/ss/ general
For all the beginners currently doing the program, ask your questions here
/ss/ general
For all the beginners currently doing the program, ask your questions here
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what's going on in this pic?
spinal decompression
What to do when plateauing on squat, but still progressing on bench, clean, press, and diddy
Isolate the muscles involved for a few weeks with leg press, lunges, deload and go again.
Switch to intermediate progression for the stalling lift while keeping daily progress on everything else
Make sure your definition of plateau is correct and either reset or go into intermediate
what is the definition of plateau
fix your form
huh that's an interesting way to do it.
i do the same but holding wrist straps.
how do i not tear my shin skin doing the clean? rip says to never let the bar leave the skin, well its summer and i dont want to wear long pants to the gym
Chalk your legs or deadlift socks
how light is too light for a belt
your first two warmup sets
600 lbs
I keep seeing people shit on it, what would be a good alternative for beginning? SL5x5? Greyskull LP?
They are both not optimal
Will they work? Yes
As good as SS? No
400 lbs
do you guys have a curve in your deadlift form upper back when you first start?
>neutral spine
bodyweight for a belt is fine so....
Plateauing is not just having an off day or having to try extra hard. It's an extended period of time where your strength will not go up with your current routine or method. If you're plateauing because you're on a heavy cut, that's one thing. It might not mean that your program is flawed, but you just don't have enough calories to permit continuous growth. If your plateau is caused by a program tailored for beginners, it's time to switch programs to something more advanced and that has more optimal periodization for development. I'd recommend Texas Method if your plateau is consistent.
I went from dicking around without a routine or program to about a 265lb squat in which I began to plateau, never ran SS and decided not to do it since I wasn't really a beginner. Switched onto Texas Method which I'm on now, sitting at 335 for my squat at a BW of 140.
What do you mean?
would I be able to fight my way out of the manlet pit, after 4 weeks on SS?
Is it true that starting strength is a meme?
I'm about a month into stripped 5x5, (that's pretty close to ss right? I don't have the money for a gym membership, and I've got my dads old weights and barbell/dumbells so I've settled for stripped) and I've made some gains.
But is it true that ss is a meme? pic related
Should I switch routine if I'm trying to get to witcher-mode?
I'm doing stronglifts 3 days a week MWF.
Im not too far into the program (115 db bench, 205 squat, 275 dl) I want to ride a bike for cardio on off days resting Sunday. How hard can I go and not completely fuck my recovery? Would an hour long, 10-15 mile ride be reasonable?
>Stripped 5x5
As usual, i am not saying it doesn't work, but SS definitely works better, read the book, also don't go around saying you want "witcher mode", it sounds retarded
When weights still feel light you can do whatever, just plan based on how heavy your workout felt
Tbh that pic looks decent to me. Good foundation for aesthetically THICC
Sure it sounds retarded but you did understand the body I was trying to portray. I would do ss but I can't, considering I don't have anything to do dips with.
But the question still stands, will I get a body like the pic in my first post if I keep doing stripped 5x5, and if so, how should I change my routine to reach my goal body?
Also, here's a picture of a qt as thanks for the help
The program doesn't have dips, will you please read the book? Otherwise stop talking about SS
Now, as for witcher mode, it is perfectly achievable, just look at this SS guy:
Pretty similar, maybe he looks even better
The thing is he deadlifts 700 squats 600 and ohp 250 at 200lbs bodyweigth, with this I am not saying you need to achieve those numbers, what I am saying is your aesthetics depends on how fat you are, just keep going with your linear progression staying at a bodyfat level you are conformable with and once the progress stops move to an intermediate routine
No. It fucks me over for the lift. I start mid foot and take a big breathe in with my hands out and when I bend down, my shins are touching the bar
Thanks for the input, I usually feel pretty wiped at the end of my lifting sessions, but still want cardio for some reason.. ill go for a month and see how I feel.
Alright, I've only read the ss from the sticky
So I might not have the correct information.
But yeah, I'll get the book.
So it's not that related, but since I'm asking stuff: Is broader shoulders achievable from lifting?
Have some qt ass.
Sure, just get big shoulder, they will be fine if you reach a good OHP, do you think that someone who can press 200lbs overhead won't have broad shoulder?
Alright, sweet. One final question. How should I go about adding weight to the exercises I do if I bulk properly?
