How long did it take you from dreading to go to gym to looking forward to going to the gym?

how long did it take you from dreading to go to gym to looking forward to going to the gym?

I enjoyed my first day so I'm not sure what you mean.

>1st year = Completely obsessed with lifting
>2nd year = Still pretty obsessed with lifting
>3rd year = Start realizing it's not going to change my life at all
>4th year = Accept I'm pretty much a gymcel gymrat and fall out of love with lifting and have no motivation
>5th year = It's just become habit and I feel yucky if I don't lift

Something about my day just feels incomplete until I've lifted.

it's the other way for me. the heavier the weights have gotten the more i dread it. 2 years in

Are you me?

how on earth do you keep the fire going for so long? I'm at stage 5 in like a week or two whenever i start lifting after a break.

just started lifting
even though i'm still going to the gym i have a hate for it
>no friends
> food tastes bad now
> walk to and from gym
and to put the cherry on the mudpie, it's a planet fitness

It took me about 4 months or so. It felt great the first day, but after the first week, DOMS were discouraging me from going.

I took a month off to see if that was what I really wanted, then I came back and now I'm basically a robot.

I watched a lot of Elliot Hulse and brainwashed myself into enjoying the pain. Now I never feel as alive as I do when I'm sucking wind and screaming through those last reps. Become a fucking animal and let loose. Its liberating.

im starting to look forward to lifting now. im like 2 months in, but im only just now starting to make gains. i only added like 10lbs to my bench in my first month, in my 2nd month its jumped 30lbs. squat jumped 20lbs first month, 30lbs this month. deadlift jumped 30lbs first month, 40lbs this month.
it took me about the same time to learn to enjoy cardio, but since taking a break for a week it's been a struggle to remain consistent.
i'll be cutting for several more months, so hopefully it doesnt get any more miserable.