Are there legit benefits to this or is it just a meme?

Are there legit benefits to this or is it just a meme?

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trying l-arginine and ZMA right now
been on them for a couple of weeks
so far they have made literally zero difference

it's useless unless you're deficient, which normal people aren't.

Honestly I started them and feel better, more erections, better sleep

not sure what else though

Idk man some fagget said it could potentially increase the amount of test I produce. Since I started taking them muh beard has definitely been showing more prominently. Most likely something else or me being a placebo bitch, but If you got money to spend why the hell not

Did it increase your libido?

ZMA is literally the only supplement I swear by aside from the standard fish oil + multi + protein powder triumverate.

Placebo or not I've been making pretty steady gains. I've been using it for about a year.

From my experience zinc has a small but noticeable effect.
Same goes for Boron and D3
One time I did all three at the same time for two weeks and I got a lot of acne, my voice deepened slightly, and I wanted to fuck EVERYTHING.
I now cycle doing 1-2 of them, just to make sure my body has enough for normal test levels.

I'm on vit D3, ZMA and l-arginine. Maybe it's placebo but I'm much hornier than before. I'm not sure if it's helping with my lifting just yet and I get crazy lucid dreams now.

d3 and l-arginine are cheap as shit anyway, ZMA is a bit pricey though.

>ZMA and l-arginine

I used to only meet up with my gf once per week (she's in college and it's somewhat of a long distance)
Over the whole weekend we'd maybe have sex a total of 4 times.

Since taking ZMA and l-arginine I actually can't wait that long anymore, I visit her twice as much and we have considerably more frequent and rougher sex.

Maybe it just comes down to my better eating habits in general, but it definitely feels like supplements caused at least some of that change in libido.

I definitely wake up feeling more rested and refreshed.

Sounds like someone replaced your zinc with tren.

I am getting strong morning wood since on ZMA and I have real good sleep. Also, having rock hard and long erections during sex. I am 38.

ZMA takes an hour off my necessary sleep each night and makes me wake up more refreshed. Honestly, after this bottle is gone i'm only going to use it when i need the extra sleep. Also higher sex drive i guess

its around 10 euro for 60 tabs, how is that expensive?

If you are vegetarian or you do a lot of cardio then you are probably suboptimal in regards to zinc levels.

If you have a really poor diet in addition then you are probably deficient.

There's a big difference between suboptimal and deficient though. If you aren't a professional athlete who needs every last possible advantage than the utility of taking it is arguable.

Here's a resource with great citations and references:

well for some reason it kinda did. Again I don't know if this si some placebo shit but man I can nutt about 4-5 times a day up from 1-2.

Still young (19) so got loads of hormones running around n shit, but lemme tell ya something has changed. Generally my whole diet changed over a period of time aswell but this shit might be helping that along.

Yes it works like magic.
>start ZMA
>restful sleep
>breaking out like I'm 15 again
>want to fuck everything that moves
>when stuck home on rest days I want to jerk off every 4 hours
If not for the acne or I'd still be taking it.

These are two separate, unrelated questions.

>Are there legit benefits to this

Like most supplements, probably situational at best.

>or is it just a meme?

No, it's a real product you can buy.

Fuck, why the acne?

Probably from the absurd amount of B3. I take zinc and magnesium separately and still only get a few pimples per month. Google a bit, loads of people are experiencing breakouts when taking ZMA.

Man i just ordered a big bottle of zinc and magnesium. It still contains a lot of b3 but not as much as ZMA. What'sthe point of them putting in so much b3

My bad it's actually B6. It helps with the breakdown and absorption of minerals.

Autism speaks

help me stay asleep and give me boners


more cum

I already consume a multivitamin, any benefits on taking ZMA as well?

I just checked its composition. I'm already on "ZMA", technically. Didn't notice any difference.

ZMA has all the ingredients necessary to help reduce body odor. I take it strictly for that reason.

Bullshit. Back up this broscience or stfu