Really, read the book, it has every answer for every question you might think of, but basically you just add weight everyday, even if it's only 1-2 lbs, in the long run it make a big difference
sauce on the qt?
not him
add the weight on the next session if you hit 5x5 without failure.
remember to train abs.
also, delete all your fucking porn off your pc.
>stalling on squat
>progressing in deadlifts
What am I doing wrong? Is it because squat requires better form?
Maybe tell us your stats?
Some girl on instagram. Private account, sorry man.
Alright man, thanks. I need to add way more frequently than I have in that case. I'm gonna have to buy more weights too.
Thanks man, I'll download it first thing tomorrow.
More qt for fit
>5'11 @ 77kg (skinny fat newb gains)
>100lbs squat
>205lbs deadlift
My ohp and bench are shit because I got an injury so yeah
No, this should not be happening. Also lol @ that pic.
That's not even possible, did you write the wrong number?
There must be something wrong with your form, post a video
Also eat, at 85kg you won't get injured
>foundation of 1505 lbs powerlifting total
No because lots of manlets do SS.
>Should I switch routine if I'm trying to get to witcher-mode?
Witchers roid more than Captain America.
tfw 80kg flat and squatting 120kg 5x5
w a t
that pic was taken in the worst possible position and lightning. he actually looks really good for being a true natty unlike many others who just claim that.
Sweet, that's reassuring.
Have some more qt
Coming up on my 3rd month of ss
Was at 125x5 bench, 175x5 squat and 135x5 deadlift.
Now 170x5 bench, 225x5 squat and 320x5 deadlift and I'm 6'2.
How am I doing fit? Also what should I improve on?
My diddly is 285 but squat 165 soooooooooo
Depends on your goals. If you're looking for strength above all, do SS. If you're looking for suboptimal strength but more hypertrophy do SL or GSLP.
200 lbs
Not either of them, but that's nuts. My squat was 165 when my diddly was 225.
Oh yeah, which exercises would you recommend for abs? I'm assuming there's more than just sit-ups
>not buying pants that fit
>thinking you'll ever make it
Girls care about how you dress user, not just how you can curl them for reps.
Situps actually work your hips a lot, crunches are better. Leg lifts straight up and down as well as cross body are worth doing. V-ups are also pretty good.
Alright bro, thanks.
Here's a qt for you
Hanging leg raises or captain chair leg raises . I exclusively do these and i went from 3x5 bad form bent knees to 3x12 straight legs in 3 weeks on a cut.
Im sort of tall for an asian, so i have weird propertions. I always have trouble squatting since I want better form. I reached 130lbs squat but my form was shit (like a good morning) so I kept deloading.
Is it worth even doing the program? If so, for how long?
Is your lower back in extension? If so, upper back flexion isn't a big deal. Just make sure you're aware of the difference between the two and cue yourself chest up in step 5 of the set up. Some people struggle to get into the start position without a little thoracic flexion, especially if they're taller or have long legs/short arms.
Honestly answer this, what do you want to achieve? If you want to be strong then yes. If you want to look good then there are more optimal options.
The success to either answer will heavily depend on your commitment. If you just 'kinda want to be strong/hot' then you will be like every other half assed fucker and quit after 2 months because you didn't turn into a model/strong man. If it's something you are willing to put the time into it will be effective.
Also be realistic in your goals. Most of the models/youtube/instagram/whatever dudes you see out there that you want to lift like/look like have been training consistently for a decade or more, typically with some sort of PED and meticulous attention to diet, sleep etc. You'll see 'I did X in 6 months' posted here all the time, it's bullshit in most cases. Getting a 6 pack or squatting lmao3pl8s legitimately takes a long time of serious work.
Wall of text for simple question, but it gets frustrating seeing the same question asked and then people 6 months from where you are crying that it didn't work when they didn't try or thought SS would make them look like a model. It gets you strong, if this is your goal then do it.
how much does it cost and how long does it take to certify a trainer for ss trainers, M-r Rip?
Yes. Ignore the people telling you it's shit for aesthetics, because those people are morons. It's a program that gets you as strong as possible in as short a time as possible. You do it until it stops working (defined as stalling for one week on squats or deadlifts and then stalking again after a 10% offload.)
