth centruy timber was short in Ireland; in the west, practically speaking, there was none, and fishing-boats were small, the largest being 12-15 tons. The national boat of Ireland is the 'curragh', a frail craft, often of considerable length, made of wicker work covered originally with stretched hides and latterly with tarred canvas. The curragh rides easily over the great Atlantic swells, is fast, and with four oarsmen can cover suprising distances. The Curragh was not suitable for the use of nets in deep-sea fishing, and according to an expert writing at the time the fish off the west coast of Ireland lay many miles out at sea in forty fathoms of water. A vessel of at least fifty tons was needed, capable of going out for several days, laden with nets, to face 'the frightful swell of the Atlantic'. If a gale blew from the east the nearest port of refuge was Hailfax, in Nova Scotia. The curraghs and small fishing-boats of the Irish were 'powerless in these circumstances'; and an inspector, reporting from Skibbereen, wrote that the failure of Irish fisheries was due to the want of boats suitable for deep-sea fishing, 'though this coast and the coast of Kerry about with the fines fish in the work' another report commented that the courage and skill of Irish fishermen were remarkable; 'the native fishermen' were 'out in thier frail curraghs whenever an opportunity offers, and in weather when nobody else could think of venturing themselves in such a craft'.


...but the heavy swell off the west and south-west made deep-sea fishing in curraghs impossible. 'The poor cottier had a miserable curragh, fished for his family or neighbours and got paid in potatoes.

>If Victoria had proposed to give only £1,000 to the Irish, then, but was persuaded to increase that to £2,000, what of Abdülmecid? It is here that the story gets both more complicated and considerably more fascinating. The bare facts are that the records of the great relief association do record a donation from the Turkish sultan, and that the amount subscribed was £1,000: itself twice what Prince Albert had donated, and the same as the sums gifted by Victoria’s mother and the King of Hanover. That would have been remarkable enough, given that by 1847 the Ottoman Empire was the “Sick Man of Europe,” practically bankrupt, and still struggling to recover from the Greek War of Independence and a large-scale revolt in Bosnia. What is even more surprising is that there is really is good evidence that the Sultan had wanted to give more – and even hints that, when he was persuaded not to, he took private steps of his own to send aid of the most practical kind. Irish accounts dating to the 1850s insist that this aid came in the form of three ships stuffed with food, which succeeded in unloading their precious cargoes on the wharves of Drogheda.
Why are Anglos so heartless?

>Veeky Forums genuinely expects me to care about the Irish


Laissez-faire fails horribly in famine stricken countries.

How capitalist systems handle famine:–97#Food_exports_in_Madras_Presidency

How Socialist system handle famine:

this tbhfam


the free market would fix it
they would starve to death and the problem would be no more
for some reason weak leftists think that laissez faire capitalism is evil for not being for everyone's survival, and weak right wingers always try to prove them wrong
it's not
it's social darwinism, and it's amazing
let the weak perish and let the strong get stronger
give me one reason why this is bad


What did the irish eat before potatoes?


The main staple was oatcakes, with lots of milk, butter and cheese, as you might expect from a pastoral society. The main meats were pork and venison, sometimes flavored with fruit juice. Sweets were quite rare, mostly just berries with not much fruit apart from apples and plums.

My source is Anthony T. Lucas's article "Irish food before the potato".

Anglo gaslighting. It’s much easier to kick around someone when they’re an impoverished, illiterate, and starving subsistence farmer

A huge variety of locally grown produce before anglos fucked them all with free trade deals and forced them to plant cash crops like potatoes instead

sounds comfy as fuck

the irish should have converted to protestantism, then they wouldn't breed so much and have to resort to the t*to

>cash crop
I wouldn't go that far paddy, the rest of the world isn't as obsessed with it as you

Hebrew is just a LARP. They made it up user.

A cash crop means that you’re growing it to sell it rather than eat it, dingus


Potatoes were a staple crop for the Irish

It's why their population rose so rapidly and was hit so hard by the famine after they were introduced

>vikings invade to try make us worship their faggot god
Completely fucking flase.
Stopped reading.
What a fucking retarded view on history

Gah this fucking meme thread again

>woman can steal all your money as sanctioned by the government
>communist education

jealous paddy?

she didn't steal it, the invisible hand of the free market gave it to her :^)

>not being able to adapt to a form of government with a certain set of rules isn't social darwinism
gas all ancaps smfh

meanwhile, in the oppressive, backward, horrible Russian Empire Poles suffered so much that their population tripled in less than 100 years

Everyone is doing it it's not LARP


>absolutely no arguments other than "BUT WAT IF HAPN TO YA"
thanks for being a dumbass and strengthening my position
if i am shit at my job i deserve to be fired
if i do nothing about me starving other than beg then i deserve to starve to death
so do you
there is no such thing as "rights", it's a made up term by weaklings who can't fend for themselves, so they appeal to the law and "muh life is sacred"
you are fucking worthless
the natural state of the world is kill or be killed, take your hippy head out your ass and look at the world

>we couldn't go out into the seas surround our island and get food because of the ENGLISH waaaaah

>shittiest areas of country coincide with most celtic

rlly dinks ur donk

>mercantilism is now capitalism
Protip - capitalism as an ideology didn’t emerge til the early 1900’s, and wasn’t adopted by countries until the 1920-30’s

>Protip - capitalism as an ideology didn’t emerge til the early 1900’s, and wasn’t adopted by countries until the 1920-30’s

It wasn't apathy, the British were exporting all their food.

This. It's exactly the same as what the WTO is doing to Africa now

On the national level mate
To imply that a government acted out of a certain ideology requires it to be adopted by the government no?
Colonialism was fueled by mercantilism, in simple terms
Mercantilism - Taking/redirecting already present wealth to your self/nation
Capitalism - Generating new wealth (sources) for your nation/self.
That’s not to say mercantilism is extinct on the national level but to say that Capitalism was the prevalent ideology before WW1 is quite silly

Yes, the bongs starved them. The Irish apes were just slaves by another name. Amusingly, the bongs like to LARP as abolitionists, lol

Yeah, what better way to get people to see your point of view by impoverishing their friends, starving their families, and forcing 1/5th of all people to leave or suffer the same.

I'm British, what Britain has done to Ireland is disgusting and was completely unnessecary, prompted by a completely uncaring Liberal government.

if by slaves you mean not slaves then yeah

>Capitalism - Generating new wealth (sources) for your nation/self.
that's not what capitalism means bra. and capitalism has been the dominant economic mode in the world since the late 18th century

Show cornwall and Britanny pls

>late 18th
Early 19th. Capitalism was in its infant stages before WW1 shook up the established order of things.