You have to go back my friendo

you have to go back my friendo

Other urls found in this thread:

Veeky Forums has always been a right wing board friend.

Go back to /cgl/ you skelly faggot.

How about we all just say we believe you, you go back and continue the fantasy, and we get back to looking at mens asses no homo?

but redbul doesnt taste good and is expensive

repressed homosexuality is a cornerstone of conservatism

you just proved my point bud

I've only ever drank Red Bull.

This is p. based.

are u part of the swolen left?

Who said anything about repressed fag?

Are you trying to make partisan political commentary on a fitness board?


This. Red Bull is overpriced af.

Literal daddy issues the post.

>Red Bull
>Bull represents the opposite of the Cuck, also gives us the male aspect of the Cow, which gives us pure white milk, and is the virginal archetype of the Western Woman-Mother
>Red Bull's "slash" background pattern looks somewhat like a LIGHTNING BOLT GOING INTO THE SUN IN THE LOGO -> The Lightning and the Sun (Esoteric Hitlerist symbolism, if you don't know)

I prefer coffee, thank you
But respect for the old guy. One of not many billionaires who stands up to the globalists agenda.
All in all, in my opinion all personal wealth over 1 billion dollars should be confiscated. The situation when one person can influence governments (like rotschields, Soros etc) just by sheer vastness of their wealth is really dangerous.

>be right wing
>allow your boss to profit from the surplus value of your labour
>praise a capitalist class that erects as many barriers as possible to prevent competition
>muh free markets
>believe entrenching monopolistic positions allows wealth to trickle down
>reduce your worth to nothing more than a quantum of human capital
>fight over the scraps with your fellow workers
>divided by arbitrary lines in the sand over inconsequential wealth holdings and allele expression
>blind to the oppressive class that throws 'just enough' scraps to 'just enough' people to placate the masses
>call leftists cucks

There is nothing more pathetic than the fake alpha who yearns for money more than the solidarity of brotherhood with his fellow man. Bourgeois nationalism has twisted humanity.

>Bull represents the opposite of the Cuck
Bull horns are the universal symbol of cuckoldry bud. Even with your argument, your prepping the bull by putting your lips on its dong. I don't think there's a more cucked drink out there.

>being so insecure with your sexuality you have to invent a narrative about sexual prowess out of corporate marketing


I tried red bull a couple of times and I'm not kidding it made me weaker. Well past 1/2/3/4, but tried it as an improv pre workout and it fucked up my grip strength. Couldn't even keep a stable hook grip on deads.

First time I put it down to maybe a little cold or something, but I tried it a couple more times. P sure it's nerve poison or some shit.

This is very accurate

Red Bull has always sponsored "classier" events, like boat races and skydives.

Meanwhile monster sponsors shit like monster truck rallies and has a huge following among red necks

Red Bull has always been superior

Lifting is a right wing lifestyle, we'll never leave

Oh you lift? Post pics.

absolutely disgusting

>divided by arbitrary lines in the sand over inconsequential wealth holdings and allele expression

Can you guys explain to me how you guys are pro-globalism when the people that stand to make the most off it are the elites?

Why are you spiting your neighbor by helping his master undermine him?

Leftists are even more retarded. Government ownership of the means of production and allocation of resources is the shittiest economic model there is.

t. social democrat (aka an economic system that actually works)

Only psuedointellectuals and try hard neckbeards cling to your draconian 19th century utopian economic theory.

Government ownership isn't an especially left or right wing thing tho. Anarchist Catalonia wasn't right wing (it was left of the Soviets).

It was an obvious joke

>tfw you want a revolution to start so you can start putting leftists in the dirt where they belong

They talk a big game in their safe spaces, but as soon as the first bullets rip through they'll break ranks in terror. Just watch, it'll be glorious. I almost have an erection thinking of it.

>Be me.
>Be born in an actual Communist, third world shithole.
>Fast forward to now.
>Be forced to see dumbass posts like this coming from a Westerner (most likely) who has never experienced Communism in his life.

I kek every time.

I'm anti globalism in it's modern form which only exists to exploit working classes in less developed nations.

I'm not a Leninist or state capitalist.

>all hard leftism is communism

really makes you think

Third world communism was breddy gud tho.

I can't, I'm on duty. You know, at work.

