Female equivalent of 1/2/3/4

what's the female equivalent of 1/2/3/4 for the big 4? 0.5/1/2/3 where 0.5 is 95 lbs?

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equality, cunt

I've never seen a woman squat more than 1.5plate.

Sounds about right.

>24 yo lifting since 16
>165 lbs
>ohp 125 (broken collarbone fucked up my shoulders)
>bench 205
>squat 320
>deads 365

I dunno if I've made it or not. Home gym so I don't have much perspective. Moving soon and can't take my weights, so soon I'll know.

I've been lifting for 2.5 months and I squat 1.2. I doubt I will reach my potential so soon.

How much do you weigh?

74 kg, 5'10

I occasionally work with one who pushes up 2 pretty fucking easily.

She mind fucks herself out of pushing more though. She is afraid of the weight sometimes which I just dont understand.


Don't be such a bully desu


What routine is that?


Here's a girl snatching more than you bench.

Yeah I'm fucking with you. You have some pretty good progress. Keep it up.

post picture bby

You go to a shitty gym

>implying that's hard
Here's Clarence benching more than you squat youtu.be/rnN5kSMTuRY

Yeah I really do

There was a woman at my old gym who could do a few reps of 2pl8. Squatted in tights too. She had 2/10 facial genetics and was slightly chubby but holy fuck I would have married her so fast

My neck would make most men here jealous with how thique it is and my shoulders are as wide as a linebacker's. I'm not sexy, just big. Horse cock legs like a roiled out professional wrestler is my goal.

Not a routine, is goals
1pl8 ohp, 2pl8 bench, 3 squat, 4 diddles

Will you be my wifey? I'll show you a horse cock ;-)

your petty efforts are enough of a warm-up for me.

How the fuck is 0.5 95lbs
1pl8 is 90lbs

You counting bar weight?

you count the first 2pl8?

>implying you can snatch 2pl8

>implying that I wasn't implying that my bench is shit

what is testosterone?

Mine's bigger

This body
These weights
Not good enough, obviously.

das a big dong boo

you should do a cut

My gym is the bodybuilder gym in the area. The married owners (with like 4 kids) compete. And a bunch of competing women come in. I've seen them squat 3 plates.

>0.5/1/2/3 where 0.5 is 95 lbs?
More like 0.5/1/2/2

If a woman hit 1/2/3/4 it would be as impressive as a man hitting 2/3/5/6.

lb for lb women are only 70-75% as strong as men and then take into account that the average woman is 7.5% shorter so less mass to begin with to hang muscle on.

I am. Already down 8 pounds. Cutting to 145. Cut out beer, eating 1600 a day.

client of mine does weightlifting comps. i asked what she did at her latest and she said she broke prs on dead (385), squat (320) and bench (185)

I saw a qt OHP almost 1 pl8 the other day

hope you get hot

All the women at my gym squat like 65lb for a million reps. I just don't understand it, they look like they could squat more if they actually tried.

Thanks. Already have a girlfriend so I'm just doin' it to not be a fat shit. Eating like a fatty sure as hell got my lifts up though.

>man hitting 2/3/5/6.
is the progression like that because it's so easy from 3pl8 to 5pl8 on squat??

you're literally in a male weight range.

its really not surprising that you can almost your body weight.

Well, you see.
Normal women don't like lifting heavy shit. It goes against their nature.

They like doing high rep stuff and aerobics and the like. There's no reason they shouldn't becuase...well..they have really really high muscle endurance and muscle recovery.
They can bang out a hundred reps of a light weight like that no problem and you know what, they'll "tone up" and lose weight doing that.

The women have to lift heavy thing is a new thing that's being pushed by queer chicks/feminists/power lifters with a program and gym memberships to sell.

This is what natty lifting on estrogen does to a body? The fuck are instagram hoors on?

how are you 165 lbs @ 5'4 and this skinny?

i'm 6 @ 190lbs and a guy.


A lot of muscle. Thanks for the compliment brah.

Are you fucking retarded?
Do you fully fucking understand what I said or are you going to post more articles with highlighted portions that has nothing at all to do with what we're talking about?

I reiterate. Basically all women do not care about building muscle or gaining strength. Only losing weight and "toning up". Toning up means they want some slight muscle mass, not large amounts of visible or vascular muscle.

Explain the women in this thread then
Or any of the women who do comps

1.Some handful women naturally gravitate towards it. tomboys and lesbians mainly.
2.They, like men who want to lift, have issues
3.They were, like men, convinced to get strong or swole for whatever reason
4.Some are convinced to do it for vanities sake and will do the typical basic bitch lifting or IG girl workouts.


I promise I will make you happy I can even dance

Female equivalent of 200/300/400/500 (which is a better 'baseline' for strength if you want to be an autistic about it) is 100/155/225/315.

>Basically all women do not care about building muscle or gaining strength. Only losing weight and "toning up". Toning up means they want some slight muscle mass, not large amounts of visible or vascular muscle.

Isn't correct then? Even with the "basically" modifier at the front of it. This post on the other hand explains it well. Good jerb.

