Unpopular opinions thread, go

Unpopular opinions thread, go

abs on women are disgusting

cardio bunnies are the master race

seated DB shoulder press >>>> overhead press

no fap increases test
cold shower increases test
intermittent fasting is the only valid way to cut
smoking cigarettes prevent lung cancer

I don't think the abs are the disgusting part, it's when a grill is too lean the area between her lower abs and her hips grosses me out.

I think Jeff Seid is natty

unless you are really tall and have extremely skinny legs, working out legs more then once a week is retarded for aesthetic purposes

>abs on women are disgusting

This is true and a popular opinion though.

>he's going full Veeky Forums...

Don't ever go full Veeky Forums

>He wants DOMS every week
>He wants shit tier leg strength
ok you're right user

No point in working on legs for aesthetics unless you have naturally thin legs

the only people who genuinely care about how much you lift are obese teenagers on the internet.

>smoking cigarettes prevent lung cancer

This is the best body.


Shit feels good dude. Yeah it sucks struggling to walk up and down stairs, but it's nice massaging them.


In the real world, you will rarely run into a situation where being able to squat more than 2plate would actually be necessary. Nobody outside the gym gives a shit how much you can squat. Not saying disregard it completely, but unless you really want big legs, 1x a week is fine.

You're just objectively incorrect though

back this claim then

>smoking cigarettes prevents lung cancer

wew lad, you almost got me

I respectfully disagree

you should not attempt to achieve a pro bodybulders physique. or even one like jeff seids. if you could achieve it you would already be a pro. just stay lean and aesthetic (proto-zyzz) and do cardio for that tan and leanness.

cold showers do not increase test

no fap will increase test if you only fap 1nce a week. any less than that and nofap will DECREASE test.

intermittant fasting really does not matter. its called having willpower to eat 3 well sized meals.

last one is bait. whyd I respond to the other ones. kek

how tall are u? 5'4?

this is true but its important to appear large and broad shouldered

agreed provided you can hit 4plate squat if you need to


No. Fucking upperbodylet.

Only after a week.
>Dana White.jpg




Cut down a few body fat digits and yes.


Tits are better than ass. Only those ZOG'd to the moon with black supremacy thought would disagree.

False. You'll realize this once you turn 18.

Also Veeky Forums standards are generally unrealistic and you'll be able to get by with much less, especially in terms of aesthetics.

Veeky Forums would be objectively better without /pol/

>Unpopular opinions
>Fag comes in trying to spout shit as fact

Kys faglord.

It's fact now.

Heavy deadlifts are retarded if you care about your long term health

I believe connor murphy isnt on roids

Nothing wrong with using machines

Front squats are superior to back squats

Heavy lifting isn't sustainable in the long term, no matter how good your form is

Racists are retarded and this is coming from someone who leans right.

Traps are gay

clean bulking is best
bread is good for you
steroids are okay ONLY if for aesthetics or acting

female here thinks both those men are sexy.

The body that women want is the body I want. I couldn't give less of a shit about what other guys think, especially those at the gym.

Zyzz is still the king.

The best exercises are conventional doh hook deadlifts and push press.
Bench, OHP, (hill) sprints, chinups/pullups, dips, SL, snatch grip or Romanian DLs, front squats and farmer's carries are ok
Sumo deadlifts, mix grip deadlifts, strap deadlifts and any other form of equipped lifting is a meme
Cleans, snatches, rows, high bar squats and LISS cardio are ass
Low bar squats are literally hitler

A properly planned vegan diet can be the healthiest, cheapest, best in regards to animal welfare and environmental sustainability, by far.

I only post this one anonymously because I am a faggot in expressing controversial opinions in public: eugenics should become a thing. Nothing too extreme, just quadriplegics or retards from birth. Nowhere near /pol/ territory even. Inb4 edgy, applies to this point and the next two.

Adultery should be punishable by life sentence.

Abortions should be carried out ONLY with written consent from BOTH parents. In cases of rape an exception is obviously made. In cases where one parent signs against abortion and the other for, the pregnancy is carried out normally and the latter parent FORFEITS their right to custody, regardless of gender.

The correct rating of the star wars movies is:
Great: 5>4
Good: 7>R1
Ok: 3>6
Bad: 1>2

The worst generation of Pokémon games is 3, by far. Fuck the trumpets in particular.

Tits > ass. Inb4 tits are fake asses, by that logic arms are fake legs. That is not the case because arms were made useful with evolution. Tits became beautiful with evolution. Ass men are disgusting apes.

>this is your mind on a vegan diet

Not vegan yet, even had beef burgers for dinner. But I am pro truth.

