As long as im doing face pulls and weighted chins 3x a week can i just can rows altogether?
Can I drop rows?
You can if you want an imbalanced physique and miss out on gains
why tho
Weighted chins hit lats and bis and face pulls get them rear delts and upper back, correct? Honestly, i fucking hate rows.
why tho
Whenever i do rows thou, I never really feel it in my back.
Retract yo gawd damn scapula
I do, even then it doesnt work.
Sure, if you're content with subpar traps.
Listen to me user, I did what you are asking
I dropped them
and let me say, without lats you look like shit
and also, once I trained them, my Bn Sq and Dl all went up
and I didnt look like shit
please, dont do it
you can build a great back with just pull-ups.
it's just a good idea to to keep a rowing exercise in atleast once a week.
pull-ups hit lats harder than rows...
try a different horizontal pull variant. it's important to get more spinal erector work than just a set or two of deadlifts a week, and BORs are usually where people work that part of their body for volume. while rear delts are important to work on for shoulder health, strong erectors (some people call them the "lower traps") are just as important, especially if someone is going to be supporting a load while not standing perfectly straight up. personally, i do seal rows before i bench. and as an added bonus, doing horizontal pulls before horizontal pressing helps warm up your joints and muscles in a less strenuous way than light benching. i highly recommend you try some sort of horizontal row you like before benching for a while, and see if you like it.
but if lat hypertrophy is your only concern, feel free.
>it's important to get more spinal erector work than just a set or two of deadlifts a week
no, it's not.
deadlifts hit them really hard, more than enough to make them grow.
squats hit them hard as well.
i dont think i've ever seen any gymgoer who squats and deadlifts with underdeveloped spinal erectors.
You might be pulling too much with your arms, lad. Or maybe you're not pulling high enough, a row should hit about chest or sternum level
prob the arms part, idk how i dont pull with my arm though its diff as fuck
it seems to me you need a movement that is the direct opposite of a bench press (if you bench regularly). the symmetry just feels right.
Without lats? Weighted chins hit my lats like fuck my man.
understandable, it's a lot of that "mind muscle connection" memery. Try lowering the weight and retracting your scapula when you pull just to try and feel it out. Usually the first half-3/4 is a little bit of arm and mostly back while the last quarter is all arm
only drop them if you're moving to Starting Strength.
How do you hate rows?
Fuck man it's like the coolest exercises
You literally sit there and pull on a fuck ton of weight like Spider-Man trying to pull a car back or something
It's the fuckin best!
Plus it's absolutely crucial if you want a nice mid/upper back, and a solid place to rest on when you bench
>tfw had a dog exactly like op pic
>had to put him down last week
And yeah op I also hate rows but I still do them tho
what the fuxk op
i love rows
my bent over rows are heavier than my bench.
But i found deadlift variations to be even nicer for my lats
Pull like a monkey/ape. It's that easy.
>doing any exercise sitting down that you can do on your feet instead
Casuals baka
I can't stand normal barbell rows. That said I do like t bar and dumbbell rows. Hand over hand pulling is goat, I have an old tire 50 foot of rope and just load it up and pull