Gainful employment, unlike you and the rest of the liberal arts majors lmao.

t. Masters in biology (stay jelly brainlet, I'm sure your gender studies degree will pay off)


>actual communist
>not socialist oligarchy

Only slightly suspicious there m8y

As someone who's Vietnamese and has lived in Vietnam, no it isn't. We could have been like South Korea or Japan or Taiwan today, but instead we're an underdeveloped backwater.

Oh same. What are some of the benefits of WGD btw and what evidence do we have of this in the recent past btw?

You know because you might be rping or degree milling as well as estatting.

Part of me wants you to experience Communism so that you can get BTFOd. Honestly it's always Western babies who have never done anything worthwhile in their life who seem to be the one's who praise this shit. Let me guess "real Communism has never been tried!" just lmao

As someone who's Yugoslav and spent time in Cuba, tough break bro.

My family had it pretty bad under communism and it was still pretty good.

All you have as examples of nonauthorotarian communism is small examples of local resistance groups that held power for a few unstable years.

Meanwhile social democracy has produced the highest quality of life out of any system in Europe and Asia.

Why should anyone gamble their future on your theories,when SD has real world results?

Yugoslavia is the only country I'd say was better off under communism, and that's mostly because Tito kept a lid on all the ethnic violence

>not finding motivation in this

Communism is a crutch for the weak who don't have the balls to go after their goals and ambitions. It allows you to blame your weaknesses and failures on the "big guy" while simultaneously presenting an ideal world theory where you are finally in power.

In the end communism will never work because it falls victim to the folly of human nature. Humans are naturally greedy and fight to be on the top. Feel free to say it has "NEVER BEEN TRIED IN IT'S TRUE FORM", but that will never happen neither. The "true form" of communism requires a version of humans that simply doesn't exist.

Own up to your failures and practice extreme ownership. Want something? Go get it.

Yugoslavia was also bottom up. Then there's shit like anarcho-syndicalism as a movement (often manifests in unions). And ofc the Kibbutz movement in the 50s onwards.

Just like this isn't real capitalism whenever you point out its flaws to libtards?

The contradictions of capitalism are systemic paradoxes which will always lead to crises which are paid for by the poor and exploited by the rich for greater capitalist gain. Is that a world you want to live in? The financiers collapsed the western economy in 2008 and by 2014 they were enjoying record bonuses while the cost and suffering of austerity was borne by the most vulnerable.

I'm all for a bit of belt tightening but only when we're wearing the same trousers.

Democratic socialism has barely been given a decade in the western world. Marxist-Leninism was terrible, I have sympathy for those who grew up in modern communist countries. There are other ways to do it though, especially in post industrial societies which manufacture scarcity to maintain market systems.

>Want something
>Go get it

boy it sure it alpha to externalise all your costs on society and let the little guy get btfo

Still waiting Biology Masters (lol). I bet if I asked you a gender studies question you'd answer.

>Not realising the working class need a ruling elite so shit doesn't fall apart

"The little guy" gets BTFO no matter which form of economic doctrine you follow. Feel free to show any form of utopia where every citizen is feeling empowered and strong.

Communism is amazing in theory, but immensely flawed in practice. Human nature will always fuck it up. Capitalism and free markets are not some divine doctrine that is optimal, but it's better than the option of communism.

I'm not big on sodas and energy drinks, but red bull has been my nigga ever since I first tried it

>Sugar containing variant is the leading version
>Doesn't have humoungus servings as the standart, because that shit is degenerate
>Great colour scheme
>Great albeit weird taste
>Blueberry special edition, bringing back that chemical taste so few companies do now

It's the GOAT

>right wing isn't authoritarian unlike those leftie communists
>this makes right wing better
>the problem with left wing models is a lack of authority
There's a distinct sense of cognitive dissonance running through this thread.

Who is behind this post?

My focus is on macro and ecological systems as a whole. I'd love to discuss the recent developments in WGD with someone because biology is my passion, but I don't respect you therefore I don't want to discuss it with you.

Plus i don't have shit to prove to you. Why don't you take a picture of your degree or provide some proof to me.

Google the website address. You'll see it's been reposted on /pol/ several times with certain identical responses popping up at the start, and lots of forcing.