You have the lower body and you have no upper body, you got a problem building...wait a minute. You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. You have the upper...you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, the upper body, it is easier to build. So if you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, it is easier to build the upper body. You have the upper body and you don't have the legs, you got a problem building the lower body... No, you don't understand. You have the upper body, but you don't have the lower body, you got a problem building downstairs. You got the up- legs on the bottom, it is easier to build on the top, so you don't have much as a problem.

>7 not being the worst

R1 I would agree is between prequels and original trilogy, maybe even on par with 6

one can lose fat and gain muscle on IF when done correctly (no not noobgains)

How the fuck is this unpopular?

First of all, we have to at least agree that NO sw movie is worse than 1 and 2. To suggest otherwise is a poor effort in trolling.

Obviously it is not at 4 or 5 's level either, so there are the 4 middle spots left.

Now, it did look too much like 4. But:
The creators had to play it safe to win over the audience Lucas's shit writing alienated
It did introduce many cool, new and possibly unexpected concepts for some.
There are zero wasted or pointless plot threads (unlike 1, 2 or 6), few plotholes (3, R1) and the humor was on point. Maybe a bit too quippy for some at points, but overall definitely at least a passing grade.
I was emotionally invested in most main characters, and I liked how Rey and Kylo's characters and dynamics were introduced and built upon using the Han Solo plot device. From the beginning to the end, not just at his death.
All the flak it gets about relying too much on the older cast is unjustified. Leia, C3PO and R2D2 barely make a cameo, Han is a plot device, Chewie is just there, Vader is barely mentioned and Luke appears for 30 seconds with zero dialogue.
I also happen to enjoy rewatching it more than 3, 6 and R1. It's an opinion thread, isn't it?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SOCCER GRILLS

It was utter shit that threw everything everyone expected and wanted under the bus to redo the original fucking trilogy with a deeply unlikeable gurl power mary sue and a faggy obviously jewish fuccboi that no one will ever take seriously.
It introduced no good concepts. Everything it introduced has been absolute fucking trash on every level.

The only reason it did as well as it did was because of the star wars name and disney marketing and pull. That's it.

It's a goddamned train wreck.

If you have 6 inch dick and lift for girls...

You are going to end up in a bad situation.

Tall girls>short

Too bad im 5'8.

Only thing that upsets me about this height really. Love tall girls.

>Only thing that upsets me about this height really. Love tall girls.

w-why, user?

i like it!

>threw everything everyone expected and wanted under the bus
That's kind of star wars' thing. Have you seen episodes 3, 5 or 6?
>to redo the original fucking trilogy
You haven't seen episodes 8 and 9 yet so that is 67% wrong
>a deeply unlikeable gurl
Fuck off.
We had 6 movies with a male protagonist and will have 3 (less than the half of 9) with a female one. Wanting every single actor to be male is literally gay.
Nobody is pushing any agenda at you and even if you thing they do, how does it actually affect us? If you are that fragile to feel threatened by "gurl power", get a vascectomy.
And deeply unlikeable is just wrong. What is unlikeable about her? We spent some time with her at Jakku before the whole force deal, what did you dislike then?
>a faggy jewish
1) he is infinitely better than Christiensen in both acting skill and role
2) of course there is faggot in him, he is supposed to. "he has too much Anakin in him"
3) of course he is a gem, Fisher and Ford are both gems and he is supposedly their son
(Note how all of these are me agreeing about Kylo Ten's unlikeable traits but presenting how he is superior to Anakin to reinforce my point that 7 is not worse than 1 and 2)
>It introduced no good concepts.
We got a mind trick battle for the first time
We got to see the destroyed planets from the civilian's pov
The dream sequence was the tits
We got one of the best spaceship fights (Falcon vs TIEs in Jakku) which had more cooperation in it than "Luke shoot at them" and is really fun to see
We got a good guy stormtrooper. We got some tiny worldbuilding and elements that make the "defected stormtrooper" niche more believable than if we were just told so (as happened millions of times in episode 6 and the prequels) like "the masks filter out smoke but not toxins", "stay low it confuses their tracking". Little details that help with immersing yourself in the universe.
>Everything it introduced has been absolute fucking trash on every level.
10/10, (You)

Vegan diets are actually good for gains.
There is literally nothing wrong with liking traps, it's high-test.
There's no such thing as overtraining, only undersleeping and undereating.
Libertarian socialism would actually be a pretty good idea.
Bread is an OK source for carbs.
The new Star Wars movie was fantastic.
Deadlifts don't actually do anything, I just love them because they make me feel like a beast.
National Socialist Black Metal is the BEST music to lift to regardless of your beliefs.
Greyskull is better than SS because because of calisthenics, amraps and sane progression on squats and deads.
Scooby is natty. MAYBE getting TRT but within natty limits.