Should I Study History or Linguistics?

I'm currently teaching high school English, accruing precious rubles for grad school. I eventually want to attain a PhD and teach at the university level. I could go either way, honestly.

Ur a loser, rethink this good before ruining your life really think about it.

I'm gainfully employed and respected in my community; is this a case of sour grapes, or...?

And that community is?

And you're a NEET mong who shitposts anonymously online

Wrong nibba

My community: aka the place I live.

>OP has a teaching job
>wants to advance his career
>Ur a loser
Is this teacher resentment or something?

He probably works a trade or buys into the STEM elitism meme.

probably got tiddled by the gym coach.

Study philosophy and sociology.

Philosophy is gay

Study history, op

Study a tangible subject not sociological bullshit

>tangible subject
What, playdough?

>sociological bullshit
This is Veeky Forums

Historical linguistics

Do Linguistics. Unlike many other academic fields there's actually room for more people here. There are massive, obvious gaps in our knowledge, yet retards continuously rush in to write the ten billionth paper on the finer distinctions between regional accents in California.

>for more people here
What do you do, user?

Fuck off m8

This. Fucking awesome discipline.

How about you go read Durkheim or something?

I study accent and language acquisition, with an eye toward developing more efficient language learning programs for adults. I also teach some (mostly undergraduate) classes, though I'm not tenured yet. I'm phoneposting right now so I can't really write more but if people are interested and the thread is still up I might be able to talk about getting into the field later tonight.

I'd certainly appreciate that.

>study tangible subject, like mathematics

Both history and linguistics are tangible . Even if you're arguing math is tangible (ha) , linguistics is still mathematically rigorous

So much this. Linguistics is a legitimately challenging academic field that requires an eclectic range of knowledge drawn from both the hard and soft sciences; degree elitists observe that Linguistics is classified as a social science and immediately assume that Linguists possess the IQ of a garden slug.

plz deliver

I have a degree in linguistics. I found out too late that it is all Jew controlled. I make good money not using that degree.

>I found out too late that it is all Jew controlled
>implying Jews don't control all of academia
I thought you had an actual point

I mean it now in the sense that they use classes to teach aspects of Cultural Marxism such as using word choice to influence people. For example; Homosexual is a clinical term = mental problem vs gay = sexual preference. Another example is when the right says there is a flood of immigration. You as a useful idiot need to recognise it and change the language of the dialog to your advantage. Honestly useful techniques that the right should use more often.

Are you denying that word association and connotation has an effect on perception? Because it does --especially within the realm of rhetoric and persuasive speaking.

I do understand what you mean about a palpable leftist influence, but I enjoy the subject matter too much to quit the field.

As long as you're aware it's not all about language reconstruction and figuring out how languages work then I bid you good luck with it.

I wish to pursue historical linguistics; I'll do my best to cloister myself away from the undesirable elements.


I am a linguist, licensed foreign language translator and an english teacher(middle school, I also dont have tenure, because its nigh impossible to get one ) in an est -european country.At the end of the day I make so little money that I've decided to move to Miami this summer and wash dishes for a living in my uncle's restaurant.

I've had your prior job for two years and I make $80,000. Welcome to the US.

>tfw I have a masters in foreign languages and completed multiple child education courses and modules
>only make 500$ per month

Do none of your credentials transfer to the states? That's kind of insane.

Probably.I went to the best university in my country, and they have extensive research programs with the United States/ United Kingdom.But seeing how bad is the education system here, where you can actually spank a child for being disobedient and walk away scott free, I can only imagine hiw bad is there with your liberals and shit. Not to mention the minorities in your country.

>you can actually spank a child for being disobedient and walk away scott free
There are some things more valuable than money. I'd pay a month's wages for an opportunity to properly discipline certain kids.

>$500 a month
You must really be shit.

That's what you get for teaching in an eastern Europoor country.

The absolute STATE of the eastern bloc

I love Rich Evans: God's parting gift to mankind.

500$ is double than what a skilled workman does in a month in Eastern Europe.

Whats the best job to get if you have a Masters in History?

Community / junior college professor

Fast food.

If your aim is higher education teaching, history for sure. Every shit ass community college offers history courses, unlike linguistics.

>go read Durkheim
My sociology professor in college was obsessed with that fucker. I remember absolutely nothing about him aside from suicide rates and social cohesion. Was he the organicism vs mechanicism dude, or am I thinking of Spencer maybe?

I am not getting a gender studies degree m8

>a Masters
Teaching in a decent high school.
There's not much of a point in a history MA, most grad students for the subject are on the PhD track. Hell the average history department only awards a master's when you reach abd status, not even offered as a terminal degree.

I agree with
Btw, if you truly committed to teaching college Veeky Forums, refuse to grow complacent as a community college instructor. community/jr. colleges should be viewed as stepping stones to greater heights.


>Was he the organicism vs mechanicism dude
Mechanic and organic solidarity, yes. But the important thing here is his stance on methodology.

Is foreign language translator a good job to get into with a language degree? I mean it seems like the obvious choice but I don't really know what the demand is like or how well a language skill transfers into other fields of work.

who spends 10 years studying the evolution of roman tunics



Also anthropologists. Especially them.

I once knew a history academic who specialised in the types of ladder used in the trenches in WW1.



Youtube intellectual

>respected in my community

I'm sure this is absolutely the case that a high school english teacher is respected in his community.

how do u even devote ur life to something like tht

>division of labour was a mistake

hurr durr let me study the different types of grains of sand used to make lenses in 1900

I don't know what shithole you come from, but teachers and students had a very good relationship when I was in high school.
I remember most of my teachers fondly, and so do most people.

Virginian English Teacher here. Nearly all of my 10th graders like me and parents stop me in Walmart to shake my hand, asking how their illiterate little shits are doing on their essays, projects, etc. The feeling can sometimes be intoxicating.

>different types of grains of sand used to make lenses in 1900
That's unironically interesting to me.

unironically pursue this career path tht generates 0 value

>tht generates 0 value
That's a very subjective statement. Zeo value to brainlets, perhaps.