We got ourselves some forced social media viral advertising shit going on here.

What do you believe WGD stands for? There are no recent developments in WGD, it's a hundreds of millions of years old process.

Also taking pictures of a degree doesn't rule out degree mills does it?

You're a fat slob on a fitness board rping. SAD.

>surely this is the final crisis of capitalism

These same fluctions of resources will exist in any economic system

There are new developments to all theories in the sciences. Even a 9th grader could tell you this, or you know anyone with an actual degree.

Then what university did you go to. They didn't do a good job if you think scientific theories are unchanging principles

Reminder that if you lean to the left ideologically you are unable to ever really make it

nope. Fucking newfags.

Yup, it was until Reddit invaded and board quality plummeted

I blame FPH threads

I blame the foundation of the site. People revelled in shock humor and freedom of speech and eventually people that genuinely held those beliefs crowded the boards. Nigger turned from an excercise in saying what you want to people that hate black people, etc etc.

I got my first bio degree from one of HYS. I won't be more specific than that to an RPer.

FPS was good. FPH was shit. Now they've turned into /fat/ which is worse than terrible. But still goes to show probably fat reddittors behind it.

I'm not the one role playing here, but whatever.....

I don't care how specific you are, you're acting like I have a genuine interest in you

Reddit is objectively full of communism, socialism, anarchy and propaganda though?

No, just generic US democrats and a few socialists

But it's their """"humor"""" and the way they argue that's the real damage to board quality

>if I try real hard maybe everyone will forget I don't know what I'm talking about
Lol. You can't even answer a basic biology question. So yeah you are role playing like fuck.

Do you really believe you're like 1337 social engineer or something?

Reddit has always been more negatively right wing compared to here as well as now being home to a bunch of echo chambers like the donald and other the shits. I find Le Pen kinda funny as a weird throwback to the old ironic le reddit memes btw.

>Generic US democrats and a few socialists
>Reddit has always been more right wing
/pol/ which is mostly conservative or libertarian is the biggest board on Veeky Forums.
I don't visit reddit often but when I do it's extremely far left in the comment section and any different, just mild conservative view gets down voted.

You thought scientific theories were unchanging laws that were impossible to expand on.

Not only do I doubt you've been to uni, I doubt you earned over a C in high school general science.

>social engineer

So is that the kind of pseudoscience you study?

Wait, and now you know about reddit boards and Reddit memes and trends! You just exposed yourself as an off board transplant who doesn't understand basic scientific principles- aka the typical redditor. Grats you just played yourself.

Reddit isn't right wing, don't listen to that idiot, if you follow his comments it's obvious he's a liar and not very intelligent.

Reddit isn't far left, but it is left leaning to anyone with common sense.

>solidarity of brotherhood with his fellow man

it doesn't exist. just because two people are the same species doesn't mean they can coexist. for this you need more substantial things like a common culture, language, ethnicity etc.

t. the entirety of history

open borders are an unscrupulous capitalist's wet dream, all this high-minded utopian rhetoric might give you a nice dopamine rush but you only do the elites' bidding.

Try the tangerine red bull. Thank me later.

Don't be a retard. There are numerous studies showing men who lift are more likely to be conservative. This is just a fact. I'm not gonna post my own fan fiction theories on why this is because it will sound like I'm sucking myself off too much.

It's always had more negative rightwing elements. Back when we were the internet hate machine they had a bunch of racism and sexism scandals.

Neither here nor there is especially left or right wing because anyone can join in, but I suspect here is less authoritarian and there more so just because of the formats.

You can be convinced by that if you want, those studies fail on a fundamental level to me because of the poor narrative. So 2fluffy4me.

M8 I confirmed above that I have a bio degree, no need to get mad on an anime board

open borders are capitalist wet dream because it causes downward pressure on wages and typically weakens a countries existing labour solidarity.

It is still bourgeois nationalism

What the fuck does "poor narrative" mean? You don't like the results so you discard them? You haven't criticized the methodology, sampling, etc., you've just declared the result null because it upsets you. This is the most hilariously stereotypical leftist thing.

