Swedes during the period 1600-1950 idealised the migration period...

Swedes during the period 1600-1950 idealised the migration period, and claimed that the Goths came from Sweden and that them, the Geats and the Gutes were originally the same people.

This is considered wewuzzing and revisionism today, but as far as I've learned, the urheimat of the goths (along with the other germanic tribes), was in scandinavia (pic related) Anyone know why it is considered false today?

pic related typical Swede(Goth).

I see this picture posted quite a lot. Could you fill me in on the context for this goth? Where was he found? When did he die? What was he found with?

The reconstruction definitely looks slavic, I agree.

it is considered false because Swedes came from Northern Sweden, while Goths came from Southern Sweden although there is a substantiated alternative theory that they have no relation to Scandinavia and actually came from Poland as an East Germanic people, their language supports this.
The discrepancies arise in the name "Goth" we do not know if it is just a nominal cognate or evidence for an ethnic relation.
But as for Swedes being Goths, probably not.
the Swedes were separated from the Geats and Goths by the Wuffings and Shieldings. The Wolf and Shield clan moved to England, yes England, the Saxons and Angles had already settled when they moved.
Then the Swedes moved down and pushed the remnants of the Shield and Wolf clan out who then migrated to England. The Geats were absorbed into the Swedish and Danish population along with most of them migration to East Anglia. We get a lot of English folklore from the Geats who came over when the Swedes took over Eastern Sweden.

Found in Wielkowice, Elbing. Poland.

He looks like a Slav.

No shit man.


Give me your cigs, westernboi. OR ELSE

The Swedes came from middle Sweden.
The Wulfings/Ulvings/Ylvingar was another name for the eastern geats, since their ruling dynasty had that name.
The Shieldings/Scyldings/Sköldungar was another name for the Danes (from Zealand), since their ruling dynasty had that name. (Sources: Beowulf and Wikipedia)
>Then the Swedes moved down and pushed the remnants of the Shield and Wolf clan out who then migrated to England.
The Danish Scyldings ruled at least into the 8th century (possibly longer but I'm too lazy to google right now), while the East geat Ulvings were incorporated into the united Swedish realm around 1100, but kept their old laws and traditions.

This is what I've learned at least. Please link these stories you mentioned.

Tried googling
>Wielkowice, Elbing goth
>Wielkowice, Elbing gothic warrior
>Wielkowice, Elbing archaeological find
Didn't find anything.

Is it just me or is the reconstructed face a lot wider than the skull? Also how did they determine what the nose should look like? That affects what the face a lot

That's because of the population exchange caused by settling Scandinavia with Slavic thralls and invasions by Old Slavs.

It wouldn't surprise me if the east germanic languages came to eastern europe by force, and the balto-slavic natives were assimilated into the germanic peoples.

Goths == Slavs

Why would they speak a germanic language, wear germanic helmets and armor, have germanic names and have a germanic culture if they were slavs?

I wear English clothes, I speak English, my name is from the Bible, I watch English movies but I'm not English.

>This is considered wewuzzing and revisionism today
It's not though

Is you native tongue english? Would foreigners consider you English? Is your culture known as "English culture"?

The Goths originally WERE from what is today Southern Sweden. But it's also true that they didn't really coalesce into a "people" worth mentioning until after they had set up shop on the mainland Europe.

Please shut up and never return here. Go read Narnia.

Maybe, I can pass as one. I'm maybe little too tall for them. But now everyone can be English, just look at London or Birmingham.
My entire country is turning into England/USA as we speak.

Goths were pretty much 100% Germanic
Wielbark culture had only 1/16 R1a.

That's because your native culture is weak and you're a NEET fag.

Goths were most definitely not Slavs. Slavs didn't move into northern Poland/Baltic areas until long after Goths had largely moved on. Since they did border Slav lands it's likely there were some geneflow/intermarrying.

The Rus are another good example of Scandis who left Sweden and founded forts and cities and trading routes. They came to rule Slavs further south, and were later absorbed by Slavs who kept their cool name and swamped northern lands, mixing with Finnics/Uralics and Turkics along the way. Likewise, saying the Rus were always Slavs would be fucking retarded.

>we watch MTV and use Veeky Forums
>We English now!
>this is what poos really think

It's not comparable. At all.

Since the only sources on the picture that so often is posted on the reconstructed goth I can find are in polish and the translation is a mess, there's nothing to confirm the details about him.

Maybe he was a slave taken from the east who was killed for disobedience
Maybe he was a traveler who got killed and robbed while on the road
Maybe he joined with the goths and fought with them until being killed

I'm not convinced that he's a goth until shown proof.

Here's a likely explanation
He didn't look anything like the reconstruction which has weird eyes and a smaller brain which give the illusion of Polishness

There is no such thing as strong culture, because there will be always stronger. What is culture anyway?Religion, way of life? If we can trust ancient sourses my country/people name lasts for 2k years, religion and location changed couple of times, culture too, demographics probably also, but the name is always the same. Not many european peoples achieved that. I have to go now, it was nice talking to you.

>smaller brain gives the illusion of polishness
my sides