'Toning up' means 'I know the square root of fuck all about how training affects body composition and don't realise that lifting heavy will make me look substantially more toned than trying to fucking tone.'

>Here's a girl snatching more than you bench

Oh my god are you an actual faggot or are you just sucking so many dicks to play devil's advocate? Strength is the foundation of your ability to interact with the world it affects everything you will ever do from now till your inevitable death from AIDS. If you have a choice, it is quite literally always better to be stronger.

Thanks fat out of shape cunt who thinks shitting on the word "tone" makes them some kind of fucking expert.
That really makes all of the women who became NOT FAT or muscular by not lifting heavy shit look like real dopes.

Drank the Starting Strength kool aid or are you some ridiculous dyke with severe dick envy?

αραξε μανμου

Κανε με αδδ είμαι πλοk
Πλιζ ρισποντ

δεν περιμενα να βρω πατριώτη στο /φιτ/ , γιου μειk μι πραουντ παπα τζον

Bet you graduated top of your class at the farm in Langley and lift over 600 confirmed pounds, right? And that you did it purely with 15lb lateral raises and leg press once a month?

You're a fucking idiot.
Go away.

Α ναι ρε έχει kι άλλους

Εγώ είμαι εδω μόνο για τα μειμς ;)

δεν kανεις βάρη δηλαδη; μας γαααμησες ρε φιλαραkι..


Κάνω ρε, αλλά δεν τα συζητάω εδώ. Δεν έχει νόημα. Όλοι φαγωνονται με όλους χωρίς λόγο kαι αιτία. Γι'αυτό kάθομαι, για να συνεισφέρω στο σkατοποσταρισμα

μαι νιγkερ

1.81 μ


Κατάλαβα ρε :Ρ

what are these moon runes?

19,kαι τι προγραμμα kανεις ;

Run for an hour.

thanks. can you be my gf?

wp kai alloi ellines wraia
poios /a8ina/ edw?

εγώ φιλε,περιοχη;

irakleio, esu?

αιγαλεω , τι προγραμμα kανεις ;

eimai sxetika noob stin fasi, opote pros to paron ena brosplit, mises meres sti8os-wmoi-dikefaloi, mises meres plati-podia-trikefaloi, ka8e mera core
3x10 oi perissoteres askiseis

ωραίος ρε φίλε,kαλη αρχή σταδιοδρομία σου εύχομαι!! Μην τα παρατήσεις ποτε

na'sai kala,ty
esu ti programma kaneis?

έkανα μπροσπλιτ πιο παλια (πριν kαναν χρονο) αλλα επειδη τα'γραψα στον πουτσο μου λογω εξεταστιkής, ξεkίνησα stronglifts (εδω kαι 2 εβδομαδες) ,kυρίως για να δυναμωσω γρήγορα

that cuz u are shitty noob to

lew na xekinisw kai gw, alla apo septemvri, gia na kanw bulk, twra einai nwris gi ayto

υπομονη kαι επιμονη θελει,kαι θα τα kαταφερεις.. ποιον βλεπεις στο youtube ? επισης ποσο εισαι;

broscience einai o agapimenos mou, alla gia pio sovara vlepw alan thrall
daxei, genika apo apopsi swmatos, dn eimai skata (eimai 60 sto 1.70)
21 xronwn eimai, also
prepei na fugw gia douleia twra tho, elpizw na eisai akoma edw meta

kαι γω πρεπει να την kανω ,εχω σχολη kαι μετα γυμναστηριο,αλλά χάρηkα που μιλήσαμε αδελφέ!! kαλή συνέχεια kαι kαλη σταδιοδρομία σ'ο,τι kανεις σου εύχομαι

Τεράστιο όνομα
531 + jokers ΒΒΒ, αλλά σε PPL αντί UL

είσαι προχωρημένος ;

Thanks user

Scratch that I just weighed myself 74.5 bulkan feelz gud man

I'm a 5'9 74kg girl lifting for 6 months. How are my stats? I don't know my 1rms so I'm just going by my working weights.

Squat 80*8
Deadlift 100*5
Bench 45*5
OHP 32.5*8

Bench is a little lacking.

I'm a loner at the gym and too shy to ask for a spot

Squat 85 5x6. Orm 95.
Bench: 75 x 5x5 orm was 150 at some poinylt.
Deadlift: 85 5x5
Ohp: just started. 45. 5x5.

Only if u eat too much.
Though it's a lot easier for us to go over tdee and suddenly get fat.

Me too but I got to 45 kg x5 in three months without a spot. Be clever and leave one rep in the tanks.

>tfw male at 0.5/1/1.5/2

>my perfect woman
Don't b my gf I'll fuck it up

Just keep lifting mate. Let the potential for improvement motivate you

I'm deeply skeptical of your numbers, post vid of any of them please

Based on the ratios of the lifts to each other, took the ohp/bench ratio from rippetoe standards, took the bench/squat/dead ratio from the ratio of totals in IPF raw competition, then converted to pl8

you're an idiot if you think you can tell someones numbers by looking at a picture. what do you think this guy's "numbers" are?