Anyway that's fine, I'm sure they weren't super academically rigorous. But be real, have you ever spoken to a man at your gym? Anecdotes and all that but I've literally never yet met a single person who is swole that describes themselves as left wing. You can't deny that there are some activities that tend to have a preponderance of a certain political affiliation. Ever been to a local capoeira or juggling group? All leftists. Farmers market? All leftists. Rock climbing? Mostly leftists.

The only thing you've confirmed is that you're a Reddit expert

They literally banned a sub reddit that supports Donald Trump from being able to reach the front page, I'm not a Trump supported but it's incredibly hypocritical that they don't ban trump-hate subreddits from the front page too. You just get one side of the coin there now. Whenever I visit the front page I often see a positive communism or socialism meme too, a video from a leftist late night show always gets up voted and the comment section on reddit is pure cancer. Anyone that doesn't have a left wing view gets down-voted or stays at a 1. As a liberal conservative or moderate I absolutely despise the place and have stopped using it. It's just objectively wrong calling reddit right wing.

Daily reminder: most poor people in the US are that way because they have kids they can't afford or spend their money on frivolous shit and take out high finance loans for things they don't need

>liberals censoring things they are too dumb to argue against

Shocked? It happens on University campuses all the time.

All stochastic based conclusions begin with a narrative. That is the nature of the beast. So we ought to have a clear idea in the case of those studies the possible processes behind why one thing ought to lead to another. Without that we cannot even begin to evaluate model validity or anything along those lines.

A lot of similar studies are bs as well, it's a bit of a problem atm.

>They literally banned a sub reddit that supports Donald Trump from being able to reach the front page

Yeah because they allowed bots to upvote their posts and were fucking it up for everyone else.

Also being on the frontpage sucks, frontpage subreddits always go to shit.

The studies are observational. Your theories explaining the observed association or correlation is an independent question. The fact that you refuse to accept the very real observerved phenomenon because you don't yet have an explanation for it is the silliest thing I've read yet today. Don't be so dumb.

There was no bot use. I'd ask you to post proof but I know you don't have any because you just made that up you lying retard.

Of course, it all makes sense now! Because the_Donald is the first and only place on reddit that uses bots and vote manipulation.

Who is this >female?

>faggots actually arguing that reddit is right-wing
Only a leftist could be this fucking revisionist.

Is this you first day on Veeky Forums?

That makes no difference to what I'm talking about tho.

I'm working on something else atm, but I think Harvard released a 200 level stats course (government 200 I think it's called) a couple of years back, the first lecture or so covers this sort of thing in simple enough terms.

>I was born in a communist shithole
>Therefore we should never question or doubt the business regulations in the west because MUH CAPITALISM
>We should just accept an economy of business practices that screws over the lower and middle classes just because people aren't third-world impoverished

Why don't you mention the starving children in africa while you're at it? Yeah we should just never strive to be better because other people have it worse than us, that's a great plan!

Redbull tastes terrible, and that's coming from someone who has good memories of drinking it in high school when I was on a swim team. This is probably just a last ditch attempt to get people, conservatives, to start drinking it instead of monster or whatever.

>Dietrich Mateschitz
I always say that we should only mix it up with either Bavarians or people from our satelite states Slovenia and Croatia

>liberal conservative

literally the most cucked you can be

>duuuuuuuude weeeeeeeeeeed
>I hate poor people tho xD

Red Bull is alright and right wing is best wing but I'll stick to the manliest /sip/

I would only switch to Red Bull if this Kraut guy promised to remove all non-Europeans from Mother Europe

What the fuck are you talking about?
I hate weed, it's for losers and degenerates.
I said liberal conservative because I believe both sides have good and bad stand points and both sides deserve to be listened to.

Exclusively subscribing to one political ideology is silly, liberal conservatism questions everything and then goes with what they think personally think is the best option.

>There is nothing more pathetic than the fake alpha who yearns for money more than the solidarity of brotherhood with his fellow man
That's why fascism is the only way to go

im going to shoulder throw yoj into the next life

B-b-but centrists are cucks! You must stick to one camp and blindly follow their ideology like gospel!

How can you be left-wring and lift? The entire concept of the left is to have things given to you by the government without any effort on your part. Right-wing is earning things for yourself through hard work and dedication just like lifting.

It's true, leftism is the DYEL ideology

Alot of Veeky Forums idolizes pagan barbarians, who I think you can say were somewhere socialist.