If you do it CORRECTLY, which almost nobody does, depending on where you started out, you'll gain about 40-50lbs (about 60% of which will be muscle) or you'll maintain weight but radically drop your body fat %age, and you'll reach lifts in the ballpark of 1/2/3/4 in 3-6 months. People will tell you that's bullshit. Those people didn't actually do the program. I added 100kg to my squat in about 5 months doing SS and it probably would've been 3 if I hadn't fucked it up.
3-6 months isn't a very long time, and the physical/health benefits of reaching that level of strength will stay with you forever. If your goal is really just aesthetics, you'll be able to get that quite quickly after doing SS properly just by fine tuning your diet.
huh that's an interesting way to do it.
i do the same but with my neck.
Gonna make it short
>6'4 180lb
>skelly but have been doing BW for the last 2 years on and off including some shitty 3 day splits that I made up
>started doing SS
>upper body stronger than legs by a lot
>bench 70kg squat 70kg
>ohp 45kg deadlift 100kg
>deads and squat progressing at medium pace because I've never done then before (2 weeks into ss now)
>bench and OHP barely progressing at all since I've been doing them for 3 months or so
What do I do? Are these stats too disproportionate?
How much weight are you trying to add to the pressing movements? You generally won't be able to manage more than 1kg more per session after the first few weeks.
Smallest plates my gym has are 2.5kg, so I can add a minimum of 5kg unfortunately.
I can do 50kg OHP for 2 and a half sets, but isn't the point to have full 3x5 sets? I don't want to bloat my numbers when I can't do the full set.
your BW is too low and all your lifts are weak. you don't have to do anything special, just keep eating, gaining BW and doing a linear progression. make sure you have microplates so you can make 1 kg jumps on bench/press.
Buy your own. There's no way you'll progress presses or cleans like that. I'm surprised you've been able to get so far on squats even.
Why? 5kg doesn't feel that much of an increment for squats, I guess I will have to buy the plates, it will be wierd as fuck bringing my own plates to the gym but ok...
You're chasing injury if you do shoulder movements with those kind of increases. Rippetoe himself recommends using weights as low as half a pound (a quarter of a kilo) when it comes to OHP.
The 'music" on that video is fucking horrible
Anything reaching 70 - 80% of your max imo.
Unless your max is really shitty and isn't even above your own bodyweight
I find it hard to not round my back while going down doing Deadlifts is it because I can't handle the weight? Im 110kg and DLing 70, started 2 weeks ago
Watch this
Shit advice. Better advice would be:
>post form check on SS coaches board (don't ask user on fucking Veeky Forums)
>eat moar, sleep moar
>get shoes and belt if you don't have them
>10-15% deload if everything else is in order
Just go down faster
0 lbs
My squat is catching up to my deadlift. This is because of math: I'm putting 15 pounds a week on my squat, but I'm only deadlifting 1.5x a week, going up in 5-pound jumps. Wat do?
It seems perverted to be squatting 95% of my DL. Increase DL weight faster? Wait for squat to stall and reset?
increase dl faster
by your logic your squat will improve 60kg per month, thats 720kg a year. you'll be the strongest man on earth.
once you get through the reality of neuromuscular limitations will hit you like a truck. nobody can add 5kg to his lift forever. elite athletes struggle to even add 2.5 to their PR.
get shoes do you mean squat shoes like romaleos? terrible advice for a beginner.
your squat will stall so much faster than your DL. even then, it is not uncommon to have squat comparable to DL. theres various reasoning such as pumpedness, enjoyment, etc. as long as you are adding weight in appropriate fashion, dont sweat things too much. btw, you should be able to add 10-20lb to DL early.
>get shoes do you mean squat shoes like romaleos? terrible advice for a beginner
You don't know what you are talking about
clarify first then what do you mean by shoes. some people especially the more financially capable or those with daddy moneys actually purchase these things in their first months. drop out rates especially on a program like SS that demands caloric surplus are what? at least 70%?
getting quality weightlifting shoes is one of the best thing you can do for your squat.
Shoes doesn't mean 200$ shoes, it means a solid base shoes with an heel.
If you want to squat, and even for the other lift, you need proper footwear
yes this what I was going for when I asked you to clarify. you would not believe how shitheads mistake you when you say you should get a proper shoe.